please stop making anime

Chapter 227 How can this plot be written like this? !

Chapter 227 How can this plot be written like this? !

It was time for the latest episode of CL to be played again. Guo Meng turned on his mobile phone and waited patiently. The two-dimensional fans who have been promoting the bloody propaganda of the Festival Society these days have seen it. Zhao Ran, who was reluctant to change a battery car, invested so much money.

The fans of the Jie Cao Club are also very helpful. They tell them how powerful the Jie Cao Club is, and how awesome Zhao Ran is. Started the second season of cl this anime.

"I'm looking forward to it." Guo Meng held the Fat House Happy Water in his left hand and the freshly torn potato chips in his right hand, and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Very punctual, at the scheduled time, the second season of cl began to air.

The beginning of the plot is still the story of the little girl and the robot. The robot seems to be leaving, but the little girl doesn't want the robot to go, but wants the robot to stay with her all the time, but the robot just leaves.

The audience has long been used to the robot and the little girl's plot, and their stories are outside the main line, so the audience didn't think much about it.

Even if they always feel that there is something wrong with the story of this robot and the little girl.

After the plot of the little girl and the robot, the OP is inserted, and the plot returns.

"Have you brought everything?"

"Well, no problem."

"Xiaoxi, let's take Dad out."

After a few simple conversations between the host and the hostess, the hostess opened the door and walked out, while the hostess walked to the door with a big belly. The last sentence was obviously said by the hostess to the child in her stomach.

"It's so fast, that lovely girl from before has now become someone else's wife, and the child is about to be born." Guo Meng felt a little emotional.

This is also the case in reality. A good buddy who used to play well, after getting married, when he sees his buddies, the children will run away.

Time is cruel. In the blink of an eye, childhood passes by. I haven't realized the youthful youth. I have already stepped into youth, busy with work, looking for a suitable girl to marry and have children, noisy marriage, watching children laughing and laughing. , and when they turned around again, they were already gray-haired.

Children who once complained that time passed too slowly and childhood was too boring have grown up, and they always smile wryly when they think back to their silly childhood thoughts.

The anime's plot continues, and the title of this episode is "White Shadow".

A very strange title, Guo Meng couldn't help frowning when he saw this title.

should be no big problem
It is normal for Zhao Gou to die in battle, but in daily life, Zhao Gou generally will not let the characters in it die.

Besides, this is an anime heroine!How could something go wrong?
Unless Zhao Gou is really a bad person.

After the title came out, the plot story continued.

The first half of the animation is mainly about some warmer and more cheerful content, and the audience is very excited to watch it.

The audience likes this kind of plain warmth, and is a little touched.

Guo Meng held a Coke in one hand, grabbed a few handfuls of potato chips and ate them in the other. This animation is really good, Guo Meng thought to himself.

But in the second half of the plot, it was snowing heavily in the sky and I don't know when it will stop. All the traffic in the whole town was paralyzed, but the heroine was lying on the bed with a high fever and began to have abdominal pains.

Premature!And two weeks earlier than expected!
When the audience saw this, their hearts were raised in their hearts, and they were very afraid that something would happen to the heroine. Fortunately, the doctor arrived successfully.

Since I can't go to the hospital, I can only give birth at home.

The animation depicts the plot of the heroine giving birth very realistically. The audience seems to have entered the plot, and the oppressive and painful feeling makes people breathless.

The audience was just like the hero at this time, very nervous, sitting in front of the screen waiting to suffer.

Suddenly there was the sound of a baby crying.

The baby was finally born safely.

And the male protagonist, as the female protagonist had hoped before, was the first to run over and hug the child.

After seeing this, the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

fine!fine!Although I was a little nervous inside, there was no mistake, it was just a false alarm.


Soon the audience was dumbfounded.

The hostess was very weak after giving birth, her eyes were closed with sweat, her face was even more pale and terrible, she looked like she was dying.

No way!
Zhao Gou, no!

The audience prayed in their hearts, hoping that Zhao Ran would keep someone under the sword!
At this time, the heroine weakly half-opened her eyes to talk to the hero, but after a few words, the heroine wanted to rest.

The plot is getting more and more wrong, the hero desperately wants to talk to the heroine, but the heroine is so angry that she doesn't even have the strength to respond.

But at the end of the plot, the heroine closed her eyes, no matter how the hero shouted, it was useless.

The male protagonist held the newly born child with tears streaming down his cheeks.

Memories of the past flashed through the male protagonist's mind, and in the end there was only a monologue left by the male protagonist: "It would be fine if we hadn't met."

ed inserts at this time, Episode No.16 is over, leaving only the confused expressions on the faces of the audience who are watching this anime.

The heroine is dead? !
just die? !

I am Nima! ! !
Zhao dog! ! !

Where is my 40-meter broadsword? !

How dare you write about the development of nuclear energy?
No wonder!No wonder that guy Zhao Gou spends so much money on publicity!You shouldn't believe that guy has any good intentions!He is a naked provocation!

Guo Meng could already foresee how the hearts of the audience would explode at this time.

In fact, Guo Meng's premonition was not wrong. After watching Episode No.16, the audience almost dropped their mobile phones angrily!
"I just want to kill Zhao Ran! How could he! How could he write the heroine to death!"

"I can't stop the tears, it's too cruel."

"How dare he! How dare he write such a popular character so hastily?! I want to swear right now! I'm going to scold the Ethics Club!"

"The tears can't be stopped at all! Can't you be a good person, Zhao Gou!"

"Is there any group to blow up the cesspit of the Jie Cao Club? Take me, I'm going to blow up the Jie Cao Club to pieces!"

The audience feel uncomfortable!

How can this plot be written like this? !

If it weren't for the rule of law, these angry viewers would have gone straight to the Festival Club to force Zhao Ran to change the plot!
That night, countless viewers went to Pinxixi to buy blades and send them to the Festival Club.

That night, the Festival Club received countless harassing calls, all of which were verbal threats to Zhao Ran.

It was also that night that the latest episode of cl, the new work of the Festival Society, was listed at the top of the hot search list for a full eight hours!

All the forums about the second season of CL turned from good reviews to bad reviews overnight.

As for Zhao Ran's evaluation, it changed from praise and admiration to ridicule and contempt overnight.

You, old thief Zhaogou, I will never die with you!

(End of this chapter)

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