please stop making anime

Chapter 248 The main story is yet to come!

Chapter 248 The main story is yet to come!

The title of the latest episode is interesting, titled "Geass vs. Geass".

The so-called "Geass" is actually another name for the ability obtained by the protagonist Lelouch in this anime.

After seeing this title, the audience all showed doubts. In the previous plot, only the protagonist had the power of king, but now the title means that besides the protagonist, there are other people who have this ability, which is a bit interesting. , if only the protagonist has the power of king, it is easy for the protagonist to master the world, but if there are many people with this ability, then the plot will be very twists and turns.

The audience is very curious, if there is another person who has the power of the king, is this person an enemy or a friend?If it is the enemy protagonist, how will he deal with it?If it is a friend, then what kind of help will this person with the power of the king provide to the protagonist?
And judging from the plot, the protagonist Lelouch is very likely to choose to use his ability to make Xia Li forget all that, and if there is another person who has the ability, can this person be allowed to help the protagonist?

In short, the addition of a person who can control the plot makes the audience full of expectations. Of course, these are just what they think in their hearts, and the specific plot should be based on animation.

The thirteenth episode has already started, the protagonist Lelouch slowly wakes up, and then he immediately asked CC to give orders to his subordinates to retreat, but there are some situations that the protagonist is very concerned about, for example, Xia Li cannot be found!

And looking at the situation at the scene, it wasn't just Xia Li who came, there was another one!One of them was shot, while the other was wounded!

On the other side, Xia Li was crying and writing something on the paper. Looking at the current situation, the person who was shot was not her, but another person.

The protagonist didn't understand the situation at the time, but he couldn't help but care about seeing Xia Li, so he decided to investigate the truth of the matter!

Sneaking into Xia Li's dormitory secretly, and then searching around, finally found the photo of the protagonist that Xia Li treasured, and the protagonist also knew a lot of information based on Xia Li's notes, and deduced where Xia Li might go.

In front of the memorial tablet, Xia Li said to herself: "Lelouch, why did you do such a thing!"

And then, a mysterious man appeared, and he seemed to know what happened.

According to the dictation of the mysterious man, the truth of the matter was slowly revealed.

The person who shot was Xia Li, but it was another woman in the empire who was shot, that is, this woman told Xia Li that Lelouch might be related to the Black Knights. The mysterious man was talking, and Xia Li Then wept bitterly.

And at this moment, in a close-up shot of the anime, the mysterious man actually had the Geass logo in his eyes.

Is this the person who has the same ability as Lelouch?Looking at the current plot, this person should be an enemy, so, can the protagonist defeat him?
But in the second half of the plot, Lelouch and CC finally came to the place where Xia Li's father was buried, but they didn't see Xia Li, so they decided to split up to look for it.

And when Lelouch was looking for Xia Li, he received a call from Xia Li, but the person who spoke was not Xia Li, but a strange man.

The male protagonist asked where Xia Li was, but the mysterious man asked the male protagonist to compete with him in chess. In the tram, the protagonist played chess with the mysterious man. The man who said it was the first time he played chess was easy Won the protagonist, which surprised the protagonist.

When the protagonist finally saw Xia Li, Xia Li pointed a gun at Lelouch and said that the protagonist should die to make atonement.

"I will die with you."

Xia Li was very painful, and the protagonist finally learned from Xia Li's mouth that Xia Li shot someone to death in order to keep the protagonist's secret.

But the protagonist suspects that this is actually the bewitchment of the mysterious man, and the person who was hit is most likely not dead!

Xia Li has now become the opponent's pawn, against him!

The protagonist tried to persuade Xia Li not to be impulsive, and the painful Xia Li fired a shot in the general direction of the protagonist. The bullet passed by the protagonist's head and missed, but the protagonist still fell backwards due to the body reflex. Charlie's treasured photos also fell out.

Xia Li's thoughts were in a mess when she saw the photo, and the mysterious man didn't expect such an accident.

Seeing that Xia Li was out of control, the mysterious man decided to do it himself, but Xia Li shot the mysterious man with a gun.

While stabilizing Xia Li with words, the mysterious man walked into the tram and took out another gun. He decided to kill Xia Li and Lelouch together!
And at this moment, cc successfully arrived to stop the mysterious man's plan, and when the mysterious man left, the camera turned to Lelouch and Xia Li.

"Enough is enough, Charlie!"

"I shot! I shot someone!"

"It's all my fault, Xia Li is not at fault!" After speaking, Lelouch hugged Xia Li into his arms and hugged her tightly.

And Xia Li's face was full of tears, and she blamed herself: "But I... but I shot Lulu!"

"This crime, let me bear it!"

"I just want you to treat me gently, Lulu."

"What's wrong with doing that?"

"But... But Dad is obviously dead."

"Forget about it all, just forget about all the painful and annoying things."

"But... But Lulu, I can't do it."

"I can do it! I can make you forget about this painful thing, Charlie, I'm sorry about your father, if there is an afterlife, I will" While talking, the protagonist used the own abilities.

"No!!" Charlie resisted, but it was too late.

Xia Li forgot her memory, and she also forgot Lelouch!
In front of the memorial monument, Xia Li turned around and walked a few steps to stop and look at Lelouch.

"Um... Excuse me, did you also lose your relatives?" Xia Li asked Lelouch, who had lost her memory.

"Not a friend, my most precious friend." Lelouch replied.

Charlie didn't quite understand.

"People will always realize her beauty when they lose it, and the redemption from her smile may never be realized"

"You seem to like that person a lot, don't you?"

"Now I can't get an answer."

"Dawn will come, although I don't know why I came here, maybe I just want to put an end to something, although there are many unforgettable things in my heart, and there are too many sad memories, but the dawn will eventually Isn’t it coming? So please don’t suppress yourself.”

"That's true, thank you so much all the time." Lelouch finished speaking, then turned and left in Xia Li's doubts.

And the audience who saw this has long been abused by the current plot, the old audience who have experienced CL will only feel that the plot is a bit sad, and those newbies have been tortured to death by this plot.

No wonder there are rumors on the Internet that Zhao Ran's works should be viewed with caution!This level of tear gas is indeed leveraged!
The newcomers who have seen Zhao Ran's tear-jerking ability probably don't know it yet, and now the plot is just the beginning!
The drama is still to come!

(End of this chapter)

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