please stop making anime

Chapter 249 The Wonderful Will Continue

Chapter 249 The Wonderful Will Continue
The plot slowly moved forward, and as the plot of the anime by the rebellious Lu Luxiu slowly unfolded, audiences who once thought this anime was a cool show were slapped in the face by the plot of this anime.

The beginning of this anime is really cool, but, as the plot unfolds, why does this anime, which the audience thinks is purely cool, become more and more cruel?

For example, the protagonist Lelouch originally wanted to entrust his sister to his good brother Suzaku to help take care of his sister, but in an operation, the protagonist discovered that the mecha that had been fighting against him was controlled by Suzaku!This incident hit the protagonist very hard.

In the following plot, the princess also knew that the protagonist was actually Zero, but the princess Euphemia didn't tell anyone else after she knew Lelouch's identity.

Even in the later stage of the plot, the princess Euphemia publicly announced the establishment of an administrative special zone, and invited Lelouch, who is zero, and his black knights to join, hoping to save Lelouch and his sister in this way Nunnally, the decision of the princess actually brought great confusion to the protagonist.

At the inauguration ceremony of the special zone, the protagonist Lelouch appeared as zero, and then proposed to have a private talk with the princess Euphemia.

Since Princess Euphemia knew the identity of the protagonist, she agreed.

In order to resolve the crisis brought by the establishment of the administrative special zone to the Black Knights, the protagonist Lelouch made a decision to let Euphemia shoot him in public, but the princess Euphemia did not do that, and moved out of Nunnally. To persuade the protagonist Lelouch.

The sister-controlling Lelouch was naturally successfully persuaded, but what he didn't expect was that the supernatural power he had obtained suddenly went berserk at that moment and gave the emperor an order to kill the Neon Man.

After receiving this order, the kind and benevolent princess Euphemia began to kill and wreak havoc.

In the end, the helpless protagonist can only let the Black Knights find the princess and kill her, and in the end it was the protagonist who fired the gun himself!

Lelouch naturally blamed himself in his heart, but the incident of the princess also gave him an opportunity. The protagonist used the incident of the princess to create momentum for himself and attack Tokyo.

But in the decisive battle in Tokyo, the protagonist's sister was taken away. In order to rescue his sister, the protagonist had to put everything aside to rescue his sister Nunnally, but before the protagonist arrived, he met Suzaku and Karen .

Suzaku's marksmanship is good, and he knocked off the helmet of Lelouch who was playing Zero with one shot, and his real identity was revealed. Karen was shocked when she saw Zero's real identity, and Suzaku on the side really wanted to deal with this matter. It's no surprise.

And Lelouch the Rebellious, the first season of the anime also ended with Suzaku and Lelouch pointing guns at each other.

This anime obviously has a follow-up plot, but the first season has ended, and if you want to see the next plot, you need to watch the second season.

Although the scene of Suzaku and Lelouch shooting at each other at the end of the first season was igniting, it made people feel more sad, and, in the end, who was shot between the two?Zhao Gou didn't talk about the plot, and what's going on with the protagonist's sister, whether her life is in danger...these first season didn't explain.

So is this broken?Breaking chapters in a novel already makes people's teeth itch, and anime does this too?Moreover, the audience still doesn't know whether this anime will make a second season or not!Even if you plan to make a second season, when will it start?Moreover, even if the festival begins production immediately, viewers will have to wait a few months for the animation production time to see the second season!

That's fine, they have to wait patiently, but, this very cruel!
Which idiot netizen said that this anime is happy?Come to my grandfather!

"The plot is getting more and more abusive. God knows how I ended up chasing it. Moreover, after I finished watching it, I still look forward to the second season of this anime. Is there something wrong with my psychology!"

"This is the authentic Zhao Ran flavor, right? Although Joyful Zhao Ran can also produce, he doesn't produce too many animations of that type."

"Generally, his works have a good start, which will make the audience feel good, and then as the plot progresses, the audience just want to go to the festival club to beat Zhao Ran."

"Three episodes, a little abuse, five episodes, a big abuse, this anime is already very good, at least the plot of the first ten episodes or so is still very enjoyable for people to watch."

"So, when will the second season be produced, or is it not planned to be produced?!"

Of course, the production needs to be produced. After the first season of the rebellious Lelouchi animation is finished, the festival club has already started to get busy.

"President Er, can you take some responsibility for your works!" Li Xuan felt a little headache after seeing the rebellious Lu Luxiu second season proposal and the general plot that Zhao Ran handed over.

This is not the first time, Zhao Ran only gave a rough plot several times, and some even only drew a few pictures!God knows what that means!
"Well, don't pay too much attention to the details. I will go there in person when the production starts. Writing the plot is really troublesome. If it wasn't for dealing with the staff and telling them that the second season will be produced, I wouldn't even have this proposal. You can read and write." Zhao Ran took a sip of health-preserving tea.

Li Xuan took a rough look at the general plot of the rebellious Lu Luxiu, then raised his head and glanced at the calm Zhao Ran again: "President, is the plot really planned?"

"is there a problem?"

"The plot. Why do I think it's a bit cruel? I hope the audience will like this kind of plot arrangement." Li Xuan said.

The audience likes it?Not many viewers have a tendency to be masochistic, but the animation quality of the rebellious Lelouchi is very high, so I don't have to worry about those viewers not watching it.

Coupled with the popularity accumulated in the first season, in the second season, there must be many people moving small benches and waiting for the anime to air.

The first season of rebellious Lu Luxiu performed very well. After the first season was finished, the number of hits had easily exceeded [-] million, the number of followers was tens of millions, and the score was more than nine points. No matter how you look at it, this is a masterpiece. do.

As long as the second season is steady and steady, then this anime will become a peak of mecha works.

When Li Xuan left Zhao Ran's office, Zhao Ran turned on the computer on the office desk and logged on to his Weibo, and then posted the news that the rebellious Lu Luxiu had decided to produce the second season, but he didn't say the specific date will play.

The excitement will continue, the rebellious Lu Luxiu is waiting for your arrival, wait, Zhao Ran said a lot, and praised how well-produced many super-burning plots in this animation, the artists for this plot How much labor is paid.

Netizens commented with "hush".

(End of this chapter)

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