Chapter 250
The rebellious Lu Luxiu's second season of this animation will naturally be produced, and the audience is very surprised to see Zhao Ran's Weibo post.

After all, according to Zhao Ran's usual style, he almost never makes a second season of an anime, and this is the second time something unexpected happened except for CL.

"I'm blown away, everyone knows how tear-jerking that cl anime is, right? Now Zhao Gou plans to make a second season, that is to say, the second season of this anime is the focus? Otherwise, with Zhao Gou's vision, I must be very disdainful of the production of the second season!"

"I just wanted to watch a cool show, but now it's good, and I'm going to start crying again? I'm a little afraid to watch the next plot, but! Zhao Gou's works are so wonderful! I can't help it at all!"

"What's wrong with the tearjerking? If the plot is plain, you still think the anime is good? It's because Zhao Gou's animation plot is so exciting that people are addicted to it!"

"Everyone, next season, Zhao Gou should make a bigger move! You have to be mentally prepared! Zhao Gou's tears will kill you! The last time I saw Zhao Gou's anime work cl, I cried so badly!"

Zhao Ran didn't expect the audience to think so much. Didn't he just say that he planned to make the second season of the rebellious Lu Luxiu anime?How are you doing now?
After thinking about it, Zhao Ran decided to restore his reputation, although now he has been equated with titles such as "tear-jerker" and "love warrior".

Papapa, Zhao Ran typed on the keyboard like flying hands: "Everyone, please believe me, this anime is definitely not what you imagined!"

Zhao Ran went so far, too many explanations can only show that he is guilty, and Zhao Ran can't say that this anime doesn't make tears, right?Not cruel?It can only be said that this is a different plot than what you imagined, a different kind of abuse!
Of course, it is impossible to say that he is abused!
"Huh? Do you think we will believe it? Every time you swear that the plot of the anime is not cruel, what happens? It makes people so cruel that they want to bring a knife to the door!"

"I can only say, Zhao Gou, your words are useless! Mengxin may still believe your nonsense, old fried dough sticks, you still want to cheat? Zhao Gou, you are too young!"

"Although I already know that the next season will be abused, I will still watch it. It will always be a pity if I don't watch such a good work."

"Now that the second season hasn't come out yet, you are so sure that the next season will be abusive? Have you forgotten about being slapped in the face by Zhao Gou?"

Because of the two days when Zhao Ran posted Weibo, the trending searches about him reached the top of the list at a speed visible to the naked eye. As for other traffic stars, they were directly kicked down by Zhao Ran.

Brother is not in the Jianghu, but the Jianghu is a legend!

After reading the comments of those silly netizens for a while, Zhao Ran turned off the computer and looked at his watch.

According to the usual practice, after an animation work becomes popular, the Festival Society will hold a celebration banquet and then give its employees a short holiday.

When the long holiday is over, it will be the start of the second season of the rebellious Lelouchi anime!
After casually saying a few words at the party and winning applause, Zhao Ran sat in his seat contentedly and drank a small glass of white wine.

Now that the domestic economy is relatively sluggish, many companies have closed down one after another. There are not many profitable companies like Jie Caoshe.

In fact, not only the domestic economy is in a downturn, the economies of all countries in the world are not in a good mood, and now there are very few private companies like the Festival Society that can give their employees a lot of benefits.

After the long vacation, the Festival Club has already planned to start production of the second season, but at this moment, a piece of good news came, which instantly ignited the atmosphere of the busy staff of the Festival Club
Zhao Ran is very calm about the animation award. With the current level of domestic animation, Zhao Ran is sure that all animations will win the award. The previous animation did not win the award because Zhao Ran did not participate.

As for this time, Zhao Ran actually didn't intend to participate, but Li Xuan made his own decision, and it was impossible for Zhao Ran to reprimand Li Xuan for this matter.

"President, you seem to be quite calm, sweep away! Our work directly won all the awards! Regardless of the soundtrack or dubbing! We are the best!" Li Xuan was very excited. For a work, what The most realistic?Awards with gold content are the most real!

Just like the film industry, if you want to increase your social status, you only need to win the three gold medals, and if you win the three gold medals, then you can become a big name!

And your appearance fee will also rise, and you can easily earn millions, tens of millions, or even over [-] million a month!
Almost all ordinary people use actors and celebrities to describe those actors and stars, but why don't they want to be like them in their hearts?It is so easy to make money, so easy that ordinary people doubt their lives.

Working hard in a sweatshop from dawn to dusk, the money earned for a month is not as much as that leaked through the fingers of others.

"As long as we think about it, we can win the award almost every time, right? There's no need to be excited. Besides, it's not a high-value award, at best, it's the most famous award in domestic animation." I specifically asked the staff what award it was, but Zhao Ran had never heard of the name of that award at all, and finally found out after searching on the Internet that the award is the most valuable award in the domestic animation industry.

As for Zhao Ran not knowing the name of this award, it is easy to understand. The development of domestic animation is very slow. The slow development makes this industry hardly have many awards, and the competitiveness is relatively small. Naturally, Zhao Ran's works can easily win awards.

The quality of this anime is very high!Even if it won the most developed neon in the animation industry in the previous life, this animation can also win the award for the best neon!
Of course, the premise is that you don't come across those few animations that are also masterpieces.

If some works compete with the anime of the rebellious Lelouch in the same period, the anime of the rebellious Lelouch may not be able to compare, such as the magical girl Madoka
If the rebellious Lelouch and Madoka Madoka Magica compete on the same stage, what the result will be is really unimaginable.

Both animations are masterpieces, and competing on the same stage is simply what God wants to watch in this period. As for who will win in the end, no one knows.

Of course, apart from the rare super masterpieces, the work of the rebellious Lelouchi can be said to completely suppress other animations!

But now the level of animation in China can no longer be called a comprehensive suppression, it should be called a weft reduction strike!
ps: Why do I suddenly write fewer words?I'm a bit confused. By the way, not many people read this novel now, right?Hope has been lost.

(End of this chapter)

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