Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 100 Stepmother Became a Demon Again

Chapter 100

In the evening, in Linjia Village, Pingshan County, Zhongzhou City, a north wind suddenly blew up, and the bare trees in the village were creaked.

Gradually, snowflakes began to fall in the gray sky, and the people in the village walked to their homes, and the children in the village were playing happily. Said: "It's snowing, it's snowing!"

As for Lin Aiguo, a family of five gathered around the stove in the main room, waiting for the rice to cook while warming up.

Suddenly, the phone at home rang.

Lin Aiguo stood up, picked up the landline phone, and said, "Hello, who is it?"

"Patriotic, I'm your younger brother and sister Xu Mei!" On the other end of the phone, Xu Mei said with a smile.

"My brother and sister, why did you remember to call me?" Lin Aiguo asked in confusion.

"I'm calling to tell you something. Today I met Lin Qing in Zhongzhou City. I saw that she was very fashionable. If I didn't look carefully, I almost didn't recognize her. I saw a Qian's man came to pick her up, and the two of them seemed very close, I was afraid that something might happen to her, so I wanted to tell you, now the little girl's family has been cheated a lot, if something happens, it's too late to regret it."

Although Xu Mei said she was doing good for the other party, every word she said was very cruel, implying that Lin Qing had done something bad.

"This rebellious girl is ashamed and thrown to Zhongzhou. Don't worry, I'll call her right away." Lin Aiguo said.

Although he said he wanted to sever ties with Lin Qing, Lin Qing was his biological daughter after all, blood was thicker than water, so it was a lie to say that he was not worried.The reason why he made such a big fuss before was to make Lin Qing bow his head and make the family harmonious. Who would have thought that the other party not only did not bow his head and admit his mistake, but also threw him to Zhongzhou City ashamedly, and let his relatives meet him. Now he doesn't care It doesn't work either.

Hearing Lin Aiguo's angry voice, Yang Chun asked, "Aiguo, who's calling?"

"It's Xu Mei's call." Lin Aiguo said.

"Her phone? How did she remember to call you? Didn't she always think highly of herself, and didn't want to have too much contact with poor people like us?" Yang Chun wondered.

Although Xu Mei goes home every year for the New Year, she really doesn't like these poor relatives too much, so every time she goes back to Linjiacun, she always looks superior and shows off her sense of superiority.

That's why Lin Hua was raised to be vain, and she didn't want to go back to her grandparents' house in the countryside during the holidays, because she either despised the dirty dry toilets or the dirty kitchen.From her birth to the present, the number of times she has returned to Lin's Village can be counted on one's fingers, so she does not know Lin Qing.

Lin Aiguo said helplessly: "Xu Mei said that she met Lin Qing in Zhongzhou City. She saw that Lin Qing was very close to a rich man. She really pissed me off. I'm ashamed to go to Zhongzhou City. If someone touches her, where will she put my old face?"

"I said you can't let her move out her household registration, but you didn't listen at that time." Yang Chun was also very angry at this time. If Lin Qing's reputation is ruined, it will be difficult for her to get the gift money, even if she can get it. , will also be significantly reduced.

"Didn't I get dizzy at the time?" Lin Aiguo said awkwardly.

"Now think about how to solve this problem? Before the rumor spreads to Lin Family Village, let's quickly help Lin Qing get married and ask Xu Mei not to spread this matter." Yang Chun said.

"Lin Qing is so disrespectful to you, and you still think about her so much, it's really hard work for you!" Lin Aiguo showed a deeply affectionate expression.

"Okay, don't be nasty, hurry up and find a way to solve the problem." Yang Chun smiled softly.

"Well, I'll call Lin Qing immediately to ask her to come back."

As Lin Aiguo spoke, he dialed Lin Qing's number.

Seeing that it was time for dinner soon, Xiao Muting recommended a very good restaurant to Lin Qing. The dishes in that restaurant were very special. After getting to know Lin Qing for so long, he knew that Lin Qing liked delicious food, so he wanted to take her to try it.

Lin Qing and Xiao Muting were about to leave for the restaurant when Lin Qing's phone rang.

"Hello, who is it?" Lin Qing didn't look at the number, and directly connected to the channel.

"Hmph, I'm your father, I said Lin Qing, how could you do such a thing? Do you still know how to be ashamed?" Lin Aiguo blamed him as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Oh? What did I do to make you so angry." Lin Qing sarcastically said, she didn't know why Lin Aiguo went crazy.

"You were ambiguous with rich men in Zhongzhou City, and your aunt Xu Mei happened to meet her, and she told me. You said that you were ashamed and thrown to Zhongzhou City, and you said you had to go to school, that's how you are Are you going to school? I think you don't want to go to school anymore, come back to me quickly, and take advantage of the Chinese New Year, when there are more young people at home, go on a blind date and get engaged." Lin Aiguo said.

"Oh? You just believe what others say. When have you ever believed me? You don't need to take care of my affairs." Lin Qing sneered.

She felt sad for Xiao Linqing. It is the best choice for such a family to really sever ties.

"You rebellious girl, I'm not doing it for your own good. If you weren't my daughter, I wouldn't bother with you. You've lost all my face." Lin Aiguo scolded angrily, annoyed that Lin Qing didn't understand him , but why did he think about Lin Qing?

"Hmph, you are worried about your own face. Besides, we have already severed the relationship, and my affairs have nothing to do with you in the future." Lin Qing hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Lin Qing, this evil person, actually wants to sever ties." Lin Aiguo kicked the cabinet next to him angrily, but the cabinet immediately fell over, and the clothes inside fell out.

"Patriotic, what happened? You are so angry." Yang Chun hurried in when he heard the noise.

"This rebellious girl, she really wants to sever ties with us." Lin Aiguo frowned so much that he could pinch a mosquito to death.

"This severance is not something she wants to sever, especially this kind of blood relationship. Leaving aside the kindness of nurturing, how can I repay the one who just gave life? Lin Qing is living a comfortable life now. She may not feel that when she suffers setbacks in the future, she will definitely regret it." Yang Chun comforted.

"Well, you are still considerate." Lin Aiguo's brows were relieved at this moment.

"But we can't wait for her to regret it before thinking about her. Parents can't care about her as much as she does. We have to be more tolerant. What's more, our rural marriages follow the orders of our parents and the words of the matchmaker. We first engage her and accept her The dowry money, the Pang family will not ignore Lin Qing's affairs, and I heard that the Pang family is also quite related in Zhongzhou City. When the time comes when they hear that Lin Qing has a marriage contract, the rich man will have to give up on her .” Yang Chun changed the subject.

"It's still your thoughtfulness." Lin Aiguo felt relieved at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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