Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 99 Going Eyes

Chapter 99
Li Jiye didn't expect that he lost his sight. The other party is not weak and can be bullied. He is obviously a little fox. He quickly said again: "I will take a step back, five or five points."

But this didn't move Lin Qing at all, she said again: "Xiao Muting, see off the guests."

Xiao Muting had no choice but to say "please" to Li Jiye.

From birth to now, it was the first time that Li Jiye was so disrespected by others, and immediately said angrily: "Master Lin, don't regret it." After speaking, he left angrily.

Xiao Muting looked at the other party's leaving figure, and said in a low voice: "Lin Qing, is it not good to do this, this is the Li family."

Lin Qing looked at Li Jiye's leaving back indifferently, and said lightly: "Hmph, I don't care what Li's family is, for me it's the tiger who wants to lie down for me, and the dragon who wants to be coiled for me. You need to know that we There is no shortage of customers for our products, so do we still need him to promote us? He is a standard empty-handed white wolf. In addition, you have to believe that our future achievements will not be lower than that of the Li family."

"Hey, it seems that you are still too young." Lin Qing shook her head and said, it seems that there is a chance to find an experienced manager to help Xiao Muting.

Seeing Lin Qing shaking his head at him, Xiao Muting felt a little disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mood and promised: "Lin Qing, don't worry, I will grow up quickly."

After Li Jiye left, he felt aggrieved. He never expected to be deflated by such a small person.However, he was determined to obtain the Nadan recipe and the method of making the magic weapon.

"Don't they all say that a strong dragon can't beat a local snake? I'd like to see if this master Lin will be so stubborn when facing Qian Sen, the boss of Zhongzhou City?" Li Jiye thought of Qian Sen, the boss of Zhongzhou City that he met not long ago. , said to himself.

After Li Jiye came to the Central Plains Province, he heard that Qian Sen, the big boss of Zhongzhou City, had great energy, and the big bosses in other cities in the Central Plains would give him face, vaguely occupying the position of the number one boss in the Central Plains.

Afterwards, he called Qian Sen.

"Hello, who is it?" Qian Sen's thick voice sounded.

"Hello, Brother Qian? I'm Li Jiye!"

"Oh, brother Li, I don't know what you want from me?" Qian Sen heard that it was the second son of the Li family, and his tone became much more polite.

"I want you to help me deal with a person." Li Jiye said straight to the point.

"Oh? Who dares to offend you, Mr. Li? Don't worry, there is no one in Zhongzhou who will not sell my face." Qian Sen said to himself.

Since the meeting of the big brothers, his status has also risen. During this period of time, he can be said to be radiant and full of spring breeze.He knew that Master Lin brought him all these things, and that Master Lin was relatively low-key and unwilling to manage these affairs, so many affairs fell on him.

"It's Master Lin from the Red Lotus Auction. I asked her to talk about cooperation, and I have given up the best interests. Who knew that she would toast and refuse to eat fine wine. She is as smelly and hard as a stone in a cesspit, and she is stubborn. I want you to help teach her a lesson and let her know who is not to be offended."

Li Jiye said to himself, he didn't know Qian Sen on the other end of the phone, his eyes had turned cold when he heard the words Master Lin.

"Mr. Li wants to teach Master Lin a lesson?" Qian Sen showed a sarcastic smile.

"Yes, it must be a piece of cake for Brother Qian." Li Jiye said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, I would like to advise you, don't bring yourself down, you can offend Master Lin!" Qian Sen said coldly, and hung up the phone without waiting for Li Jiye to reply.

For Qian Sen, although the Li family had a good family background, they didn't have much to do with him, and Master Lin had the kindness to know him, and his closeness could be seen immediately.What's more, in Qian Sen's eyes, Lin Qing is like a demon god, and offending her is like offending the god of death. Such a person is not comparable to a wealthy family.

As soon as Qian Sen hung up the phone, he called Lin Qing.

"Qian Sen, you called me, what's the matter?" Lin Qing asked suspiciously.

"Master Lin, I just received a call from Li Jiye. He is looking for someone to deal with you. Although I don't think it is possible for him to hurt you, I think it is necessary to tell you." Qian Sen looked courteous.

"Well, I see, the other party is just a clown, not worth mentioning." Lin Qing sneered.

"But for the sake of your loyalty to me, next time I will give you a magic weapon." Lin Qing continued.

In Lin Qing's view, the art of controlling subordinates requires both kindness and power, so that the big bosses in the Central Plains will respect her and dare not surpass her.At the last big boss gathering, she showed her prestige, and sending the magic weapon was a kindness.

"Is this true, Master Lin?" Qian Sen's eyes lit up when he heard this.

You must know that in the Central Plains Province now, no matter the wealthy aristocrats or the big bosses of the cities, they are all proud of getting Master Lin's magic weapon, but only a few are sold in the auction each time, and the price is so high that the supply exceeds the demand.Who doesn't want to die?

Hearing Lin Qing's "hmm", Qian Sen was so happy that the corners of his mouth almost cracked to the side of his eyes.

Qian Sen has been coveting this magic weapon for a long time, but he has never had a chance to get it. Now that Lin Qing said to give him one, he was very pleasantly surprised. At the same time, his heart became more determined to follow Master Lin's steps and be her subordinate. .

Li Jiye on the other end of the phone looked confused. He didn't know why Qian Sen's attitude changed suddenly, and he secretly said, "Could it be that Master Lin has other backgrounds?"

Afterwards, he called his assistant Aman again.

"Second Young Master, what are your orders?" Aman asked respectfully.

"Help me find out the background of Master Lin at the Red Lotus Auction." Li Jiye ordered.

"Okay, young master, please give me three days, and I will definitely check it out." Aman promised.

In the private room of Ruyixuan, Lin Qing and Xiao Muting were drinking hot tea and chatting. At this moment, there was a sense of tranquility.

"Lin Qing, people from Medicine Valley have contacted me frequently recently, saying that they want to see you, and they even asked someone to find my uncle, saying that for the development of the health industry in the Central Plains, they want to meet you and discuss cooperation." Xiao Muting sighed. His tone seemed helpless.

"Hehe, for the development of the health industry in the Central Plains, what a high-sounding reason!" Lin Qing sarcastically said.

"If you don't want to meet, then you can turn them down. Anyway, I guess they have no good intentions." Xiao Muting said.

"Who said it's gone? It's just that I'm bored recently. Let's see what their purpose is. If they want to plot against me, they have to bear my anger. They just want to make an example of others, so that everyone will not think that Lin Qing is easy to bully." Lin Qing smiled evilly, and she There was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Xiao Muting nodded and said, "Okay, I will contact them in the next two days."

(End of this chapter)

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