Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 113 Shooting Competition

Chapter 113 Shooting Competition (Part [-])
Gu Yunhui said, "This is Master Lin."

A surprised expression appeared on Gu Liufengxiemei's face, he teased and said, "So this little girl is Master Lin, what a disrespect and disrespect."

"You all go down!"

Gu Liufeng then said to the two extremely beautiful female stars, he originally thought that Master Lin would be an old man, so he chose such a seductive and pure female star to accompany him. She is so pretty, as long as she masters their weaknesses and caters to their thoughts, it will be easy to accomplish what she wants to do.

But he didn't expect Master Lin to be a young girl, which was beyond his expectation.

Lin Qing looked at the charming man in front of him, and said directly: "I heard that Yaogu wants to cooperate with me, what kind of cooperation do you want?"

Gu Liufeng said with a smile: "Master Lin, you just came here, so you have to have fun no matter what. For cooperation, we can talk about it after we have a good time."

Nowadays, many people talk about business, and they like to do business at the dinner table, in entertainment venues, on golf courses, etc., so that the other party can play comfortably, and the business will naturally come to fruition.

Lin Qing smiled lightly. Since they were not in a hurry, she was even less in a hurry. She then said, "That's fine. It's my first time visiting such a private place. It's good to see it."

Seeing this, Xiao Muting said: "There is something to play here, Gu Shao must be familiar with it, so please Gu Shao help us introduce it!"

Gu Liufeng smiled and said: "It's really my honor. There are all kinds of things to play here, such as golf, bowling, horse riding, etc. Of course, there are also exciting activities such as shooting and games. I don't know what kind of activities Master Lin and Young Master Xiao like. ?”

Lin Qing said with a smile: "Then ride and shoot!"

She hasn't tried shooting yet. Although she has taken the bullet hard, she hasn't had the chance to touch a gun yet. It's not bad to try the weapons of this earth.

Gu Liufeng frowned and said: "I didn't expect Master Lin, you are also an exciting person! Let's go, I will take you to the shooting range first, the shooting range is closer to here."

Then the four of them came to the shooting range. The manager of the shooting range heard that Gu Shao was here and immediately arranged a VIP shooting range for them. This Gu Shao is no ordinary person, he is the son of the richest man in Wan Province.As the pillar industry of Wan Province, Medicine Valley has assets worth hundreds of billions. Many people are flattering to such a super rich second generation.

Gu Liufeng looked at Xiao Muting and said, "Young Master Xiao, you should be very familiar with this shooting!"

Xiao Muting raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Of course."

As a child from a military family, how could he not know how to shoot? He is not only familiar with it, but also very proficient.

"How about a competition?" Gu Liufeng still smiled evilly.

"Okay, how do you compare?" Xiao Muting asked.

"Whoever wins, promise a condition to the loser." Gu Liufeng said softly.

"This?" For this request, Xiao Muting did not dare to agree, if the other party said that he would give the formula of Huanyan Pill to the other party, what would he do?
"Of course, the request I made must be something you can do. I'm not a person who makes things difficult for others. Could it be that Young Master Xiao is afraid?" Gu Liufeng sneered.

Xiao Muting was still hesitant, Lin Qing said at this time: "Okay, we will bet with you, but I also want to participate in the competition."

Gu Liufeng frowned curiously and said, "What? Could it be that Master Lin is still a good shooter?"

Lin Qing smiled lightly and said, "That's not true, I've never been exposed to shooting before."

Xiao Muting secretly gave Lin Qing a look, meaning, don't agree to the competition, I feel that the other party has some other purpose.

Lin Qing obviously understood what he meant, but she didn't care. From her point of view, all conspiracies and tricks could not succeed with absolute strength.

Life is so boring, it's not good or bad, there are always some clowns who will play tricks, and they will adjust the life, so that life will not be so boring.

Gu Liufeng didn't believe Lin Qing's words. He felt that the other party wanted him to underestimate the enemy, but he wouldn't fall for it.Then he went to choose a gun, ready to familiarize himself with the marksmanship and prepare for shooting.

Lin Qing walked to Xiao Muting and asked him to teach her how to shoot.

"It's true that you haven't touched shooting before?" Xiao Muting asked.

"Not really, but I think I can learn it soon." Lin Qing said.

"Lin Qing, you are too reckless this time. Marksmanship is not something that can be learned in a short time. It needs years of training. I know you are very strong, but you are really a rookie when it comes to shooting. Besides, I think that Gu Liufeng is not simple, his move is definitely intentional, and there is probably some conspiracy brewing." Xiao Muting said.

"Don't worry, I'm sure I can win. All conspiracies and schemes cannot succeed with absolute strength. You must have confidence in me." Lin Qing said confidently.

Although she has never been exposed to shooting, for an immortal cultivator, she can throw a stone at a flying bird thousands of meters away, let alone shooting at a distance of [-] meters.As long as she's familiar with how to shoot, she'll be fine.

Seeing Lin Qing's confused and confident look, Xiao Muting shook his head helplessly, and said to himself: "It seems that I must win in a while, so that I can stop all the other's plots."

Then he carefully taught Lin Qing how to practice marksmanship. Pistol shooting is divided into several parts, namely stance, grip, aiming, trigger control, breathing, and follow-up.

Aim at the bottom with three points and one line. The three points and one line mentioned in shooting actually means that the eyes, front sight and shooting target are on the same horizontal line. When aiming, consider the dual effects of air resistance and light, and do not directly aim at the bullseye. Instead, aim at the lower edge of the ten ring, so that the chance of hitting the ten ring will be higher.

Intentionally aimed, unintentionally stimulated.Anyone who has played shooting knows that there is often a feeling that you aim but miss.The main reason for this is shooting.At the moment of shooting, it is easy to be affected by various factors such as breathing and heartbeat, which can easily cause the muzzle to shake and make the bullet miss.

While holding the gun and keeping your hand stable, keep breathing evenly, tap the trigger with your index finger, and apply force evenly.

Through Xiao Muting's explanation, Lin Qing understood the steps of shooting.At the same time, he told her the precautions for shooting,
Then she picked up a gun, and fired a shot casually according to what Xiao Muting explained.

Only a "bang" was heard, and the bullet hit the target.

Xiao Muting looked at the number of rings on the target and said in surprise: "It's unbelievable that you hit 9 rings with your first shot."

Lin Qing said with a dissatisfied expression: "Sorry, my hand was shaking just now, and I couldn't hold it steady."

"Doesn't that mean you hit the right spot?" Xiao Muting couldn't help but laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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