Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 114 Winning

Chapter 114 Winning (Part [-])
At this time, Gu Liufeng had just returned from choosing a gun, and when he saw that Lin Qing had shot the 9th ring, his eyes lit up, and he said to himself, "Hehe, you think I will underestimate the enemy if you two play a scene, What did you say that you hit the 9th ring with shaking hands, you can try again with shaking hands?"

However, even if Master Lin is very strong, he is sure to win. For him who likes to be exciting, shooting and horse racing are both his strong points. In terms of shooting, he has a high record of hitting the tenth ring. In the competition, he can also win the championship.Who would have thought that the other party would choose these two projects? It’s true that if you don’t choose the way to heaven, you will just break in if there is no way to hell.

Gu Liufeng laughed evilly and said, "Hahaha, I didn't expect Master Lin to be a good shooter! It seems that I will have a lot of fun today."

Lin Qing said helplessly: "I can't be called a master, I am indeed a novice."

Gu Liufeng looked at Lin Qing's innocent look, and secretly said: "I believe you!"

Looking at the turbulent dark waves between the two, Xiao Muting asked, "How do we compare?"

Gu Liufeng said: "We each have ten bullets, whoever hits the most bullets will win?"

Lin Qing smiled and said, "Yes."

"Then let's start! Who will come first?" Gu Liufeng said.

"Let's decide by drawing lots, it's more fair." Xiao Muting suggested.

Then the three of them prepared to draw lots. They got three small pieces of opaque paper and wrote one, two, and three characters respectively. Whichever word they drew would be their order.

Gu Liufeng said: "Master Lin please first, ladies first."

"Then I won't be polite." Lin Qing smiled lightly. To others, this is fair, but she ignored her natural cheating artifact divine sense, which can easily penetrate some stones, not to mention It's this thin piece of paper.

She easily drew a piece of paper with three written on it.

"The most powerful ones are all the finale!" Lin Qing secretly thought.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Muting got the first one, and Gu Liufeng got the second one.

The shooting competition will start soon.

As soon as Xiao Muting picked up the gun, he immediately resumed his usual calmness and self-control. Only by letting himself relax can he get better results.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"


Ten bullets were fired one after another, and soon the counting instrument showed Xiao Muting's shooting score.

"9 rings" "10 rings" "10 rings"


The total score is 95 points, with 9 rings in five shots and 10 rings in five shots.

For this result, Xiao Muting is very satisfied, this time he has played to a better level.

As soon as Gu Liufeng picked up the gun, the previous evil charm disappeared, and he immediately changed into a steady and cold look, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

"It seems that this Gu Liufeng has a story! But also, as one of the heirs of a hundred billion assets, it must not be easy for him to be able to conduct such an important negotiation as a representative. The general family fight is so fierce, the hundreds of billions of families The fight must be more serious, and he will definitely not be as charming and romantic as he appears on the outside." Lin Qing thought to himself.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"


Ten bullets were fired one after another, and soon the counting instrument showed the score of Gu Liufeng's shooting.

"10 rings" "10 rings" "9 rings"


The total score is 99 points, with 9 rings in one shot and 9 rings in 10 shots.

As soon as she put down the gun, Gu Liufeng regained her evil and charming posture again.

He laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, Young Master Xiao, let me give in."

Xiao Muting's face was extremely gloomy, he didn't expect this Gu Liufeng to shoot so well, but even if he broke his promise, he would not do anything to hurt Lin Qing.

Lin Qing smiled lightly and said, "Young Master Gu, you are too happy now, I haven't compared yet?"

Xiao Muting looked at Lin Qing, and thought to himself: "It's too difficult to defeat Gu Liufeng, unless you hit all the ten rings, it's very difficult for a good shooter, let alone a novice like Lin Qing, even if you are a sharpshooter in the army , and it is impossible to hit every shot all the time.”

Lin Qing casually picked up the gun and walked to the shooting position. She raised the gun lazily.

Seeing her like this, Xiao Muting shook his head, and thought to himself: "Didn't I tell her to stand upright? How can she get good marks with such a lazy posture?"

The evil smile on Gu Liufeng's face became even worse, and he was already convinced that he would win.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"


Ten bullets were fired one after another, before the score came out, Xiao Muting and Gu Yunhui's eyes widened.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Qing's score was displayed on the scorer, one hundred points, ten shots and ten rings.

Gu Liufeng was yawning lazily, and swallowed hard when he saw this scene.

"how can that be?"

Gu Yunhui said: "Master, we lost! Master Lin not only hit the ten rings, but all ten bullets hit one point. Even the sharpshooters I have seen can't do this!"

Xiao Muting was very pleasantly surprised at this time, he secretly asked: "Lin Qing, are you sure you are a novice?"

"Of course, why don't you believe it?" Lin Qing asked back.

Xiao Muting didn't say a word, who would you tell this to, who would believe it?A novice shooter is even better than a sharpshooter.

Gu Liufeng quickly returned to normal from the state of shock. He felt a little bit unwilling in his heart, but he still said calmly on the surface: "I didn't expect Master Lin to be a sharpshooter. Disrespect and disrespect."

Lin Qing said with a smile: "I told you that I am a novice, you don't need to believe me, but I am a genius, if you compete with me, you are destined to be impossible to win."

Gu Liufeng laughed evilly: "You won this round, and there will be a horse race next. I hope you will not disappoint me."

"Of course, although I have never raced a horse before, I believe I will learn it soon." Lin Qing laughed.

She has never raced a horse, but she has ridden a monster. She doesn't think riding a horse is more difficult than riding a monster.Recalling that she used to ride a flying monster, galloping and flying in the air, she was so chic and free, it was really fascinating, and she didn't know when she would be able to return to her previous cultivation level, Lin Qing unconsciously missed it.

This time Xiao Muting is full of confidence in Lin Qing, even if he is a novice, it is not common sense to guess for a genius like Lin Qing.

On the way to the racetrack, Lin Qing received a text message from Jiang Beichen.

"Qingqing, what are you doing?" Jiang Beichen asked.

"I just learned how to shoot." Lin Qing's fingers danced in front of the phone.



"You didn't even ask me to learn how to shoot. I'm a sharpshooter. I'm jealous of the person who taught you how to shoot." Jiang Beichen frowned slightly.

"Huh? In fact, the other party explained to me the essentials of shooting, and I learned it quickly." Lin Qing said helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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