Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 115 Horse Selection

Chapter 115 Horse Selection (Part [-])
At this time, the sky is clear and the sun is very good, but because it is winter, it is still a bit cold.

After Lin Qing and the others put on the horse racing uniforms, they looked heroic. Such a combination of handsome men and beautiful women attracted the attention of a lot of people, especially the beauties who came to the horse race.

Xiao Muting has a very masculine heroism, while Gu Liufeng is a wickedly handsome man. The two different styles caused some nympho girls to exclaim constantly.

"Wow, that man is so handsome, he is so masculine, you can see that the racing suit is worn on his figure, it shows his figure too much, look at the narrow waist, the chest muscles, and the upturned arms, it is so perfect, I really want to touch it One!" A beautiful woman with straight black hair exclaimed.

"That man is not bad either. His phoenix eyes are frivolous, with a hint of charm. His eyes are also beautiful, like obsidian, shining with stars, and the smile at the corner of his mouth is also charming, a little evil, but just like A poppy, although it is poisonous, people usually fall into it." Another beauty with dyed blonde hair said.

Some girls always like bad men when they are young. They think such men are more attractive, but such men are usually like wild horses, difficult to tame, and if you are not careful, you will be covered with bruises. Even fell into the abyss.

"Hmph, what's so good about that sissy? A masculine handsome man is more attractive." The straight black-haired beauty said disdainfully, her appreciation of handsome men was relatively traditional.

"Who are you calling a sissy?" the blond beauty said angrily.

"I didn't mention you, why are you so excited?" The straight black-haired beauty sneered.

"He's my male god. I don't allow you to talk about him. I like him like this. What's wrong?" The blond beauty's eyes glowed with fire.

At this moment, the short-haired woman next to the two of them said: "Stop arguing, don't you see that there is a girl next to these two men? And judging by the reactions of the two men, they are extremely fond of this woman." Qin Qin, maybe the other party already has someone he likes?"

As soon as the words were finished, the black straight-haired beauty and the blond beauty looked at Lin Qing who was between them at the same time.

The black straight-haired beauty said disdainfully: "Just because of this bean sprouts, she is only handsome. How can she be favored by two handsome guys, and judging from the temperament of those two handsome guys, they must be from a very good family. Only Wealthy girls like us are worthy of them."

The blonde beauty quickly agreed: "That's right, the bean sprouts are not as exquisite as mine, why should she? Why don't we strike up a conversation, the two handsome guys will definitely forget about this bean sprouts when they see us .”

"Go, it's better to act than to move." The woman with straight black hair agreed.

The short-haired woman felt very helpless towards these two nympho women, she guessed that the woman between the two was definitely not simple, otherwise she would not have won the attention of the two handsome men.

The two soon appeared in front of Gu Liufeng and Xiao Muting.

The blond beauty spoke first, "Hello, handsome guy. My name is Linda. Nice to meet you."

"Ugly woman, get out of the way, you are in the way." Gu Liufeng looked at the blond beauty with heavy makeup and said disgustedly.

"Who do you call an ugly woman?" The blond beauty made a piercing voice. She couldn't believe it. She always considered herself a beauty. In the eyes of people around her, she was indeed a beauty, but she was not a natural beauty. But acquired beauty.

"This double eyelid must be cut, the bridge of the nose must have been implanted, the breasts must be padded, the forehead must be plump, and the chin is so worn that it can stab someone to death. You say you are not an ugly woman, who is an ugly woman?" ?” Gu Liufeng said with a poisonous tongue, his family is a family of medicine, and he knows these things at a glance.

The other three snorted and laughed.

"Hahaha, Gu Liufeng, I didn't expect you to be so funny!" Lin Qing laughed loudly, and she didn't like this kind of pretentious woman either.

"You... just wait and see, I won't let you go." The blonde left crying in shame and anger.

And Xiao Muting looked at the black straight-haired girl standing in front of him, and said coldly: "What do you want?"

"'s nothing." The dark straight-haired beauty hesitated for a long time and did not say what she was ready to say. She was also shocked by the previous scene, and she was also afraid that the person in front of her would speak so viciously. After all, birds of a feather flock together.

"It's okay, please don't block the way, we still have something to do." Xiao Muting said coldly, he was used to seeing this kind of nympho girl, so he didn't like it at all.

The beauty with straight black hair was forced to step aside by Xiao Muting's aura.

Afterwards, the four walked away.

The blond beauty watched the other party walk away, full of anger. She fixed her eyes on Gu Liufeng and Lin Qing, as if she was going to burn a hole in them.

Of course, Gu Liufeng would not take this kind of clown seriously.

When the four of them came to the place where the horses were selected, the horse trainer said, "Guests, what kind of horses are you going to choose? The horses on this side are more fierce and have a good temper, while the horses on that side are more powerful. Gentle, if you are a beginner, we generally do not recommend you to ride strong horses, those gentle ponies are more suitable."

The horse trainer was notified by the boss half an hour ago that he wanted to receive a few distinguished guests, obviously the few people in front of him, and considering their safety, he hoped that the few people would choose docile horses, but the reality is not like this he wishes.

"It's interesting to choose a strong horse, of course. Master Lin, Young Master Xiao, what do you think?" Gu Liufeng challenged.

"Of course, it's boring to be too docile." Lin Qing replied flatly.

"Please choose a horse." The horse trainer said helplessly.

"I hope there will be no accidents for a while." He secretly prayed.

Gu Liufeng took the lead and chose a maroon horse. The horse was dark red, with shiny and shiny hair, a tall and handsome horse head, a thin face with less flesh, a big nose, and a flatter hip tubercle to spine. The four hooves should be as steady and strong as wooden stakes. Its shoulders, neck and crotch are well muscled, and it looks like a good horse.

"This gentleman is really a master. This horse should be the best among our horses." The horse trainer also had to praise the other party for his vicious eyes.

Xiao Muting then chose a horse. Although it was not as good as the horse selected by Gu Liufeng, it was still a very high-quality horse.

On the other hand, Lin Qing walked up to a disheveled, thin and listless horse, and said, "I want this one."

The horse trainer quickly comforted him: "Ma'am, this horse has some problems. It usually doesn't move very much, and when it moves, it has a very violent temper. I advise you to choose another horse! If you really don't know how to choose a horse, I can help you choose."

"No, I want it." Lin Qing said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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