Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 116 Horse Racing

Chapter 116 Horse Racing ([-]rd watch)
Even Gu Yunhui chose a horse and joined the competition among the three.

The horse Lin Qing chose was not an ordinary horse, but a dragon horse, which had the blood of the emperor of horses.As a dragon horse, it should have galloped on the grassland, swaggered and galloped freely.

But at this time, it is imprisoned in the enclosure, and it is used as a plaything for people to compete in. How unwilling it is, and those horses of ordinary blood beside it are proud of winning the favor of their masters, and look down on it. Full of slavishness!It looks lazy because it disdains to be people's pets and invites pets. As a dragon horse, it has its own pride.

And Lin Qing saw its extraordinaryness from its extremely haughty eyes.

Lin Qing sent a voice transmission to it: "Do you want to regain your freedom?"

"What do you mean?" Ryoma asked puzzled.

"Help me win the game, and I will set you free." Lin Qing said via voice transmission.

" can you understand me?" Ryoma was puzzled. It was unbelievable that this human could communicate with it, but he really liked the smell of this person, like the smell of nature.

Long Ma rubbed his head against Lin Qing's arm, and said, "This is true."

"Of course, if a gentleman says a word, a horse is hard to follow." Lin Qing smiled lightly, and the dragon horse could see the taste of the country and the city from her smile. Maybe it was dazzled, maybe it was too eager for freedom.

After the communication, Lin Qing was ready to mount.

The horse trainer reminded: "Madam, be careful, it's really impossible, get off quickly. The messy horse before was not allowed to be ridden at all. Once someone rode it, it immediately jumped like crazy. "

Lin Qing smiled and said: "How about we make a bet, if it lets me ride it, your racecourse will sell it to me at the price you bought it before."

"This...I can't make a decision on this, it's up to our manager to make a decision." The horse trainer said.

"Then you should communicate with your manager now." Lin Qing said lightly.

"Okay." The horse trainer immediately called the manager.

He felt that the manager would definitely agree. When they sold this horse, they spent [-] yuan. At that time, the horse looked quite strong, like a fine horse. Unexpectedly, after coming to the racetrack, the horse Not only was he not allowed to be ridden, but he was also extremely irritable. Gradually, the horse became like this.

Soon the horse trainer hung up the phone. He smiled and said, "Our manager has already agreed to the bet."

As soon as the horse trainer finished speaking, Lin Qing stepped on the stirrups and lightly stepped up, and sat firmly on the dragon horse.

At this time, the dragon horse was like a general horse, striding forward, its state at this time was completely different from before, and it showed a feeling of intimacy towards Lin Qing.

The horse trainer was surprised: "This...isn't this how the horse felt when it first arrived?"

Lin Qing narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "This horse is already mine, you can't go back on it."

The horse trainer said, "That's not true. I'm just curious about how this horse met you and changed its state?"

Lin Qing said with a smile: "Maxima often has it, but Bole doesn't. It may think that I am its Bole, and it just understands it."

Hearing Lin Qing's words, Long Ma let out a long hiss, expressing his approval.

With a gunshot, the race started, and the four horses set out together, moving forward bravely, and started a fierce competition. At the beginning, the dragon horse ran last, and the maroon horse selected by Gu Liufeng ran at the front , Gu Liufeng was very proud, and he secretly said: "Even if you are the horse's Bole? The size and strength of these two horses are here. How can that thin horse compare to mine?" How about a strong horse?"

And although Lin Qing's horse was at the end, the distance between the four of them was not much different. The dragon horse ran unhurriedly, as if to say: "Let me save my strength first, and I will overtake you all later." !"

The maroon horse was extremely fast at the beginning, but then it slowed down slowly. It seemed to say: "Even if I slow down, you can't overtake me."

As for Xiao Muting's and Gu Yunhui's horses, one is black and the other is white, their hooves are kicking out, flying sand and dust, vying to be the first.

In the last few hundred meters, the thin dragon horse suddenly ran forward like a mad lion. Its speed at this time was much faster than before, even faster than the bay red horse. The speed at the beginning was also a bit faster, and when the dust settled, the dragon horse won the bay red horse by half a length.

Immediately, Gu Liufeng's complexion turned bad. If the difference was huge, he would still be willing to lose, but now there is only a slight difference, how could he be willing?But even if he was not reconciled, he had to admit that he lost.

It seems that it is impossible to make a request to Master Lin through this matter, so he can only talk about cooperation directly.

At this time, Gu Liufeng had to admit that this Master Lin was not easy. If the opponent wins a game, you can call it luck. If the opponent wins two games, it is not just luck, not to mention that these two are his strengths .

Gu Liufeng said: "I'm sorry, I lost, you can ask me a request within my ability."

Lin Qing said: "I heard that you have a thousand-year-old elixir in the Medicine Valley. My condition is that you send me a few plants of the thousand-year-old elixir."

"What? I can't do this. Although I am one of the heirs of Medicine Valley, those thousand-year-old elixir are the treasures of our Medicine Valley, and I can't decide whether they will go or not." Gu Liufeng said Dao, he did tell the truth, those thousand-year-old elixirs are all the treasures of the valley owner, let alone giving them away, even if they touch them, the valley owner will not let them.

Lin Qing raised her mouth and said, "You mean that there is more than one thousand-year-old elixir in your valley."

Gu Liufeng shook his head helplessly and said to himself, "I've been a fox all day long, but now I've been tricked by the fox."

He didn't expect that he accidentally leaked the news that there were many thousand-year-old elixir plants in the valley.

"Change another request!" Gu Liufeng continued.

"Then if you have a chance, you should take me to your medicine valley. I heard that there are many kinds of herbs in the medicine valley. I have always been yearning for it." Lin Qing said.

She is not yearning for those low-year medicinal materials, her goal is the thousand-year-old elixir there, and she wants to take those thousand-year-old elixir without anyone noticing.But first, she had to have access to those elixirs.

She felt that since the millennium elixir was still stored, it must be that the owner of the valley didn't know how to refine it.But yes, some things at the level of Taoism are lacking, not to mention advanced alchemy. The elixir was wasted in Medicine Valley, so it is better to give it to her as a resource for cultivation.

"This is no problem." Gu Liufeng thought for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)

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