Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 117 Talking about collapse

Chapter 117 Talking about collapse (Part [-])
After the horse race, it was time for dinner, and they returned to the box, enjoying the food and chatting about cooperation.

Lin Qing said lightly, "What kind of cooperation do you want?"

Gu Yunhui took the lead and said: "We want to cooperate with you to jointly research Huanyan Dan and Buqi Pills so that we can develop health care products suitable for ordinary people. If we develop something that is suitable for ordinary people and has good curative effect, I think it will definitely cause a major repercussion in the beauty industry and health care industry. Maybe we can enter the ranks of the world's richest people with these two things."

Although Medicine Valley has strong assets, but in the ranking list of the world's richest people, it is outside the top [-]. Medicine Valley also has their ambitions.

Lin Qing raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "Oh? How do you want to cooperate?"

She knows the value of Huanyan Pill and Buqi Pill better than anyone else.She had mentioned this matter to Xiao Muting before, if the conditions offered by the other party were reasonable, she might not be unable to give him a chance.

Gu Liufeng still smiled evilly and said, "We are [-] percent, how about it? Sales and R&D are all handed over to us, and you are a technology shareholder."

He thinks that he has enough sincerity, you must know that it is just a one-sided party, according to their previous behavior of Medicine Valley, he will directly offer a price to buy out.Through the contact just now, he felt that Lin Qing was not simple, so he was afraid that the other party would not agree, so he was willing to give the other party two shares of the shares. After these two shares, the wealth would be astonishing.

"Oh? My eighth, you two?" Lin Qing asked.

"How is it possible? Of course it's us eight, you two." Gu Yunhui said.

Lin Qing originally thought that the other party would ask for [-]%, although she felt that giving the other party [-]% was too much, but thinking that she would steal the other party's thousand-year elixir in the future, she was not unacceptable.But I didn't expect that the other party was more greedy than Li Jiye, and wanted [-]% of the shares. This pill came from her, and it was improved to be usable by ordinary people. It is not a problem for her. She believes that there is no shortage of her pills. For sales, the other party dared to speak so loudly.

Lin Qing sneered and said, "I give you two points, I think it's too much. It seems that we can't talk about this cooperation."

Gu Yunhui's face changed drastically at this time, he didn't expect the little girl in front of him to be so smart, but even if she was smart, it's useless without strength.

"Aren't you afraid that we will develop the alchemy formula? Can we also make substitutes for Huanyan Pill and Buqi Pill? You must know that the strength of our Medicine Valley cannot be underestimated, and we also have alchemists." Gu Liufeng restrained his thoughts. With a smile, he opened his mouth and said.

"Then please go ahead, if you research it, this is your ability." Lin Qing said lightly, with a look of complete indifference.

Lin Qing had seen the elixirs refined by Yaogu before, they were extremely crude, and the elixirs they refined were not as good as the useless elixirs she refined. With this level of alchemy, she still wanted to research the formulas of Huanyan Pill and Buqi Pill , It's just a dream.

"You...don't be too stubborn. You must know that this world is not as simple as you imagined. You will suffer a lot if you do this. Our owner of the alchemy has already said that he is going to make a decision. You should cooperate with us obediently. , so you can still get a lot of benefits, otherwise even if you have the pill, it’s useless if you can’t sell the pill.” Gu Yunhui looked earnest and taught, and those who didn’t know thought he was really doing the best for the other party. ?

"Oh? Why can't you sell my elixir?" Lin Qing said with a wicked smile, a dark storm was already brewing in her eyes.

"There are many ways to do this. Find a few patients to say that there is something wrong with your Buqi Pill, find a few disfigured people, say that taking your Huanyan Pill will disfigure your face, and then forge the injury certificate, and then publicize it. , and the authoritative departments are all on my side, let me see if your elixir can still be sold." Gu Yunhui said triumphantly, as if he didn't know that Lin Qing's face on the other side had changed.

"You mean the strong are respected, don't you?" Lin Qing sneered.

"Of course, our Medicine Valley is not just a drug seller, our Medicine Valley is also a sect, not to mention that our suzerain's strength is at the peak of dark strength, our grand elder is even a strong master. Over the years, There are a lot of rich and powerful who go to our Medicine Valley to seek medicine, which shows the connections of our Medicine Valley, how can you offend this?" Gu Yunhui sneered.

Seeing Lin Qing's eyes, Xiao Muting shook his head secretly, this Gu Yunhui is looking for death, even telling Lin Qing that the strong are respected.

"In my opinion, these so-called things in your medicine valley are not worth mentioning, just like you said that the strong are respected, I am strong, so what if they have connections? Who dares to fight against the god of death? San, you should have heard of this sentence. I will destroy any ghosts and snakes with one blow." Lin Qing smiled evilly.

"You are arrogant!" Gu Yunhui said angrily. He originally thought that Master Lin in front of him was a smart person, but he did not expect that the other party was an arrogant person. She does have some talents, but so what?Since ancient times, geniuses have lost a lot, and those who can develop well are those who know the current affairs.

"Please tell the owner of the valley and persuade him to stop, otherwise Lin Qing and I will definitely enter the medicine valley, show him some color, and let him know why the flowers are so red?" Lin Qing snorted coldly.

"You said your name was Lin Qing?" Gu Liufeng asked in surprise.

"Xiao Muting, it's time to go when you've eaten and drank enough."

After Lin Qing finished speaking, she took Xiao Muting and left Wangyou Pavilion.

Gu Yunhui was surprised and said: "Young master, let her go like this?"

Gu Liufeng frowned slightly and said, "Otherwise, what else can I do? Didn't you hear her name is Lin Qing?"

"What's so special about this name?" Gu Yunhui asked puzzled.

"As far as I know, the sky has changed in the Central Plains not long ago. There is a Master Lin in the Central Plains. He is known as the number one boss in the Central Plains. The rich and powerful in other cities in the Central Plains respect him, and when they mention him, they are in awe. .” Gu Liufeng said.

"I know this too, but what does this have to do with our affairs?" Gu Yunhui said.

"According to the exact information I got, the number one boss in the Central Plains is called Lin Qing, and she is also a young girl. Do you think there is any relationship between the two?" Gu Liufeng sighed and said, this is troublesome Well, if Master Lin of the Red Lotus Auction is really the number one boss in the Central Plains, then they will be in trouble. Not only will they not be able to get the pill formula, but it will cause hatred.

"You mean to say that the person standing in front of us today is the number one boss in the Central Plains?"

Gu Liufeng nodded and said: "It seems that we have to discuss this matter in a long-term manner. Let's report this matter to the owner of the valley and see what instructions he has."

Gu Yunhui didn't care and said: "Even if she is really the number one boss in the Central Plains, so what? With the power of our Medicine Valley, we are still afraid that she will fail. They are always secular forces, even if they are strong, they are not very strong. There are masters in our sect."

Gu Liufeng didn't speak, his heart was very restless. According to rumors, the number one boss in the Central Plains is also a grand master, but is she really a grand master at such a young age?He was deeply suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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