Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 14 Treating Mr. Xiao

Chapter 14 Treating Mr. Xiao

"Mr. Xiao is too much, please sit down, I'll help you feel the pulse." Lin Qing said.

Lin Qing still admires Mr. Xiao, who fought for the country like a soldier, and she also hopes to cure him.

Xiao Biao sat down with a smile, stretched out his hand, and Lin Qing placed three fingers on his pulse.In fact, Lin Qing didn't know how to feel the pulse, she just probed Mr. Xiao's body in this way.

From the moment Lin Qing put his finger on his pulse, Xiao Biao felt a magical energy enter his body, and as this energy entered his chest, he unconsciously let out a comfortable sigh. Voice, the chest that has been suffocated for a long time has a turning point.

Seeing his grandfather making a sound, Xiao Muting thought something was wrong, and asked anxiously, "How is it? Can it be cured?"

Lin Qing shook her head and said, "I can't cure it now."

"I'm not asking you, I'm asking your master."

"My master? He's not on Earth."

Lin Qing was a little dazed when she thought of her former master. She worshiped him as her teacher during the Qi refining stage, and he was already at the Golden Core stage at that time. I guess he would be very disappointed when he knew that he was practicing magic, right?
Xiao Muting obviously misunderstood the meaning of the other party, he thought her master was dead, and then showed a sad expression.

Xiao Biao laughed loudly: "Hahaha, don't be sad, Mu Ting, life and death depend on life and wealth, and I have already lived enough in this life, and I have no regrets."

Lin Qing came back to her senses when she heard this: "I don't think I said it can't be cured!"

Xiao Muting asked: "Didn't you say that your master is not here?"

Lin Qing smiled wickedly: "But I didn't say that I can't be cured! I just said that I can't be cured now, but it doesn't mean that I can't be cured in three months."

She believed that after three months, she would be able to break through to the middle stage of Qi refining, and then she would be able to refine alchemy. This injury was nothing to her.

Xiao Biao was also surprised: "You mean you can cure my illness in three months?"

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Old man, you were injured when you were young, right?"

"You can actually see it! At that time, I followed Taizu to fight against the island country. Who knew that the island country sent ninjas, and we were defeated. If I lose my origin, my cultivation will improve slowly from then on, otherwise I would have already become a master of energy transformation."

"Although I can save you in three months, you need to find one thing."

"What? We have to dig three feet to find it."

"I need you to find wild medicinal materials. The older the better, at least 500 years old."

She didn't want to waste half-elixir medicines to heal his injuries. Half-elixir medicines are extremely scarce in society now. They are the resources to support her cultivation, and their family is not short of money. It is not difficult to find medicinal materials that are more than 500 years old.

"I'll order someone to go down and look for it." Xiao Muting said happily, how could he be unhappy when he heard that his grandfather's condition had improved?
"Today, I will help old man Xiao stabilize his condition first. I will come to treat him again in three days. After three months, I will completely cure the old man."

Xiao Biao was also very excited at this time. He didn't expect that there would be no way out, and there would be another village.He was prepared to see through life and death, but Lin Qing gave him a big surprise.

"Master, take it easy."

With a pleasant voice, Xiao Biao felt that the energy that made him very comfortable just now entered his body again, came to his chest, and nourished his hidden wounds. At this time, his chest was more oppressed than before. much better.

He could feel the power of this energy, and the true qi in his body avoided it when it encountered this energy.

"Is this? Is Lin Qing a grandmaster? Otherwise, why can't the true energy in my body be able to resist the energy she sends out? And it stands to reason that only a grandmaster can save herself."

Thinking of this, Xiao Biao quickly stood up, bowed to Lin Qing and said, "I didn't know Grandmaster was coming, I hope you don't blame me."

Lin Qing accepted his salute frankly, after all, she saved his life, and then said: "Old Xiao, you don't have to do that, the division of my realm of cultivation is different from yours, you don't have to salute like this."

Then Lin Qing was warmly entertained by Xiao Biao, and she didn't leave until she was satisfied.

As soon as Lin Qing left, Xiao Muting complained to his grandfather: "Grandpa, why did you treat Lin Qing so respectfully just now? She is still my classmate, this is too embarrassing."

Xiao Biao sighed and said, "Don't you know the status of the master in the ancient martial arts world? In the ancient martial arts world, the superiority is not judged according to the age. Reality."

"But didn't Lin Qing say that she is a cultivator? Is it different from our division of realm?"

"Hey, she is not a grandmaster but she is better than a grandmaster. Ordinary grandmasters dare not treat me. Based on this, you must establish a good relationship with her. What's more, she is still so young and has unlimited potential! Of course If you can catch her, grandpa will be even more satisfied, hahahaha."

"Grandpa, what are you talking about? Our horoscope has not been written yet!"

In the blink of an eye, it was Saturday and Sunday. Lin Qing touched her empty pockets and decided to set up a stall when there was no class on Saturday and Sunday.

So, a young girl in her teens appeared on the Antique Street in Pingshan County. She spread a snakeskin bag in a shady place. On the snakeskin bag, there were 12 talismans, and a sign was erected beside the talismans. It said: 3000 yuan for a talisman, no counter-offer.

And this young girl is obviously Lin Qing.

An hour passed, and the number of people gradually increased. The uncle next to him was selling handicrafts such as bracelets and beads.In a short while, he had already sold several pieces and earned nearly 100 yuan.

The uncle next to him, in his free time, glanced at Lin Qing, and found that she was sitting cross-legged, looking like an old god.

"Hey, girl, you can't deceive people like this? People are not so stupid nowadays. If you want to make money, think of other ways!" Obviously this uncle regarded Lin Qing as a liar. It turns out that she has no money.

"It's okay, I'm selling this talisman to a destined person." Lin Qing said calmly, without the embarrassment of being regarded as a liar at all.

Another hour passed, and suddenly, a familiar voice came from ahead: "Brother Wang Chen, thank you for accompanying me to go shopping today."

"My aunt told me to accompany you well, I have to listen!" Wang Chen said with a smile.

Wang Chen and Wang Menger are actually cousins. Wang Menger's mother is Wang Chen's aunt, and Wang Menger's parents have the same surname, so Wang Menger is also surnamed Wang.

(End of this chapter)

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