Chapter 15
Wang Chen watched Wang Menger looking around for something, and asked, "What do you want to buy? Cousin."

"I'm looking for a shop called Jinyu Pavilion. I heard that there are a lot of genuine products in it. I want to buy one for Grandpa Xiao. I heard that Grandpa Xiao likes to collect antiques." Wang Menger said.

"Hahaha, cousin, it seems that you like that Xiao Muting very much! You have come here after your husband." Wang Chen joked.

"Brother Xiao is already very good. He is handsome, has good grades, and has both civil and martial arts. I heard that he has also won the national junior high school martial arts championship."

"The key family is both powerful and rich, right?"

"Cousin, you make fun of me, I ignore you, hehehe."

Said Wang Menger walked forward quickly, when she came to a corner, a deserted booth attracted her attention, and the person who attracted her was Lin Qing.

She walked up to the booth, looked at a sign above and said, "There is no counter-offering for a piece of three thousand. I said, Lin Qing, if you are short of money, I can lend you some. I didn't expect you to come here." Be a liar!"

Lin Qing opened her glasses when Wang Meng'er approached, and she said coldly: "If you don't want to buy it, please leave, I only sell this talisman to those who are destined."

"Hey, this magic stick really looks like it! Does Brother Xiao know that you are here to deceive people?" Wang Meng'er smiled sarcastically.

At this time, Wang Chen also followed. Seeing Lin Qing selling talismans here, he sneered and said, "Hey, isn't this Lin Qing? You didn't study hard, and you actually acted like a liar here. That's how you lied to Xiao Muting back then. Did he impress you?"

"If you don't want to buy anything, get out of here!" Lin Qing said a word, then ignored them.

"What's your quality? Now without Xiao Muting protecting you, how arrogant are you?" Wang Chen said angrily, and the dissatisfaction accumulated before also exploded at this time.

Wang Meng'er sneered and said, "Cousin, don't you know? This Lin Qing was born in a mountain corner called Linjiacun. Her mother died long ago. It is said that her father had an affair and forced her mother to commit suicide, and her father cheated on her." The target is still a person who was a young lady in Dongguan City, and that person is now her stepmother, what qualities do you think a person born in such a family has!"

"What? Does Xiao Muting know?"

"I must not know, otherwise how could a person like him make friends with such a person?"

It was also the first time for Lin Qing to hear that Yang Chun was a young lady in Dongguan City. Wang Meng'er must have investigated her, otherwise it would be impossible to know her situation so clearly.

"It seems that going out today is not going well, and I have encountered these two strange things, so the booth really can't be set up." Lin Qing secretly thought.

She was about to close the stall and leave when suddenly, a shabby Taoist priest came to the stall. He was originally attracted by the bustle here, but God gave him such a big surprise that he met him in Antique Street. He had never seen a talisman with such aura, although it was only the lowest level talisman, but it was of such a good quality.It is estimated that only those Taoist sects have such quality talismans.

He hid his joy, in case the lion opened his mouth, and asked inadvertently, "How do you sell this talisman?"

Lin Qing heard the other party's inquiry, glanced at the other party, and secretly said: "The predestined person who bought the talisman is here."

"No counter-offer for 3000 pieces." Lin Qing turned down the sign just now, so the Taoist didn't see it.

"Is this too expensive?"

In fact, he felt that the value of the talisman was much higher than this price. If he went to show Feng Shui to some rich people, it would be normal for such a talisman to sell for tens of thousands, but he guessed that the little girl in front of him did not understand the value of the talisman.But a piece of 3000, 12 pieces is thirty-six thousand, which is still very distressing for Taoist priests.

"I won't bargain if I say so."

"Little girl, you can't do this in business. You see, the paper of this talisman is not good, and the artist is average. It doesn't have much effect. I just think it's not easy for you, girl. You should be a student. How about it? How about 100 yuan for talismans and 12 for 1200 cards?"

The uncle next to him immediately showed an envious expression. He was complacent about the 100 yuan just now, but he didn't expect this little girl to earn more than 1000 yuan in a while.

"Sorry, I don't sell it." Lin Qing said.

After hearing Lin Qing's words, the people around started talking.

The uncle next to him also persuaded: "Little girl, you can't be too greedy, otherwise you will lose everything."

And Wang Meng'er also said: "Master Dao, this is a liar, she doesn't deserve sympathy at all."

Lin Qing sneered and said, "Do you think I don't understand the value of this talisman? That means I'm short of money now, otherwise I wouldn't even sell [-] pieces."

The Taoist priest was surprised when he heard that the other party knew the value of the talisman. He didn't expect the other party to be a fellow. He was afraid that the other party would repent and immediately stated: "Okay, I want it. But I don't have that much money now. Wait a minute, I'll go to the bank to withdraw money for you."

Lin Qing nodded and said, "Well, it happens that I also want to apply for a bank card, so let's go together!"

Wang Chen also said at this time: "Master Taoist, don't be fooled, she is my classmate, her family is very poor, how could she have valuable things?"

Seeing the other two disrupting the transaction again and again, the priest couldn't help saying angrily: "Fuck off, how can others meddle in the antique street business at will, you don't understand any rules."

The two of them blushed when they were scolded by the Taoist priest, and they couldn't help muttering: "The two of them must be accomplices, otherwise who would be so stupid to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy a few useless talismans, this is completely feudal superstition!"

Lin Qing and the Taoist priest came to a nearby bank, and the Taoist priest introduced himself: "Huang Jue, I am a disciple of the Maoshan School. People in the Jianghu are called sloppy Taoist priests. I don't know what the layman calls him?"

Lin Qing also clasped her fists and said, "I'm here, Lin Qing."

"I don't know which school Layman Lin is a disciple of?"

Lin Qing thought for a while and said, "I'm from Daozong."

The sect she plans to establish in the future is called Daozong.

The sloppy Taoist priest had never heard of this sect, but he still cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

After all, the world is so big, and there are many small sects. He thinks that Lin Qing probably came from such a small sect. Although he knows the value of this talisman, he has short-sightedness, so he sold the talisman cheaply for money.

"There will be a metaphysics exchange meeting in Sioux City in two months. I don't know if Fellow Daoist Lin wants to go with you." He felt that he owed Lin Qing in this transaction, so he wanted to make up for it by bringing her more knowledge.

"What kind of metaphysics exchange meeting?" Lin Qing asked curiously.

"It's just to increase knowledge and learn from each other's experience, so as to improve the level of the entire metaphysical world. After that, there will be a link of bartering things." The sloppy Taoist priest explained.

"Oh? What's the point of bartering?"

"There are everything, but mainly magic tools, talismans, medicinal materials, etc."

"Then please tell me your cell phone number. I don't have a cell phone yet. I bought a cell phone to send you messages."

(End of this chapter)

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