Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 168: No. 3 on Huaguo Grandmaster Ranking

Chapter 168 The third place on Huaguo Grandmaster List (second update)

As for Longya Base, Qiu Shi was leading an old man to watch.

And this old man looks about 70 years old. Although he looks thin and thin, if you look closely, you can see that his muscles under the skin are full, the veins are bulging, his eyes are shining, and he doesn't walk like 70 at all. The appearance of a year old, the appearance of a lively dragon, seems to be no worse than that of a young man.

And behind him were two middle-aged men. Judging from the aura of the two of them, it is estimated that their skills are not simple.

"Commander Gao, why are you here?" Qiu Shi asked.

Although both Qiu Shi and Gao Sheng became commanders, commanders and commanders are different. Qiu Shi is only the commander in charge of the base of the Dragon Tooth Squadron, while Gao Sheng is the commander-in-chief of the Central Military Region.

"Oh, I can't come to inspect and inspect? What is your Longya team doing recently? I heard that you are doing some secret training. How is the result of the training? This time, you can't embarrass me in the competition of the special forces of the five major military regions. Now, let’s make No.1 from the bottom, I’ll lose face in front of those old guys.” Gao Sheng said coldly.

"Don't worry, Commander Gao, our Dragon Tooth team will definitely win No.1 this time." Qiu Shi said confidently.

"Oh? Are you so confident? About half a year ago, you were not like this." Gao Sheng wondered.

"Commander, we invited an expert to help with training this time." Qiu Shi said.

"An expert? What kind of an expert? Could it be stronger than Coach Jiang at your base?" Gao Sheng wondered.

At this moment, several people walked near the training ground.

On the training ground, Lin Qing and Zhou Jian had already started fighting.

Qiu Shi looked into the training ground following Commander Gao's gaze, and saw Zhou Jian and Lin Qing fighting.

"When did your Longya team recruit a girl? And this girl looks underage, right?" Gao Sheng frowned, obviously dissatisfied. Why has the situation of the Dragonya team changed so much recently?
"Commander, that girl is the expert I mentioned." Qiu Shi laughed.

"What? What nonsense, how can she be so good as a little girl?" Gao Sheng said coldly.

"Commander, don't underestimate Master Lin Qinglin, she is very likely to be a Grandmaster, if she is not so powerful, how could I agree to let her help train Dragon Tooth Team?" Qiu Shi quickly argued.

"What did you say her name was?" Gao Sheng widened his eyes and looked at the little girl on the training ground.

"Her name is Lin Qing, and she is probably Jiang Beichen's girlfriend." Qiu Shi looked at Commander Gao's wide-eyed eyes, thinking that Commander Gao was about to lose his temper, and quickly dragged Jiang Beichen into it. This was Jiang Beichen's idea at the beginning. The anger must be shared by both of them.

"Hahaha, Qiu Shi, you are really good, you can invite Lin Qing, not bad." Gao Sheng patted Qiu Shi on the shoulder and laughed.

"Ah? Commander, aren't you angry? We didn't follow the rules." Qiu Shi looked dazed. Under normal circumstances, people who don't belong to the army are not allowed to participate in such relatively secret military activities.

"Why should I be angry? Rules are nothing compared to strength." Gao Sheng said.

"What is this Lin Qing's background?" Qiu Shi couldn't help asking.

"She is a rising star on the list of Hua Guo's grand masters recently, and she is ranked third in the list of grand masters. She is also ranked under the pillars of Long Aotian and Zhan Bei. You can imagine how powerful she is." Gao Sheng couldn't help sighing.

He didn't break through to become a Grandmaster until he was in his fifties or sixties, and he is still in the early stage of energy transformation, and Lin Qing, who can defeat the peak of the Grandmaster at a young age, is probably stronger than Long Aotian.

"What? How could it be?" Qiu Shi was amazed. Although he was also a martial artist, it was a pity that he didn't get in touch with too many people in this confined space, so he didn't know the latest news from the martial arts world.

Although Qiu Shi is just a dark martial artist, he can't measure how strong the master is, but when he mentions Long Aotian, the pillar of the country, Qiu Shi knows Lin Qing's strength.

After that, the few people didn't speak any more, and looked at the battle on the training ground.

On the training ground, Lin Qing and Zhou Jian have already exchanged several moves. Although Zhou Jian's strength is amazing, he is far from Lin Qing. Lin Qing may slap him to death with a wave of his hand.Therefore, Lin Qing did not use the spiritual power in his body, but instead used his physical strength to fight Zhou Jian.

Even so, Zhou Jian couldn't make Lin Qing do that. When Lin Qing was able to do it with ease, he was already out of breath.

"This Master Lin doesn't seem that powerful? At most, he is at the peak of Anjin's strength." A middle-aged man behind Gao Sheng said.

"Shut up, don't you see that Lin Zongshi didn't use his true energy at all? This shows that she fights with the strength of her body, and the strength of her body alone can reach the peak of dark energy. No matter how powerful she is Need to say it?" Gao Sheng snorted coldly.

"Yes, Commander, I am blind." The middle-aged man saw that Commander Gao got angry and said quickly.

"Then who is fighting with Master Lin?" Gao Sheng couldn't help asking.

He felt that the opponent had also reached the strength of the late stage of Anjin, when the Dragon Tooth team introduced another talent like this, he didn't even know?
"He is Zhou Jian, a member of our Dragon Tooth team. Before that, his strength was estimated to be in the middle stage of Ming Jin. I didn't expect that he would become so powerful after half a year of training according to the exercise method given by Master Lin." Qiu Shi explained. .

"What? He turned out to be a member of Dragon Tooth Team?" Gao Sheng was astonished. He could be the coach of special forces in the army with such strength.

"It's not just him, everyone in our Longya team has reached the early stage of dark energy at worst, and the late stage of dark energy with strong progress. They have only practiced for more than half a year, thanks to Master Lin gave us the body training method, they have such an achievement." Qiu Shi said hastily.

"Did Master Lin put forward any conditions?" Gao Sheng frowned. There is no free lunch in this world. With such a powerful technique, it takes only half a year for people to enter the dark energy stage. How could Master Lin give it away?
"No, no, Master Lin didn't put forward any conditions. It's probably because Jiang Beichen is Master Lin's boyfriend. You know that women are animals. When you meet a man you like, you often have no brains and IQ. And Coach Jiang That's a handsome man, there were men who misused the country for women in ancient times, and now it's understandable for women to lose their minds because of men." Qiu Shi said.

"Well, not bad, I will be promoted with Instructor Jiang tomorrow." Gao Sheng instructed.

"Yes." Qiu Shi replied.

(End of this chapter)

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