Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 169 Make Soup For You Washing Your Hands

Chapter 169 Make Soup For You Washing Your Hands (Part [-])
The battle between Lin Qing and Zhou Jian ended with Zhou Jian's voluntary surrender.

"I just want to tell you that there are still mountains higher, and it is necessary to maintain a humble and learning attitude. After all, martial arts is a lifetime thing." Lin Qing said.

For Lin Qing, everyone was convinced. She was younger than everyone, but she was stronger than everyone. What else could they be proud of?

As soon as Lin Qing left the training ground, he was stopped by Commander Gao.

"Hello, Master Lin, I'm Gao Sheng." Gao Sheng took the initiative to explain himself.

Although he was a commander, he didn't dare to show off in front of Lin Qing. You must know that the martial arts world judges superiority by strength, and Lin Qing is stronger than him. He had to admit this.

Lin Qing looked at Qiu Shi and asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

"This is the high commander of our Central Military Region." Qiu Shi quickly introduced.

"Hello, Commander Gao, what can I do?" Lin Qing asked casually.

"It's fate to meet each other, why don't I invite you to have dinner with Instructor Jiang at noon today." Gao Sheng said.

Lin Qing originally wanted to refuse, but thinking that he was Jiang Beichen's leader, she had no choice but to agree.

After the two had lunch with Gao Sheng, they claimed to have something to do and bid farewell.

Although Gao Sheng still had some doubts that had not been answered, he thought that he would still have a chance in the future, so he gave up. After all, Jiang Beichen was still serving in the army.

Gao Sheng couldn't help asking: "By the way, can the exercise method taught by Master Lin be promoted by the whole army?"

If it applies to the entire central military region, then his status as the commander-in-chief of the military region will also be greatly improved.

Qiu Shi shook his head and sighed: "This body training method cannot be promoted by the whole army."

"Oh? Could it be that Grandmaster Lin is unwilling? Since she has already taught this body training technique to the Dragon Tooth team, why should she care about teaching it to more people? If she makes any request, it is within our capabilities. , try to be satisfied." Gao Sheng said.

"It's not that Lin Zongshi is unwilling, and Lin Zongshi didn't make any requirements, but this body training method is extremely demanding. Practicing this body training method is simply torture like hell. Not only does it require a strong willpower to persevere, And it needs to be completed with a lot of valuable Chinese medicinal materials. In the past six months alone, the medicinal materials consumed by everyone in the Dragon Tooth team have exceeded one million. What's more, with the quality of ordinary soldiers, it is very likely that they will be crippled. All in all, it’s really impossible to popularize it in large numbers,” Qiu Shi explained.

Gao Shengchang sighed and said, "That's really a pity."

Qiu Shi continued: "However, Grandmaster Lin promised me that he would help us train hundreds of fighters like the Dragon Tooth Team. These are all-round fighters, and their physical fitness indicators in every item are far beyond the limit of normal people. , Their individual combat ability is extremely strong, it can be said that one can stop a hundred, with these super fighters, the strength of our central military region will be greatly improved."

Gao Sheng patted Qiu Shi on the shoulder and said, "Hahaha, not bad, you are very thoughtful. With hundreds of super fighters, it is enough for our military region."

"It is enough for the Central Military Region to rank first among the five major military regions. A few old guys from around the world will probably die of anger when they know about it. The military region ranked last has jumped to the number one military region. Can the other party envy and hate it?" ? 'Gao Sheng thought to himself.

After Lin Qing and Jiang Beichen left the restaurant, Lin Qing brought Jiang Beichen to a cake shop, planning to order a birthday cake for him.

The pink birthday cake makes the whole atmosphere extremely romantic. The bottom layer is a circle of lavender lace, like beautiful ripples. The top layer is a couple. The man holds a bouquet of roses and hands them to the woman. The words "Happy Birthday" are written under the dripping roses.

The whole cake is filled with the fragrance of cream, coupled with the visual art that is not a fairy tale but better than a fairy tale, Lin Qing smiles like a flower unconsciously.

"Don't you know how to celebrate your birthday? Then listen to me." Lin Qing approached Jiang Beichen and whispered.

The ethereal voice was transmitted to his heart through Jiang Beichen's ears, making his heart beat non-stop, and his ears were dyed red by the hot air from her.

Jiang Beichen squinted his eyes slightly, and his long eyelashes formed a shadow under his eyes, covering his deep eyes. He secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva to suppress his unjust emotions.

"Well, it's all up to you." Jiang Beichen's deep voice sounded.

After the two ordered the cake, Lin Qing came to a supermarket, Jiang Beichen followed closely behind Lin Qing, his eyes kept moving with her figure.

The appearance of the two made some people in the supermarket look at them from time to time. The combination of handsome men and beautiful women has always been more attractive.

"Wow, that man is so handsome, and that girl is also very temperamental, the two really match each other!" A middle-aged aunt sighed.

When Jiang Beichen heard this, the corners of his mouth rose, showing that he was in a very good mood.

"That man can't be a new star, right? This look can kill many male gods in the entertainment circle." A young girl said in a nympho.

"That girl is also very temperamental. This feeling seems very ethereal, as if she should not exist in the world, but should come from the sky." Another boy praised.

Lin Qing bought some ingredients for cooking, as well as longevity noodles, and the two quickly left the supermarket.As for the discussion with outsiders, the two didn't take it seriously at all.

The two quickly returned to Jiang Beichen's residence. Jiang Beichen looked at Lin Qing who was busy in the kitchen, and asked curiously, "Qingqing, what are you doing?"

"I'll make longevity noodles for you! Before my birthday, my mother always made longevity noodles for me. After eating the warm longevity noodles, I felt a sense of happiness in my heart." Lin Qing said.

"But I can no longer eat the longevity noodles made by my mother." Lin Qing showed a sad look when she thought of her dead mother.

Jiang Beichen unconsciously remembered Lin Qing's life experience that he had investigated before. Her mother died when she was four years old. He looked at the sad Lin Qing and was at a loss for a moment.

Then he thought of his mother and said, "Qingqing, I will take good care of you for auntie."

At the same time, he was thinking in his heart that he would learn how to make longevity noodles in the future, and make them for Lin Qing on her birthday.

Lin Qing smiled when she heard Jiang Beichen's comfort: "I'm fine, it's just that I recalled something just now, and it's just a little sad."

While Lin Qing was making longevity noodles, Jiang Beichen was not idle. He stood in the kitchen, helping out from time to time, either by washing and cutting vegetables, or by washing dishes and dishes. Although it was the first time for the two of them to work together Cooking, but the cooperation is quite tacit, as if they have cooperated for many years.After a while, about eight dishes and one soup came up.

(End of this chapter)

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