Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 174 Entering the Desert

Chapter 174 Entering the Desert (Part [-])
Ever since Little Silver showed its super strength of kicking down a big tree with the mouth of a barrel, the members of the expedition team no longer dared to underestimate the two pets. They watched Little Silver and Little Jin often look at each other. It's not pleasing to the eye, and often fights, but Xiaoyin just can't attack Xiaojin, secretly said: "I really guessed right, that strange animal that looks like a mouse and looks like a pig is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Although Hongye was still envious of Xiaoyin, a cute pet, she didn't dare to touch it lightly anymore, she was afraid that it would accidentally shoot herself to death, and then she would ask someone to reason with her, if she got to the underworld, others How did she die?She said that she was slapped to death by a cute little milk dog, wouldn't this be the big tooth of a laughing ghost!
When a cute creature is not dangerous, you will think it is cute and cute, but when a cute animal is dangerous, you will not think it is cute, you will only feel creepy, just like a cat difference from a tiger.Although they all have similar looks, tigers can't make people think it is cute, unless the person is much stronger than the tiger.

In this way, everyone embarked on the journey towards country M. During the journey, Xiao Jin and Xiao Yin often laughed a lot. Their various anthropomorphic performances made the six members of the expedition team who gradually became familiar with them no longer resemble each other. It was so scary at first.

With 7 people and two animals, they drove two off-road vehicles and brought a lot of food and water. Survival in the desert is the most important thing. Of course, field tents and some commonly used medicines are also indispensable.

Before Lin Qing went to the desert, she also bought a lot of convenient food in the supermarket, such as biscuits, bread, chocolate, instant noodles, dried meat, etc. Of course, she also brought a lot of bottled water in the ring space.

In addition, she also bought all kinds of dehydrated but nutritious dried vegetables and dried fruits. Of course, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, pots and pans are also available. She is not someone who will wrong herself.

Of course, in order not to leak her space, she also brought a big backpack, put some ready-to-eat food and a few bottles of mineral water in the big backpack, and put a pot and a few dishes in the back of the car inside the box.

When several members of the expedition team saw that Lin Qing had brought pots, pans and pans, they thought to themselves, "It's really the eldest lady, she thinks this is going on a trip, and it's not certain whether it will be useful or not?"

But the other party was an employer, so they didn't dare to say anything more.

About two days later, they came to the outskirts of the desert, where there were people in Mengcheng, they slept after eating a big meal, and prepared to enter the desert early the next morning.And the place they were going to was deep in the desert, known as the Devil's Domain, which neither belonged to Hua Country nor M Country, but belonged to a three-way zone.

The reason for this is mainly because the environment there is harsh and there are no resources, so no country wants to fight for the desert that is not suitable for human survival.

The daily temperature difference in the Devil’s Realm is very large, and the ground temperature at noon in summer is as high as 60 degrees. If you bury an egg in the sand, it will probably be cooked soon.But it is only a few degrees at night, so you need to wear thick cotton clothes.

In addition, there are often severe weather such as sandstorms in the Devil's Domain, and of course mirages also appear.Of course, there will be some weird things in the Devil's Domain, only those brave and experienced adventurers like Hu Er who dare to go there, people who generally live in the desert dare not set foot on this place easily.

In the morning, the desert is a vast expanse of white, with nothing to see. When the morning glow comes out, the color of the fog gradually turns from white to red. The bright red sun at the end of the desert is like a huge red agate, radiant and charming.

Gradually, the fog dissipated, revealing the round sun, which rose slowly against the ridgeline of the desert.

The vast desert, the dead sea of ​​sand.Vigorous, quiet, with a straight face, it always gives you a monotonous color: yellow, yellow, always burning yellow.It seems that nature freezes the turbulent waves and emptied angry waves in an instant, making it stand still forever.

The fiery red sun rose higher and higher, illuminating the silent "waves" on the sandy sea.In an instant, a gray mist rose from the desert.

Lin Qing and others drove hard on the desert in an off-road vehicle.At a glance, there is monotonous yellow everywhere, not even a single tree, as if they will never go out. The vastness of the desert makes everyone feel a little tired.

It was almost noon, the sun was rising high and high, and the hot weather made the desert smoke, not to mention the people, they felt that they were almost dying of heat, and they couldn't help feeling irritable.Based on past experience, several people found a place that could provide shade, got out of the car to rest, and set up an awning, but the sand was so hot that everyone stood or sat.

Xiao Yin was so hot that he kept sticking out his tongue to dissipate heat, while Xiao Jin also looked lazy and listless.


"Master, it's too hot, get us some ice!" Xiao Yin called out to Lin Qing.

Seeing that Xiaoyin was so hot that he nearly jumped up and down, Hu Er said, "Miss Lin, the weather here is very bad, especially in summer. When we came last time, it wasn't so hot. Who would have thought that just after After more than a month, it has become so hot, if you really can’t bear it, we will rush back in the afternoon, and we will come back when the weather cools down in a few days.”

Lin Qing shook her head and said, "It's okay, I can bear it."

Although Lin Qing could bear it, she had been circulating her aura to create cold air, so she didn't feel very hot, but the others were too hot.

With an idea, Lin Qing took out a dozen or so bottles of mineral water from her big bag. When she took it out, the ten or so bottles of mineral water immediately turned into ice.Since she broke through to the foundation building stage, her spells have been used more purely, and this little spell that turns water into ice can be cast by her in the early stage of Qi refining, let alone now.

"You guys take these ices to relieve the heat!" Lin Qing pointed to the dozen or so bottles of mineral spring ice and said.

"Oh my God, there is ice, Miss Lin, you are so amazing, did you secretly buy it this morning just in case you need it?" Hong Ye said with a face full of surprise, she picked up a bottle without any politeness. , constantly rolling the mineral water bottle on her face and body.

"Yes, I heard from Mr. Hu yesterday that the desert is very hot at noon, so I got these ice early in the morning when no one was paying attention." Lin Qing smiled lightly.

The two cute pets, Xiao Yin and Xiao Jin, hugged a bottle of ice and snuggled up next to Lin Qing, each holding a bottle of ice. Lin Qing had been using her spiritual power to create cold air, so her side was not so hot.

(End of this chapter)

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