Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 175 Encountering Wolves

Chapter 175 Encountering Wolves (Part [-])

After the hottest noon, several people embarked on a journey to the depths of the desert. In the boundless sea of ​​sand, there were two dark-black cars that kept moving forward. The two cars were in the boundless desert. Here, like two spots of black dust accidentally stuck on the yellow canvas.

It was almost dusk, and the desert in front of his eyes was golden, and the folds of countless sandstones were like solidified waves, extending to the golden horizon in the distance.

Gradually, the sun hung high in the sky and approached the end of the desert, like a husband returning home, he couldn't wait to throw himself into his wife's arms.The afterglow of the setting sun painted a layer of red on the desert, and the scorching heat was slowly dissipating, replaced by a dim sky that slowly opened, covering the entire desert.

"We have to hurry up and get to a place with a water source before dark." Hu Er's eyes were serious.

"Oh? Why?" Lin Qing asked puzzled.

"It is said that on the road leading to the Devil's Realm, some dangerous animals will move at night, but it is safe where there is a water source." Hu Er explained.

Just before the darkness came completely, the bald head pointed to a spot of green in the desert not far away and said excitedly: "Look, it's Salix salix!"

In the boundless sea of ​​sand, dotted with clumps of trees, which are salix.The clumps of willows have injected vitality into the originally silent sand sea.In order to survive in the water-scarce desert, Salix salix, relying on its tenacious perseverance, has rooted deeply in the sand, stretching tens of meters long, all the way to places with water sources.Here, once life is born, it is difficult to perish, because the harsh environment can often breed great and tenacious life.

"Where there are willows, the water source is not far from us." Hongye also showed an excited look on his face at this time.

When the darkness came, they finally reached the sea in the desert. They said it was a sea, but it was actually a small pond with water.

Several people quickly set up tents not far from the desert. About half an hour later, seven stable tents were set up. Hu Er took out a bottle of medicine and sprinkled it around the tents.

Seeing Lin Qing's curious look, Hongye explained: "This is an insect repellent. In order to prevent insects and ants from entering our tent, don't underestimate the insects and ants in the desert. If you are bitten by them, your body will swell. A big bag."

After speaking, Hongye immediately shook three times.

It can be seen that she is still very disgusted with those bugs and ants. Maybe she has been bitten before?
After settling down, Lin Qing took out her pot, some instant noodles and dried vegetables. She took out the paraffin wax she bought before and put it under the pot, lit the paraffin wax, and poured a few more bottles of mineral water in the pot. pot.

After a while, the water in the pot boiled, and she put the instant noodles and dried vegetables in it. A few minutes later, a strong fragrance wafted into everyone's noses.

"Wow, what delicious instant noodles! It's delicious to eat a bowl of hot and fragrant instant noodles in the desert!" Hongye exclaimed.

Lin Qing smiled lightly and said, "Let's eat a piece, anyway, I make a lot. This means that rare things are more expensive. It is very difficult to cook instant noodles in the desert, so everyone thinks it is delicious. If you put it outside, you may eat it." , you don’t want to eat it either, you’ll call it junk food.”

"Hahaha, Sister Lin is quite humorous! But eating and cooking instant noodles in the desert is really a luxury. I guess only people who value enjoyment like you can do it." Hongye joked.

The sky gradually filled with darkness, countless stars poked out through the night, the moisture of the night soaked in the air, and the breeze blew, and everyone immediately felt the biting cold wind.

At this time, the weather immediately dropped below 10 degrees, and everyone took out their cotton coats. Although Lin Qing didn't feel cold, in order not to be too special, she also took out her thick windbreaker.

At this moment, the surroundings are dark, with only a little light here. The sky is full of stars shining like countless silver beads, densely inlaid in the dark night. The Milky Way is like a faintly glowing white belt, across the star-studded sky.

Everyone was eating steaming instant noodles at such a temperature, and suddenly felt the coldness from their bodies being driven away.

Suddenly, Hu Er noticed the howling of wolves coming from not far away. He looked at the partly green eyes and exclaimed: "It's not good, put out the fire quickly."

"What's the matter, boss?" Hongye asked.

"How did I forget about this? There will be packs of wolves on the road leading to the Devil's Realm. There must be no flames, otherwise the packs of wolves will be attracted." Hu Er said angrily.

Hearing this, everyone put out the fire immediately.

After a while, everyone heard the sound of animals running, and the green eyes were like emeralds, looming in the dark night.

"It's not good, the wolves found us." The bald head exclaimed.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Hongye asked anxiously.

"Traveling in the dark is also very dangerous. It is true that there are wolves in front and tigers in back!" said the youngest boy in the expedition team.

"Hurry up and pack up the most important things and leave immediately. Although traveling in the dark is also dangerous, there is still a ray of hope, but the immediate crisis is very urgent. Judging from those green eyes, this pack of wolves has at least some Hundred wolves, you must know that the wolves in the desert are much more ferocious than the wolves in the jungle, if we don't leave, there is only a dead end waiting for us." Hu Er analyzed.

Just when everyone was in a hurry to pack up their things, Lin Qing said, "Don't be anxious, everyone, it's just a pack of little wolves. It doesn't get in the way, and Little Silver can handle it."

The bald head said: "Miss Lin, although we know that Xiaoyin is very powerful, he is facing hundreds of desert wolves. Are you sure it can win? What's more, even if it can win in the end, it is impossible Let's deal with hundreds of wolves at the same time, then there will definitely be other desert wolves attacking us. We can't deal with so many wolves at once."

"Don't worry, I have a way to prevent those wolves from hurting you." Lin Qing said confidently.

Hu Er looked at Lin Qing's confident eyes, and unconsciously believed her words, and then he said, "Okay, this time we believe you."

"Boss, how can you be so hasty? What if she can't deal with those wolves?" Baldhead said dissatisfied.

"You guys also prepare a contingency plan for escaping. If it really doesn't work, we will escape at that time." Hu Er said, his way of doing things is indeed relatively safe, anticipating possible dangers and making emergency preparations in advance .

(End of this chapter)

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