Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 176 Little Silver, the Domineering CEO

Chapter 176 Little Silver, the Domineering CEO (Part [-])
In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone heard the sound of galloping, and seeing the wolves getting closer, everyone couldn't help becoming nervous. Even if Lin Qing said that she could deal with the wolves, they didn't dare to relax.

Suddenly, there was a mournful howling sound not far away, it seemed that the leader of the wolf pack was directing the battle, the long howling sound deepened the already dark night, only the holy moonlight continued to shine The little bit of starlight also leaves the last ray of light in the world.

Soon the pack of wolves came not far from the crowd, and Little Silver immediately jumped up and walked a few tens of meters away from the crowd, facing the rushing pack of wolves.


"This is my territory, you guys hurry up and get out of here with me, everyone here is under my protection." Little Silver released the coercion that belonged to its third-level monster, and at the same time, it was accompanied by the power of its blood. suppression.

The pack of wolves that had been galloping ferociously stopped immediately and stopped a hundred meters away. They were trembling all over, and they almost crawled under Xiaoyin's feet.

Animals are very sensitive, especially in the face of danger, especially animals living in harsh environments. The wolves felt a very powerful aura from Xiaoyin, which made them unable to breathe.It was just a group of ordinary wolves, although they were a little more ferocious, but that was all. Facing the coercion of the noble blood of Little Silver, they were of course weak in fright.

The crowd only saw the short and cute little milk dog walking up to a group of tall, mighty and dangerous looking wolves. These wolves immediately lowered their heads, almost kneeling down to Little Silver.How does this scene look mysterious?

At this moment, a taller and more powerful wolf came out from behind the pack of wolves. What kind of wolf is this?

The moist nose exhales white air, reflecting its health; the two amber eyes are piercing, shining green in the dark night, revealing its application and wisdom; the two ears stand on the head, seemingly forever It will not be attached to show submission; under the dense silver-gray winter hair, the strong muscles are clearly visible, and there is a pinch of white hair on the top of the wolf's head, which shows that it is different-this is obviously a "in prime of life" "The middle-aged wolf, and it is likely to be the leader of this pack of wolves.

I saw that wolf head that looked tall and mighty, as if it would never surrender, walked up to Little Silver, its front legs were bent, and it prostrated and knelt.


"My king, we didn't know you were here, please forgive me for disturbing you." The wolf leader felt the aura of the wolf king from Xiaoyin.

And judging from the coercion released by Xiaoyin, the opponent is definitely very strong, this kind of strength is not ordinary, it is the strongest coercion it has felt so far.Although the opponent looks small, they look at each other's strength, not just the size of the opponent's appearance.If they are under the same pressure, they will look at the size of the shape, but for this obvious pressure that is like the difference between the sea and the small river, the shape is not important at all.


"Since you know, back off quickly. For the sake of being wolves, I will spare your lives." Xiaoyin said arrogantly.


"Yes." The wolf leader replied.

Then the leader of the wolves turned and left first, and at the same time let out a high-pitched cry. When the wolves heard the call, they immediately turned around and ran away, as if there was some dangerous animal chasing after them.

Seeing the wolves galloping away, rolling up layers of sand, everyone couldn't react.

"This... this is too stinking fantasy!" Everyone had a common doubt in their hearts.

"Sister Lin, why do those desert wolves who look so fierce seem to be a little afraid of Xiaoyin?" Hongye asked everyone's doubts.

"You say this, Little Silver is actually not a dog, it belongs to the silver wolf, and the blood of the silver wolf is more noble, it belongs to the king of wolves, those ordinary wolves will of course submit to the king of their wolves when they see them." Lin Qing smiled and explained.

"What? This little milk dog is a wolf?" The bald head asked in surprise.


"I said that the young master is a silver wolf, don't you understand human words? Could it be that my skin is itchy, and I want to be taught a lesson by the young master so that I can have a long memory?" Xiaoyin bared her teeth at the bald head, and it showed its bald head. White sharp teeth, the teeth glowing in the moonlight.

Although the bald head couldn't understand what Xiao Yin said, the bald head understood Xiao Yin's expression and actions. The other party was obviously saying, boy, do you want to die?Could it be that it can understand what everyone is saying?

"Can it understand what everyone is saying?" The bald head then asked this sentence.

"Of course, it's not an ordinary wolf." Lin Qing said with a smile.

After listening to Lin Qing's words, the bald head looked at Xiao Yin's eyes looking at him seriously, and immediately said flatteringly: "I'm sorry, Xiao Yin, I didn't know you were an extremely mighty silver wolf, and you had the noble blood of the wolf king, so I just said you are a little milk dog, so please forgive me!"

He was bald because he was afraid that Xiaoyin would give him small shoes to wear. He heard that wolves were more vengeful.

Xiaoyin gave the bald head a disdainful look, then turned his head, facing the bald head with his buttocks, and walked towards Lin Qing.

At this moment, the bald head looked at Xiaoyin's arrogant and disdainful eyes, and he was no longer angry. After all, the other party was a silver wolf with the blood of the wolf king, so it whined a few times. The adult wolves just turned around and left. If Little Silver let the other party attack him, he believed that those wolves would tear him to pieces without hesitation.

At this moment, he unconsciously developed a sense of awe towards Little Silver.

This world is like this, everyone in the world bullys the weak and fears the hard, only absolute strength is the root of convincing others.

"Okay, Xiaoyin has forgiven you, let's all go back to sleep, it's been a tiring day, everyone is probably sleepy." Lin Qing said.

When Hongye heard that Xiaoyin was a silver wolf, not only was she not afraid, but she became even more curious.

"Wow, Xiaoyin, you are actually a silver wolf, and you have the blood of a wolf king. You are so powerful. No wonder you have snow-white hair and a silvery glow? Come and let my sister hug you." Hongye said and turned to Xiaoyin. ran over.

Little Silver immediately jumped away.


"You shameless woman, young master, how can I let others hug me casually? Hmph, don't even try to tempt me." Xiaoyin's face turned red unconsciously, but it has thick fur, so no one can see it.

Everyone only saw that Xiaoyin's ears were trembling from time to time, which seemed to be a little different from usual.

Lin Qing looked at Little Silver at this time, and could guess what it was thinking, she secretly said: "It seems that Little Silver has watched too many idol dramas, and the domineering president is getting on top."

(End of this chapter)

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