Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 179 Ghost?

Chapter 179 Ghost? (two more)

After Hu Ersan and the others went out, Lin Qing meditated in a secluded place in the corner of the room to absorb the resentment, and the strong resentment was absorbed by Lin Qing unconsciously.

When Hu Er and the other three came back, they saw Lin Qing sitting cross-legged on a stool with a leaning on, thinking that Lin Qing was tired, they thought that they would wait for the fire to burn, and then they would put Lin Qing, including the person and the chair, on the ground. Carried her over to let her sleep warmer, while Xiaoyin and Xiaojin were sleeping soundly in Lin Qing's arms.

After the wood is lit, it emits a green fire, and then a faint fragrance comes out of it. This fragrance is very faint, and people generally don't realize that it is produced by burning wood.

"This... this flame is green, there is a ghost! I saw some TV dramas before. Some people went to rob the tomb and lit a candle in the tomb. When the candle can't burn normally or the color of the candle is green, it means The inside of the tomb is very dangerous, you have to get out quickly. Is there something dirty in this room?" Li Xiaole looked left and right, feeling terrified, what if there is a ghost?He is not afraid of danger, but he is afraid of those unknown and mysterious things.

"Xiao Le, don't talk nonsense. I asked you to read more books before. If you don't listen, you will know that you are thinking wildly now. It's not that the burning of substances turns green, so there are ghosts. This is a scientific society. Where are there ghosts? Some substances burn Afterwards, it also turns green, such as copper, barium, phosphorus, carbon monoxide, methane, hydrogen, etc. Have you not noticed that the household gas in your home also turns green when it burns? You should read more books in the future!" Hu Er said .

From ancient times to the present, ghosts have always been a topic that people often talk about. However, whether there are ghosts in the world or not, people have never had an accurate answer.

Among them, there is a saying that ghosts are actually a kind of energy, which is released from the body after death, and this energy is composed of countless particles.It is like electromagnetic waves, which are invisible and intangible but actually exist in our space.

After death, this energy floats in our space without direction.It is like a memory card, storing the fragmented information of the deceased.When do people see ghosts?Everyone has an invisible and intangible magnetic field. When your magnetic field is weak, it usually appears when your body is abnormal, such as sickness, bad mood, drunkenness, and other abnormal states.That's why ghosts are always seen by people who are dying or in an abnormal state.

When your magnetic field is weak, the countless ghost energies floating in the space will attract you. Once you touch it, just like reading a card, the information fragments stored by the ghost energy will be randomly assembled and spliced ​​by you unconsciously. Produce the best panning effects you can have.The sound effect here depends entirely on the individual, which must take into account the composition of its own energy information.

What kind of ghosts and what kind of sound images are seen, it needs to be related to the information composition of different organisms.Here I want to talk about the problem of the mind, that is, the relationship between the brain's thinking, and the ghosts you see basically depend on the energy of your read information.

For a person like Li Xiaole, he has many imaginations about ghosts in his mind, and his willpower is not so strong, so he is easily affected by the environment and energy substances, and will have many hallucinations.

People like Hu Er are more rational and have strong willpower, so they are not easy to be influenced.

The red leaves were roasting on the fire, and suddenly felt warmer, she muttered in a low voice: "Why do I feel a faint fragrance in the house?"

As a woman, she is a person who is more sensitive to fragrance.

She accidentally aimed at the bald head, and saw a scene that horrified her.

I saw a woman in a white robe standing behind the bald head. This woman had long black hair hanging behind her. Her face was extremely pale. She looked a little exotic, with a high nose bridge and blue eyes. Hongye just smiled, and there was an evil taste in that smile.

Suddenly, her eyes fell out of the eye sockets, and blood flowed down her eye sockets, all over her face. After a while, her white robe was covered with blood, and the white robe turned red Yes, she stretched out her skinny hand to grab the bald head, and she stretched out her tongue long enough to lick the bald head, as if he was a delicacy in her eyes and she was about to eat him.

"Ah, bald head, there is a ghost behind you, there is a ghost!" Hongye screamed.

"Hong Ye, you don't know how to follow Xiao Le's example, just think wildly and be suspicious!" The bald head said and glanced at Li Xiao Le, but at this glance, he was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

I saw, behind Li Xiaole, there was a man in a black robe. His face was covered with wrinkles, his skin was blue, and there was a black shadow under his eye sockets. He had two deep eye sockets, about ten centimeters in diameter. Each had three centimeters of blood flowing down. He was wailing, his whole face was distorted, like rugged mountains and valleys presented in front of you, its teeth were sharp, and he stretched out his pair of veined veins. His hand grabbed Li Xiaole, that sharp beast-like claw seemed to cut off Li Xiaole's neck.

"Li Xiaole, get out of the way, there is a ghost behind you." The bald man said in horror, he took out a weapon and slashed at the hideous ghost.

And Hongye also took out a dagger and stabbed the female ghost in white.

But in Li Xiaole's eyes, it was a different scene. What he saw was that the beautiful woman in the portrait came out of the painting. She was slender and graceful, smiling like an angel.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaole couldn't help being a little scared: "How did you come out of the painting? Are you a human or a ghost?"

Who knew that the woman's face suddenly changed, she showed an evil smile, her sleeves suddenly lengthened and strangled Li Xiaole's neck, Li Xiaole grabbed the sleeves, but her neck became tighter and tighter.

The noise here forced Lin Qing to stop practicing. The bald head in front of her was fighting with one of the men who didn't talk very much. The fight was very brutal, as if they wanted to kill each other.And Hong Ye and another man were dealing with Hu Er. Fortunately, Hu Er was the strongest among the six, so he could resist it.And Li Xiaole pinched his own neck vigorously, as if he wanted to strangle himself to death.

When Lin Qing sniffed it lightly, she smelled something unusual.

"Is this the smell of psychedelic grass?! I didn't expect there to be psychedelic grass here." Lin Qing secretly thought.

But at this moment, she didn't have time to think deeply, and if she didn't make a move, it was estimated that those members of the expedition team would kill each other and die.

Lin Qing threw a water polo spell, and the flame burning in the brazier went out immediately, exuding a smell of smoke from extinguished wood.

(End of this chapter)

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