Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 180 Breaking the Illusion

Chapter 180 Breaking the Illusion (Part [-])
Afterwards, Lin Qing pinched her fingers.

"The wind is coming." Lin Qing said.

A gust of wind blew out of nowhere in the house, and immediately blew away the scent in the house.

With a flash of Lin Qing's figure, she came in front of several people. She tapped lightly between the eyebrows of each of them quickly, and silently recited the mantra, and the mantra immediately became clear, and everyone who had been in fantasy immediately returned to normal.

"Where's the ghost? Where's the hideous-looking ghost? Why didn't it disappear?" the bald man shouted.

"Yes, I also saw a female ghost in white, and I was fighting her for three hundred rounds. Hey, boss, why are you injured?" Hong Ye nodded and said.

Hu Er said with a gloomy face: "What are you still saying, you are attacking me, you are still Da Zhuang, you two attacked me like crazy, I tied my hands and feet to you, I was accidentally scratched by you."

"What the hell is going on? I saw a beautiful woman in a portrait outside walking out of the portrait. While I was not paying attention, she grabbed my neck and almost strangled me to death. By the way, sister Lin, thank you You, if it wasn't for you, I would have returned to hell." Li Xiaole continued.

"You are all hallucinating. What I saw was that Li Xiaole was pinching himself hard, and the others were fighting with each other. The ghosts you saw were just things in your imagination." Lin Qing said.

"Then why didn't I fall into hallucinations?" Hu Er asked.

"There are probably two reasons. One is that you have strong willpower, so you are not easily confused and fall into hallucinations. The second is that you were injured at the beginning, and the pain of the wound stimulates you to hardly fall into hallucinations." Lin Qing analyzed. .

"Then why did we fall into hallucinations?" Hongye asked puzzled.

Lin Qing pointed to the things in the brazier and said with a faint smile, "The reason is there."

Hongye's eyes were dazed, and she asked in puzzlement, "Could it be that we can't light a fire here?"

"It's not that you can't start a fire here, but that the wood that is ignited has the smell of psychedelic grass. After the wood is ignited, the smell of psychedelic grass will come out. After you smell it, you will soon fall into the hallucination. "Lin Qing explained.

"Why is there psychedelic grass on the wood?" Hongye wondered.

Lin Qing shook her head and said, "I don't know about it, but I guess people in this village died abnormally, maybe there is some kind of conspiracy involved."

Of course, the death was abnormal, so how could it be a normal death with such strong resentment?

As soon as Lin Qing finished speaking, Hu Er continued: "Not only that, even this village appeared on the ground during the day and underground at night, it was all man-made. Just now we went out to find something that could burn, and found that the whole village was above the ground. There's a partition that keeps the sand out, and that's obviously how someone designed it."

Hongye was puzzled and said, "But what purpose does the other party have?"

"I don't know what the other party's purpose is, but I know that the other party wants the people who enter here to die. Think about it, if Lin Qing hadn't saved us just now, we would have died in mutual killing. The other party must have expected it. People who enter here will feel very cold, cold to the bone marrow, so we will definitely not be able to stand the cold here, so we will find flammable wood to ignite, and the wood here must be soaked in the grass juice of the psychedelic grass, so The wood we saw just now is so rotten." Hu Er said with his super analytical ability.

"But what does the rot have to do with being soaked in psychedelic herb juice? Things will definitely rot after being left for a long time!" Hongye asked puzzled.

"Things will rot after a long time. If you look carefully around, you will find that other wooden products here are relatively intact. Although these things may have been made for many years, they have not been corroded too much. Finally At least the preservation is still very good. Even the painting we saw in the corridor just now is well preserved, but the wood has been corroded by time, which shows that there is something wrong. At first I thought it was because the room was too humid Yes, I thought about it just now, no, the other things in the room were not corroded too much." Hu Er continued.

"It's all my fault. If I had thought more carefully, you wouldn't have fallen into a hallucination and almost lost your life." Hu Er had a look of fear on his face.

"Boss, we don't blame you, and you can't predict. You probably didn't know what psychedelic grass is just now? Who would have thought that there are things that only appear in fantasy novels here? The only fault is that this place is too dangerous." Hong Ye Open your mouth to comfort.

"Yes, boss, we don't blame you." Others echoed.

"By the way, Miss Lin, just now I saw that you released the water polo to extinguish the fire, and you rescued them from the illusion. Could it be that you are a cultivator?" Hu Er asked.

He is also considered a well-informed person, and of course he has seen the power of some ascetics. Although some of the ascetics he has come into contact with are of average level, he has heard stories about other ascetics.

"Oh? Do you know about ascetics?" Lin Qing raised her brows and asked.

"I have heard a little bit about it. I heard that in Sucheng last year, a master Lin appeared. It is said that she can control thunder and lightning, and destroy ghosts with a wave of her fingers. Miss Lin, your surname is also Lin, do you know that person? Master Lin?" Hu Er asked.

"Um, I do know." Lin Qing said.

'I am the Master Lin you mentioned, can I not recognize you? '

"What? There are still people in this world who can control thunder and lightning and destroy ghosts? Isn't this the ability of gods in myths and novels?" Hongye's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I didn't want to tell you about these things. After all, it's too far away from us, and it's hard for us to get in touch with such people. I also came into contact with a few monks by chance, but I didn't expect to be with us. Miss Lin, is she also a cultivator?" Hu Er asked with a surprised expression.

"Boss, why don't you just tell us, let us learn a lot." Hongye said in a coquettish tone.

"Okay, I'll tell you something, but I don't know much, and there may be some deviations in what I said." Hu Er said.

"It's okay, boss, we don't care. But we are still very curious about these mysterious things." Li Xiaole looked like a curious baby.

"Well, let me tell you. In this world, apart from ordinary people, there are also some special people. Warriors are one type, and monks are also one type. However, compared to the physical conditions of warriors The requirements are not high, ascetics value talent very much, so there are much fewer ascetics than warriors."

(End of this chapter)

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