Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 182 The Wraith Who Has Cultivated Spiritual Consciousness

Chapter 182 The Wraith Who Has Cultivated Spiritual Consciousness (Part [-])
Lin Qing acquiesced that everyone went out to find a way out, anyway, her spiritual sense could cover the whole village, so she put a ray of divine sense on Hu Er, so as long as they had something to do, she could rush over there immediately.

Even so, she felt unsafe. She handed them each a ghost-exorcism talisman. Although the ghost-exorcism talisman was not very effective against resentful spirits, it was okay to delay for a while.Just give her a little time and she'll be there in no time.

"This is?" Hu Er asked looking at the yellow talisman Lin Qing handed them.

"This is an exorcism talisman, one for each of you, it can protect you from being approached by ghosts." Lin Qing said, she did not explain that the effect of this talisman is short-lived, it can only resist for a while, and it can be counted as giving them some confidence.

"What? Is there really a ghost here?" Li Xiaole trembled.

"It is true that many people died here, so the resentment is very heavy. What is a ghost? To put it bluntly, it is just a mass of energy, and even a grieving ghost is just a mass of powerful energy. They are not as scary as we imagined, terrible What matters is our imagination, they just affect our brains and make us have some hallucinations." Lin Qing told them about ghosts in as scientific a language as possible to let them not be so afraid.

"You mean there are many resentful souls here?" Li Xiaole felt his hairs stand on end, as if there were a bunch of resentful eyes staring at him, his body trembled three times unconsciously.

"Xiao Le, don't be afraid, don't we have the exorcism charm given to us by sister Lin?" Hong Ye comforted.

Li Xiaole took the ghost exorcism talisman and solemnly put the ghost exorcism talisman in his chest pocket.

"In this way, we will divide into two groups. You will be in a team of six, and I will be in a team. This way the search will be faster." Lin Qing said as she saw that everyone was about to go out.

"This... this is really too dangerous, Miss Lin, you should come with us!" Hu Er said.

"Don't worry, these grievances can't hurt me, I'm a cultivator." Lin Qing said confidently, of course she wants to be alone, so that she can absorb all kinds of grievances.

Hu Er looked at Lin Qing's confident look, then thought of the two powerful pets beside her, and agreed to her proposal.

Then Lin Qing, Hu Er and the others split up to explore the village. Lin Qing's purpose was to absorb grievances, and Hu Er's group aimed to find an exit.

As soon as Hu Er and the others left, Lin Qing opened her mouth suddenly. She quickly absorbed the resentment in the courtyard, and the strong resentment formed a vortex, which entered Lin Qing's mouth.

They crazily burrowed in, as if this was a good opportunity for them to enjoy this fresh body and fresh blood. No one entered this disappeared village for a long time, and they were almost starving to death.Although they are already ghosts, without bodies and stomachs, they still feel hungry and psychologically hungry after not eating raw souls for many years.

Lin Qing could feel the excitement of the ghosts around her. If the ghosts around her could talk, they would definitely shout: "Is this little girl a fool? People will use various means to drive us away when they encounter us, for fear that we will come into contact with them." body, but this little girl swallowed us directly into her body, to see how we tear her soul apart!"

Dozens of resentful souls drilled into Lin Qing's sea of ​​consciousness, and found that the soul power of the other party was like a vast sea, with rough waves and boundless, and they were like a flat boat on the sea surface, following along with them on the rough sea surface. The waves swayed from side to side, as if they would fall into the sea at any time.

As Lin Qing operated the Dayan Dao Jue, the fluctuations on the sea surface of the sea of ​​consciousness became more and more severe. The sea was roaring, and there were layers of huge waves, and the huge waves rushed forward row by row, rushing towards everything Everything that stands in his way.The sea suddenly turned into a boundless battlefield, the sea wind blew a sharp "horn", and the waves seemed to be thousands of brave warriors, attacking the dozens of flat boats in the sea fiercely, sending out rumbling shouts.

In an instant, the leafy boat was hit by the waves and shattered, and the pieces were quickly blown away by the sea and sank to the bottom of the sea.

During this process, Lin Qing's chest swelled high, and soon returned to normal.

After Lin Qing absorbed the grievances in this area, she quickly ran towards other places. For her, it doesn't matter what happened, she just absorbed the grievances first, and then she slowly refined them.

After quickly running through several places, Lin Qing came to the place where the resentment was the strongest.This is the center of the village, and of course the house is the best in the village.

Lin Qing pushed open the door and walked in. The wraith was extremely sensitive. It might have sensed Lin Qing's powerful aura, so it was dodging Lin Qing.

"Hehe, it's interesting, could it be that this resentful spirit has a spiritual consciousness?" Lin Qing thought to himself.

"Little Jin and Xiaoyin are up, there will be fun in a while." Lin Qing woke up the sleeping little cute pet.

"What's so fun?" Little Silver rubbed its cute eyes and asked curiously.

"Here is a resentful spirit with spiritual consciousness, shall we catch it together?" Lin Qing laughed.

"Okay, okay, this is fun, I haven't seen what a resentful spirit looks like yet?" Little Silver exclaimed excitedly.

Speaking of which, the two cute pets immediately jumped out and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

About ten minutes later, two cute pets blocked a beauty in a corner. The beauty shivered and looked at the two animals, Xiao Jin and Xiao Yin, looking very scared.

" don't come here." The exotic beauty in white showed fear in her eyes.

When Lin Qing came, she saw such a scene.

"Master, what are you talking about? We didn't see it, we only saw this beautiful lady, but this beautiful lady is a bit timid and seems to be afraid of us. Do Xiaojin and I look so scary?" Little Silver was puzzled.

"This beautiful young lady is the wraith that produces spiritual consciousness. Of course she is afraid of you. You are monsters full of yang energy. Even if she has cultivated spiritual consciousness, she is still a wraith full of yin energy. Since ancient times Since then, yin and yang have restrained each other, not to mention you are stronger than her." Lin Qing laughed.

Although the other party has cultivated spiritual consciousness, but in terms of strength, it is equivalent to the strength of the initial stage of Qi refining. How can it be compared with Lin Qing and Xiao Yin?The coercion unleashed from Lin Qing and Xiao Yin's bodies made her breathless.

"I don't intend to harm you, please let me live." The beauty said pitifully.

"Oh? You didn't harm us now because we are stronger than you. If you encounter a weak person, you will definitely do it. Please give me a reason to forgive you." Lin Qing sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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