Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 183 The Disappeared Ancient Jing Kingdom

Chapter 183 The Disappeared Ancient Jing Kingdom (Part [-])

If Li Xiaole were here and saw the beauty in front of him, he would definitely recognize the beauty in front of him as the exotic beauty he had seen in the portraits and visions.

I saw this woman with sharp-edged outlines, deep and beautiful dark blue eyes showing a pitiful and pitiful expression, her skin was fat, her nose was high, and her dark brown hair was hanging casually behind her. The full lips were pale.

Even if she becomes a wraith, her beauty will not be damaged, so it can be seen that she must have been a peerless beauty during her lifetime.

"I know a secret." The corner of the beauty's mouth moved slightly.

"Oh? Does your secret have anything to do with me?" Lin Qing said coldly. For such a vengeful spirit, if the other party does not provide anything of value, she does not intend to let the other party go.

"You probably came to the desert to hunt for treasure, and this secret is related to the treasure, and I also know that there is an ancient tomb in front of you that contains the elixir of life." The beauty said.

"The elixir of life?" Lin Qing smiled. Why didn't she know that there was any elixir of life in this world? What kind of conspiracy did the other party lie to her like this?
"Yes, the elixir of life, the elixir that can grow white bones and create muscles that will last forever." There was a hint of temptation in the beauty's pleasant voice.

Lin Qing stepped forward and grabbed the beauty's slender neck, and she said angrily, "Do you want to die? Although you have died once, I can make you die again, and your soul will be scattered. Tell me, what is your purpose?" ?”

", I...said..." The beautiful woman's neck was pinched and she was almost out of breath. Even though she was a vengeful spirit, Lin Qing still had a way to make her suffer.

Lin Qing threw it like a rag, and the stunning beauty fell to the ground immediately.

"Tsk tsk tsk, alas, master, you really don't know how to be sympathetic to a beautiful woman, but you have dealt such a heavy hand on such a beautiful woman." Xiaoyin looked at it with a look of light in her eyes.

"I'm not a man, I will be fooled by women's beauty, why don't you give it a try?" Lin Qing teased.

"Master, he's a silver wolf. It's a different species, so we can't take pity on it." Little Silver said pitifully.

"It's okay, next time I will help you find a beautiful wolf, so that you can take pity on her." Lin Qing continued.

"Master, people don't look down on any vulgar fans. It must not only be beautiful, but also be as strong as me, so that we can follow the master together. Otherwise, the two are too different, there is no common language, and there is no way." Let's make progress together, sooner or later one side will abandon the other, I don't want to be a bad guy." Xiao Yin said with bright eyes.

Lin Qing was immediately dumbfounded when she heard this. Did Xiaoyin watch too many TV series? She heard Zhou Linger say that Xiaoyin was obsessed with watching TV series, and even took over all the TV series at home. She didn't take it seriously. Thinking of Xiaoyin being smeared by TV dramas so that her thoughts are advancing with the times like human beings, she can't help but smile, she doesn't know if this is good or bad?

Of course, the dialogue between Lin Qing and Xiao Yin was communicated through spiritual consciousness, and it was only a split second.

Lin Qing looked at the woman lying on the ground and said calmly, "Okay, you only have this one chance, if you play any tricks again, don't blame me for beating you out of your wits."

"Cough cough cough, let me tell you, one thing I didn't lie to you is that there are indeed some treasures in the ancient tomb. As for the elixir of life, no one knows whether it has the effect of immortality, but it does have life. The effect of boneless muscles. I did have my own selfishness in leading you there, because the owner of that ancient tomb is my enemy, and also the enemy of the tragic deaths in my village." The woman in white said with gritted teeth, as if she wanted to eat her enemy like.

"Since you're talking about an ancient tomb, isn't the owner of the tomb already dead? Why do you still look like you're going to eat him?" Lin Qing asked in confusion, frowning slightly.

"Yes, he is dead, but he designed a lot of things. He wants to be resurrected. If seven people die here, the number of people who died because of him will reach 9999. He will really be resurrected. No, I can't resurrect him. , he is a devil, he is a devil." The woman in white felt a little emotional when she thought of the man who died in the ancient tomb.

"What's going on? Can you tell me? If that person is really a heinous person, I will definitely not bring him back to life." Lin Qing said coldly.

Although she was also a demon king in her previous life, she seldom killed innocent people. As the saying goes, do not do to others what you do not want to be done to others. The tragic death experience of her family members in her previous life made her very disgusted with those bloodthirsty people. In her previous life, her enemy was Just for the sake of a kung fu that she heard might exist, all her families were destroyed, and the owner of the ancient tomb killed nearly ten thousand people just for the chance of being resurrected.

"More than 3000 years ago, here was not a desert. There was a country called Gujing, which was an oasis in the desert. Although Gujing was surrounded by deserts, there was fertile land in Gujing. It is like a beautiful pearl in the vast sea of ​​desert, inlaid in the desert, shining with magical colors.

When I was alive, Gujing Kingdom had a population of hundreds of thousands. The supreme ruler of Gujing Kingdom at that time was the king, and I was the princess of Gujing Kingdom.Originally, our country was safe and peaceful, and the people lived happily. Suddenly, there was a drought in our country one year. At that time, the amount of water was greatly reduced. Many cattle and sheep starved to death, and the production of grain was also greatly reduced. There was a panic in the country.

Later, a Taoist priest came to our country. He cast spells to reduce the drought in our country. Later, my father and king regarded him as a national teacher. Since then, he has planted the seeds of disaster for the demise of our country.

In the first few years, the national teacher prayed for the country, cast spells and rain, and won the love of everyone, but gradually he revealed his ambition. He quickly mastered the military power of the country, and he really mastered the ancient capital. regime.

Later, he proposed to build a huge project. At that time, my father did not agree. The project is that ancient tomb and this vanished village.Later, my father was unable to stop it, and the construction of these two major projects was successful.At that time, the demon way was still brainwashing the people of our country, making them believe in the power of faith, saying that believing in the gods would give them eternal life.

Later, Yaodao made another move that made the whole people excited. He proposed to sacrifice, saying that the people who sacrificed were going to serve the gods and get eternal life.But I didn't expect his such absurd behavior to have the support of the people. At that time, my father and king firmly opposed it and tried various methods to save those brainwashed citizens. "The beauty in white choked up when she said this.

(End of this chapter)

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