Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 54 Lin Qing is a Dangerous Person

Chapter 54 Lin Qing is a Dangerous Person

The fat man retorted guiltily, "Are you talking nonsense?"

Li Xuanzheng sneered and said: "Am I talking nonsense? You know in your heart that I, Li Tiezui, still have a very good name in Sucheng. You can go and inquire about when fortune-telling is not allowed."

Although Li Xuanzheng did not fully inherit Li Chunfeng's inheritance, his talent is still good, especially in fortune-telling. When he was in Sucheng, he was called Li Tiezui because of his accurate fortune-telling.

Suddenly, a man in a suit and leather shoes who was about to leave after dinner said in surprise, "Are you Master Li Tiezui from Sucheng?"

"It's right here." Li Xuan said seriously.

"Master Li, I have admired you for a long time. I went to Sucheng not long ago to ask you for a fortune, but I heard that you left Sucheng, so I didn't expect to see you here." The man in suit and leather shoes complimented.

At this moment, the fat man knew that he could no longer pretend, and prepared to leave in desperation.

And Lin Ayue seemed to be stimulated when she heard the news: "You lied to me, you lied to me, I gave you my body, you must divorce and marry me."

"Hmph, you're not a good bird, you're looking for me because I'm rich, and flies don't bite seamless eggs." The fat man said coldly at this time.

"You bastard." As Lin Ayue said, she frantically grabbed the fat man's face. The nails she just made were quite sharp, and after a few strokes, several bloodstains immediately appeared on the fat man's face.

"You shrew, who would want you if you are like this." The fat man pushed hard, and Lin Ayue was pushed to the ground.

At this time, Lin Ayue didn't have a trace of beauty, she looked like a crazy woman.

Lin Qing looked at her indifferently as if looking at the ants in the ground, and then said: "Let's go."

"Seeing that I am unlucky, you are satisfied now!" Lin Ayue said to Lin Qing.

Lin Qing didn't answer her a word, and walked away indifferently.

The biggest ridicule a person can make to another person is to completely ignore her, and Lin Ayue felt this way at this moment.

Although the fat man lied to her, she hated him very much, but she knew that she had nothing to do with him. He had a lot of contacts in Pingshan County. If she insisted on making trouble, she might die an ugly death.

And Lin Qing, a person she looked down on at all, dared to despise her, which made her unacceptable.

"Lin Qing, just wait, I won't make it easy for you." Lin Ayue cursed viciously.

The man in suit and leather shoes admired Li Xuanzheng very much and insisted on treating him to dinner, but Li Xuanzheng said that he had something important to do, and then gave the other party his contact information so that he could get in touch.

When the four of them came to the box, Zhou Linger excitedly said, "Master, have you finally accepted your junior brother?"

Lin Qing smiled and said, "Why do you feel that you are more excited than me?"

"I finally have a junior, can I be unhappy? And I think the junior has a good character, and I like dealing with such people." Zhou Linger stuck out her tongue and said.

Lin Qing took out a triangular flag and handed it to Zhou Linger, saying, "This is a high-level magic weapon as a gift from the master."

Zhou Linger wondered, "Why does this thing look familiar?"

"You have indeed seen this magic weapon before. When I rescued you, I got it from that villain." Lin Qing replied.

"That bad guy from the Yin Fiend Sect?"

Lin Qing nodded. She looked at Li Chengfeng's envious expression, and said, "Don't worry, when the master has another magic weapon, I will also give you one. The triangular flag matches your senior sister's physique."

"Chengfeng, concentrate, the master wants to teach you a set of exercises, the Xuantian Kungfu, which is an internal and external exercise. It not only has internal exercises but also external exercises. If it is someone else, I will not pass it on to him. But with your qualifications, I believe you can."

Although this Xuantian Kung Fu is a Xuan-level kung fu, it is comparable to an earth-level kung fu after the fusion of internal and external kung fu. This kung fu is quite famous in Xiuxian Continent. This is what Lin Qing got from him after he killed an enemy. .

Li Chengfeng was concentrating, when suddenly, something luminous appeared in his mind, which turned out to be the technique of Xuantian Kungfu.He was very surprised by Lin Qing's move.

"Isn't this the supernatural powers of the Buddha in the fairy tales? Could it be that the master is already a god?"

At this time, the image of Lin Qing as a master became even taller.

After a while, the food was served, and the four of them ate happily.

Suddenly, two policemen pushed open the door and entered.

"Who is Li Chengfeng? Who is Lin Qing?"

Lin Qing stood up and said, "I'm Lin Qing, what do you want from me?"

The young policeman continued: "Someone charged you with intentional wounding, please come with us."

Seeing Lin Qing's face, the older policeman hurriedly said, "Sorry, sorry, we made a mistake." As he spoke, he forcefully pulled the young policeman out.

"What's going on? Brother Fang, that's right, it's here." The young policeman was puzzled.

"Hush, go out and talk." Fang Ming whispered.

The two came to a secluded place, Fang Ming explained: "That Lin Qing just now is a dangerous person in our Public Security Bureau!"

"What? There are still dangerous people in our Public Security Bureau?"

"Of course, the daughter of the director of the Zhongzhou Public Security Bureau tried to punish her, which resulted in the investigation of the previous director of the Public Security Bureau in Pingshan County, and was subsequently arrested and sentenced to life. Even Zhao Gang, the captain of the first team of our police force, was also investigated and sentenced. Are you saying she is not a dangerous person?"

"I'll go, that's too scary, we can't afford to offend this little guy, what kind of background does she have?"

"The problem is that she can't find out any background on the surface, but she has so much energy. I heard that someone saw that she had a close relationship with Young Master Xiao, and that she was the savior of Mr. Xiao."

"Which Xiao family?"

"Of course it is the most famous Xiao family in the Central Plains Province. Mr. Xiao's eldest son is the leader of our Central Plains Province."

"I'll go, that Xiao family, no wonder? But what about the woman who came to report the crime?"

"That woman, I checked, and she doesn't have much background, and she is from the same village as Lin Qing. It's not a big deal. The other party is at most slightly injured. If there is insufficient evidence, just send it out. It's also fortunate that the woman is relatively close to our Public Security Bureau, so she went directly to the Public Security Bureau to report the case, otherwise she would have gone to the police station where Lin Qing is unknown to report the case, and it would have been troublesome."

As soon as the two returned to the police station, Lin Ayue, who was waiting at the police station, hurriedly asked, "Where's the person?"

"Who is it? We went to investigate. You have insufficient evidence. No one at the scene of the crime you said saw any beatings. You don't want to frame others, do you? It is illegal to frame others. You have nothing else to do. Hurry up and go to see the injury, we are still busy." Fang Ming said.

"How is it possible?" Lin Ayue said angrily, but she had no choice, and she didn't dare to get angry with the police, so she could only go to the doctor by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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