Grim War God's Death Wife

Chapter 55 Going to Xiangxi

Chapter 55 Going to Xiangxi
After lunch, Lin Qing told Zhou Linger and Li Chengfeng that she was going out for a few days, and today happened to be Saturday, so she asked Li Chengfeng to help her ask for leave after school started.After Li Chengfeng transferred to Qingshui High School, he happened to be in the same class as Lin Qing.

After bidding farewell to the three of them, Lin Qing took Xiaoyin and boarded the train to Xiangxi. At this time, Xiaoyin shrank to the size of a palm and hid in Lin Qing's pocket.Fortunately, the current security check is not very strict, otherwise Xiaoyin would not be able to take it on the train.

Since she didn't buy a ticket in advance, Lin Qing didn't buy a sleeper berth, but only bought a hard seat and set off on the road.

Xiangxi is located in the middle of the Wuling Mountains, which is dominated by mountains and plains, with hills and small plains.The climate here is warm and humid, rich in flora and fauna.

Thinking of the description of Xiangxi in the history books, Lin Qing secretly thought: "Perhaps we can find panacea in Xiangxi, after all, the climate in Xiangxi is suitable for the growth of many medicines, and the more remote the place, the more likely it is to produce high-year medicinal materials. "

After Lin Qing got on the train, she found her seat. Her seat was on the side near the window. Beside her sat a middle-aged couple with a child. Opposite her were three eighteen or nineteen-year-olds. year old girl.

When the middle-aged woman saw Lin Qing, she picked up the child from Lin Qing's seat, and said, "Ni'er, you're not very old, you must be in middle school, where are you going? Are your parents not worried?"

Seeing the enthusiastic middle-aged woman, Lin Qing said helplessly, "I'm going to visit relatives in Xiangxi, my mother is gone, and my father is working in other places."

"Hey, it's so pitiful, the children of poor families have long been in charge of the family!" The middle-aged woman said pitifully, imagining many scenes in her mind when she heard Lin Qing say this.

"Girls, are the three of you going to Xiangxi too?" The cheerful auntie started the chatting mode again.

"That's right, auntie, the three of us like traveling and outdoor sports. This time, we are taking advantage of Saturdays and Sundays to rest and plan to go to Xiangxi." The short-haired girl sitting in the middle said, judging from the clothes of the three of them, the three of them The family is good, although they dress very low-key, but they are all brand products.

The short-haired girl has a round face, a somewhat neutral appearance, and wheat-colored skin, which can be seen that she is often active outside.And the girl on her left has a ponytail, a pair of dimples, and a sweet smile when her lips move slightly.The girl on her right has black hair with a shawl, delicate facial features, looks indifferent, and is not easy to contact.

Xiaoyin stayed in Lin Qing's pocket for a while, but couldn't stay any longer.Hearing someone talking, it crawled out of Lin Qing's pocket and looked outside.

Suddenly, the child in the middle-aged woman's arms looked into Lin Qing's pocket, and said Nuo Nuo, "Mom, there is a puppy."

A few people followed the child's gaze to look at Lin Qing, and found that it was a snow-white puppy.

"Wooooow..." Xiaoyin yelled dissatisfied when someone said it was a puppy.

"I'm not a dog, but a silver wolf, a silver wolf with noble blood."

"Wow, this puppy is so cute!" the short-haired girl exclaimed excitedly, obviously she is a dog lover.

"I said, I'm not a dog, but a silver wolf, a silver wolf." Little Silver looked at the short-haired girl with contempt.

The dimpled girl also joined in the line of exclamation: "I'm going, Xiaofei, the way you look at it is so humane, is it despising you? Hahaha."

Even the indifferent girl's indifference on her face was much less when she saw Xiaoyin, her eyes were sparkling, and she seemed to have a good impression of Xiaoyin.

Seeing the appreciation of several girls, Xiao Yin, who had been lonely for a long time, jumped onto the table in the middle of the seat and started some anthropomorphic movements.For example, one paw points to a short-haired girl's snack, then to her own mouth.

The dimpled girl said: "Looks like this puppy is hungry, Xiaofei, quickly give it your braised chicken legs."

The short-haired girl handed the chicken leg to Xiao Yin, and it bit down, clicked and clicked in its mouth a few times, and swallowed it all without leaving any bones.

Gu Xiaofei exclaimed: "Wow, this puppy's teeth are so sharp, it can even crush bones."

Little Silver picked his teeth with one paw: "My teeth can crush stones, so what are these few bones?"

Afterwards, Gu Xiaofei handed the other snacks to Xiaoyin, and he never refused to come, whether it was potato chips or biscuits, he ate them happily.

Lin Qing sent a voice transmission to Xiao Yin: "Why do you like to eat this human junk food?"

Little Silver replied: "Master, after our animals have evolved into spirit beasts, our senses of hearing, sight, and taste have all become very sensitive. It's not that human food is delicious. It's a pity that these foods have no spiritual energy."

Lin Qing never expected that Xiaoyin was also a foodie, and immediately said via voice transmission: "I will take you to taste the delicacies made with spiritual plants when I have a chance."

Thinking of this, Lin Qing couldn't help thinking to herself: "Is there still a chance to return to the Cultivation Continent? Forget it, anyway, the enemy is dead, so it doesn't matter if you go back or not. At worst, you can set up a spirit gathering array by yourself, so that you can also grow spiritual plants. But whether the spirit stones for the array can be found is another question."

"Really?" Little Silver said in surprise.

Seeing Lin Qing answering "yes", Xiaoyin laughed happily.

"Look, this puppy is laughing like a human." Gu Xiaofei pointed at Xiaoyin and said in surprise.

Everyone saw Xiaoyin laughing out loud like a human being.

The dimpled girl hesitated for a long time before she asked, "Do you want to sell this puppy?"

"Not for sale." Lin Qing said calmly.

"I can offer a high price, is 10 enough?" the dimpled girl said.

"I said I won't sell it." Lin Qing said impatiently.

"The 50 is fine, it can't be higher, this is the highest price I can offer. This price is enough for you to buy a new dog, and there is still a lot of balance left." The dimpled girl continued, she thought it would be impossible to buy it. The things that come here are only if the price is enough. You must know that the price of various expensive breeds of dogs is only tens of thousands of dollars.

"Even if you give me [-] million, I won't sell it." Lin Qing said indifferently.

"You..." the dimpled girl said angrily.

"Okay, Ruyi, don't force it, others don't want to sell it." Gu Xiaofei comforted her.

"But I really like this puppy." The dimpled girl said coquettishly.

"Girl, do you really not sell dogs?" Gu Xiaofei asked.

"If it were you, would you sell your friend or partner? Little Silver is not my pet, but my partner. You also know that it has human nature, so you can ask it, is it willing to be with you?" Lin Qing said.

When Xiaoyin heard Lin Qing say that it was her partner, she was deeply moved, and she was even more sure that she did not recognize the wrong owner.

When An Ruyi heard what Lin Qing said, she hurriedly said to Xiaoyin: "So your name is Xiaoyin. Seeing that you like snacks so much, do you still want to eat them? I can buy you a lot every day, and you are willing to come with me." ?"

Hearing this, Little Silver looked at An Ruyi with disdain, then looked at her with a wary face, and then it quickly jumped onto Lin Qing's shoulder, expressing its wish.

(End of this chapter)

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