Chapter 20 So Family
such a family
The prime minister's mansion, the Qin family's Guilan residence.

"What? That bitch dared to let her girl beat you! And threw you out of Xianglan Courtyard!" Qin's angry voice came from the main room.

"Mother, you must take care of that girl, I don't have such a sister! You want to avenge Yue'er!" Gong Yueer sat next to Qin's hand and kept shaking Qin's hand. It is viciously.

"Don't worry, Yue'er, you go back and have a good rest, mother will go and clean up that bitch right now. She wants to fight with me, but she's still tender!" Looking at the little girl whom she had cherished since she was a child, Qin's heart felt more for Gong Mo'er. There is more hatred.Saying that, Qin Shi and Gong Yue'er walked out of the room and went outside.

"Mother, younger sister, what are you going to do?" Gong Ling'er came in from the outside, just in time to meet Qin Shi who was about to go out with an angry face and Gong Yue'er with a sinister face.

"What are you doing? Of course I'm looking for that little bastard. Let's go, Ling'er, you go with me. She dared to let the servant girl beat your sister today, and even threw your sister out of Xianglan Courtyard!" Qin Qin When she heard Gong Linger's question, she said angrily.

"No!" Gong Ling'er hurriedly stopped after hearing Qin's words.

"Sister! Do you know what I'm talking about? I'm your sister, and now I'm your sister and I've been beaten, yet you say such a thing! Are you still my sister?" Gong Yue'er heard Gong Ling'er's words immediately Don't do it anymore, he asked loudly.

"Yue'er!" The Qin family stopped Gong Yue'er, and then said to Gong Ling'er, "Yes, Linger, what's the matter with you? Could it be that your sister's grievances are in vain?" Qin did not agree. Gong Linger.

"Mother, younger sister, calm down first! Come and listen to me first, I have my own way to make him punished." Gong Ling'er didn't care about the misunderstanding between the Qin family, but gently persuaded her.


"Naughty beast! You wanted to get out!" The Prime Minister Gong Xing came to the Xianglan Courtyard angrily, but he really went before the people arrived, which shows how angry he is.As soon as he came back today, he heard what the servants said about the eldest lady and the princess. After careful questioning, he found out how much trouble this rebellious girl had caused him.That Shuo Prince's Mansion is not something he can mess with.Then he heard the little daughter crying and came to him, saying that Gong Mo'er had beaten her.He was already angry enough, but seeing that the injury on his little daughter's face was still related to Gong Mo'er, his anger rushed up.This is how the present scene came about.

Gong Mo'er frowned slightly, did she come here so soon?She thought that Gong Yue'er would not let it go, but she didn't expect it to be so fast, and the castration came.Evil animal!Heh—the red-sleeved and green girls stood beside Gong Mo'er, in a protective posture.

Gong Xing rushed into the Xianglan Courtyard, saw Gong Moer lying leisurely on the recliner, and immediately became even more furious. He opened his small, almost invisible shrewd eyes and shouted loudly at Gong Moer: "Sinister! You What a good thing you have done! Ben should have strangled you to death in the first place. You started to cause trouble for Ben Xiang right after you came back, and even dared to beat your sister, who gave you the courage to do that!"

Gong Mo'er listened to his words, even though she was as indifferent as her, she didn't feel cold from the bottom of her heart, this is Yuan Shen's biological father!At that moment, Gong Mo'er was no longer indifferent, and the trouble should have been resolved earlier, so she said flatly: "My lord father also said that I did a good deed, why did my lord father become so angry? My lord father said yes I caused you trouble, so I have to ask when and where. Besides, I haven't left the Xianglan Court today, where did I go to beat my sister?"

"I said yes, so don't try to quibble! Come here, arrest the eldest lady!" Gong Xing understood the meaning of Gong Mo'er's words, but he was unmoved and still insisted on going his own way.Even if she didn't hit Yue'er, she still offended Prince Shuo's mansion.Hearing the words of the castration, the guards under him immediately stepped forward to press down Gong Mo'er, while the red-sleeved and green girl stepped forward and stood in front of Gong Mo'er.

"Reverse, reverse, take it down for me!" The action of the red-sleeved and green women in the castration suddenly felt that their majesty had been challenged, and they were furious.

"Let me guess." At this time, Gong Mo'er said lightly, "Father, is this going to take me to Prince Shuo's mansion to make amends?" Seeing the surprised expression on Gong Xing's face, Gong Mo'er With a sneer in his heart, he continued: "Father, don't you think about it, I am your direct daughter, although she and Shuo are princesses and come from Prince Shuo's mansion, you are also the prime minister. If you do this, what will the emperor think? Besides, it's not my fault. The Holy King was there that day, and even he punished Princess Heshuo. Do you think that the Holy King did something wrong?" Gong Mo'er looked at Gong Xing's pale face. , snorted coldly in his heart, but his face remained calm, and he stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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