Chapter 21
Hatred secretly breeds reputation
"Hmph! From today on, you should just meditate on your own past in this courtyard, and don't leave this Xianglan courtyard without the order of the truth!" Gong Xing was so coldly sweated by Gong Mo'er's words, holy king!That is the Holy King!How dare he provoke that ancestor?Fortunately, fortunately, I didn't go!However, he never allowed others to provoke him, even if this person was his daughter, and even if what she said was right.This rebellious woman dared to treat him like this just now, making him so embarrassing in front of many servants!If he doesn't punish her today, he will feel uneasy!Gong Xing gave Gong Mo'er's order as it should.

I have to say that the castration man, he is really desperate for face, which eye did he see that Mo'er was provoking him, at most it was just a reminder or it could be said to correct him, although The attitude may not be as respectful as others.So it can also be seen from here that the castration is extremely conceited.

"Oh? Grounded? I hope Prime Minister Gong won't regret it." This time Gong Mo'er didn't even bother to say "Father".When she came back, she deliberately pretended to be very weak because she didn't want to bother. Of course, it was also partly because she was really weak after the heart attack the day before. She had thousands of ways to return to the palace smoothly, but none of them It's a little more troublesome than this, so she took advantage of the opportunity to show a little weakness, which was really weak, but it didn't mean that she was really weak.But now it seems that they all regard her as a persimmon and squeeze her hard!snort!Grounded?It's okay, but it saves some irrelevant people from disturbing her.But this way... This is not what she expected!Forget it, let them beg themselves to get out.

"I will never regret the truth!" Gong Xing listened to Gong Moer's words, stared at her suspiciously for a while, and found that she was still the same, so he didn't take it seriously.Just now he actually felt a kind of intimidation from a superior person from this daughter, it really was his illusion!Gong Xing snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves, and strode out.A group of guards were left to guard the gate of Xianglan Courtyard.

"Miss, do we really want to stay in the yard?" Hong Xiu asked Gong Mo'er cautiously.

"They are guarding the door, not the wall. When did I teach you that you can only go through the gate? Don't worry, the Prime Minister will come and beg us to go out, so put away your unrealistic thoughts. "Gong Mo'er ignored the frowning Hongxiu standing there thinking, walked to the reclining chair, lay down again, and closed her eyelids.

Yes, how can those idiot guards stop them?But when I came back here, didn't the lady say that I should enter the mansion through the gate in a dignified way?Besides, how can she have any small thoughts, she is obviously worried about the young lady, okay, okay?There is only a little bit, a little bit.Hongxiu lowered her head and pouted in her heart to refute in a low voice.

"You, don't think about it anymore, Miss still doesn't know you. Hehe——" Luwu teased at the side, then ignored Hongxiu's reaction, turned around and sat back at the stone table, and continued the unfinished work in her hand. Things, but even if she didn't read it, she could predict that the girl would probably stare at her.Sure enough, Hongxiu glared at Luwu, turned around and left, and went on to busy with her own affairs.

Guilan is in the middle.

"Mother, mother!" Gong Yue'er yelled into Guilanju as soon as she walked into Guilanju. Seeing no one answered, she turned around and happened to meet Wang Momo who was beside Qin, and asked, "Wang Momo, what can I do?" Where did mother go?"

"Returning to Miss Fourth, Madam just went to Miss Second's place for a while. Why don't you wait here and wait for Mammy to look for you?" Nanny Wang replied with her head slightly lowered.

(End of this chapter)

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