Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 27 Entering the Palace

Chapter 27 Entering the Palace (1)
enter the palace
The main courtyard, Qingsong Residence.

"Master, master!" Qin started to howl as soon as she entered the residence of the castration, followed by her two daughters.

"Shut up! What are you screaming? As the prime minister's wife, look at what you are doing! Where does one look like a mistress?" Gong Xing heard Qin's howl in the room, and frowned fiercely. road.This Qin family is getting more and more unruly!
When Gong Xing saw Qin Shi listening to his lecture, he suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart. Back then, when he was not the prime minister of Yaori, there was always a kind of pressure in front of Qin Shi, and he dared not speak loudly. The old guy always looked down on himself, now that those days are finally over, he feels proud.

"Aren't you supposed to go to the palace to attend the palace banquet hosted by the Empress Dowager? Why are you still here?" Suddenly, he asked as if he remembered something.

"Master, that's why I came to you!" Qin said honestly.

"Oh? What happened?" Gong Xing couldn't help asking when he thought of Qin's appearance just now.

"Today, my concubine was ready to enter the palace early, but I didn't expect that after waiting for the young miss for a long time, she didn't see her come out, so I sent Qiaolan to call her. But Qiaolan came back and said, she said it was the order from you, the lord." , her feet were restrained, she couldn't come out! The concubine thought that the palace banquet was too important, so she went to Xianglanyuan and said that the master let her come out. But the eldest lady said that unless the master asked her, she would not Come out. He also said that if the empress dowager finds out, she will tell the queen mother truthfully, so that the master does not have to worry about her!" Qin told Gong Xing what happened one by one, and carefully observed the expression of Gong Xing. His countenance changed.

"This rebellious girl! This rebellious girl!" Gong Xing was so angry that he couldn't speak, and could only repeat this sentence.He finally understood what Gong Mo'er said when he left last time, "You will regret it!". Could it be that she had expected today's situation?Gong Xing couldn't help but doubt in his heart.

In fact, Gong Mo'er never expected what happened today, she just used her own method to make Gong Xing regret grounding her, who would have thought that the opportunity would come so quickly.If the castration doesn't follow what she said this time, she can't guarantee that the post of prime minister of castration can be done safely.After all, a dog that is undyingly loyal to its master is not a good dog, and no master would tolerate it.

"Master, it seems that the time is running out, you see..." This banquet is related to the fate of my daughter, so what if Gong Mo'er doesn't go now?Qin was in a hurry.

"Let's go! Go to Xianglanyuan!" Knowing the severity of the castration, he immediately took Qin's mother and daughter to Xianglanyuan.


Gong Xing and his party came to Xianglan Courtyard.Looking at Gong Mo'er's leisurely look, the commonness wished to strangle her to death, but unfortunately, she could only think about it in her heart.

"What exactly do you want?" Seeing that Gong Mo'er didn't even look at him, Gong Xing continued to do his own thing, held back his anger, and asked patiently.

"Huh? Why is the Prime Minister here?" Gong Mo'er said as if she had just seen him just now, and seeing Gong Xing's face suddenly changed, she continued, "What do I want? The Prime Minister's words are just right. Wrong question, it should be the Prime Minister, what do you want? This has restricted my feet, why do people keep disturbing me?"

"You!" Gong Xing endured it, calmed down, and said, "Why are you willing to go out to the palace banquet?"

"Well, I've said it before, unless you beg me, I won't be willing to leave this quiet place!" Gong Mo'er said reluctantly, as if she really didn't want to leave this place.Looking at it like this, the castration was very hot, but it made the corners of Hong Xiu and Lu Wu's mouths twitch continuously.God!Why didn't they realize that Miss had such a side before?
(End of this chapter)

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