Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 28 Entering the Palace

Chapter 28 Entering the Palace (2)
Gong Xing stared at Gong Mo'er for a long time.Finally, he winked at Qin Shi.Seeing this, Qin's eyes widened, the master actually asked himself to beg this little bastard?But under the eyes of the castration, Qin had no choice but to go forward.Seeing this, the corner of Gong Mo'er's mouth showed a trace of irony.

"Mo'er, mother begs you to go out and attend the palace banquet!" Qin shi lowered her head to hide the hatred in her eyes, persuading her.However, Gong Mo'er just looked at Gong Xing with a half-smile, and didn't make a sound.

"Gong Mo'er, you have to know when enough is enough!" Gong Xing couldn't understand what Gong Mo'er meant?But asking him to beg that rebellious woman...

"Oh - I know enough is enough, so Mr. Prime Minister, go out quickly, the time for the palace banquet is coming soon." Gong Mo'er said casually.

Gong Xing suppressed the flash of killing intent in his eyes, and said angrily: "I wanted to ask you to get out!"

"This doesn't seem like the attitude you should have when begging for help! If you don't know, you might think I'm forcing you." Gong Mo'er said indifferently that she would be so angry that she wouldn't pay for her life.

"I beg you to go out and attend the palace banquet tonight!" At this moment, Gong Xing really wanted to kill Gong Mo'er.

"Well, for the sake of the sincerity of the prime minister and the second wife, Mo'er is so disrespectful!" Seeing Gong Xing and Qin's appearance, Gong Mo'er felt happy for a while, and this could be regarded as a small interest for her predecessor. Bar!Of course, it was also a small price for them to provoke themselves.Gong Mo'er went on to say: "Then, let's go now, time is running out, it's not good to be late!" The corners of the mouths of everyone who said this sentence twitched, I dare say it's not because of you that it took so long!When it comes to how innocent and considerate everyone is.

Finally, a group of people set foot on the carriage to attend the banquet in the palace...

Palace gate.

Lu Wu helped Gong Mo'er out of the carriage, after all, you have to put on a show when you should, don't you?Qin and the others also got out of the carriage and walked towards the gate of the palace.The Qin family's group suffered a disadvantage at the hands of Gong Mo'er, so they didn't dare to provoke her for a while.Besides, this is at the gate of the palace, and there is not much time left. When we get to the palace...huh!

Gong Mo'er looked at the imperial palace on this sunny day. She came at night that day, and because she had something to do, she didn't look at the imperial palace carefully. She didn't expect that the gate of the city was so magnificent. On the palace wall, there are two side doors on both sides. A lifelike dragon sculpture is carved on the top of the door, and various dragon-shaped reliefs are carved on the two sides. The momentum all shows the power of the royal family. The Forbidden City in the previous life is no different!

Seeing that the Qin family had already walked in, Gong Mo'er followed into the palace without haste.Along the way, perhaps because she came late, Gong Mo'er didn't meet anyone.Finally, the quiet environment changed because of a trace of noise.Gong Mo'er looked in the noisy direction.I saw that a crescent moon passed by at this time, shedding a hazy yellow, adding a charming sense of mystery to the palace.Looking from a distance, the palaces seem to be inlaid on the ground, revealing the glazed tile roofs. The two dragons on the cornices, with golden scales and armor, are alive and seem to be flying into the sky. The whole looks like a fairyland.It's just that at this time, this fairy energy was abruptly destroyed by those noises.When she got closer, Gong Mo'er realized that the inner pillars of the palace were actually supported by many huge gold-painted pillars, and each pillar was engraved with a circled, lifelike five-clawed golden dragon, which was extremely spectacular.But Gong Mo'er felt that it was too extravagant!

Gong Mo'er looked at Qin Shi, and saw that she had walked among the familiar wives on her own, and Gong Ling'er and Gong Yue'er had also found their own small group.Only Gong Jing'er was left standing there with a very cramped look.Gong Mo'er also ignored it, turned around and wanted to walk towards a quiet corner.Suddenly felt that his sleeve was being pulled by someone, and Lu Wu immediately stood in front of him.Gong Mo'er followed her sleeves, looked up, saw that it was Gong Jing'er who was pulling her, looked at her, and raised her eyebrows.

Gong Jing'er was taken aback when she saw Lu Wu's movements, and then saw Gong Mo'er looking at her, she couldn't help but let go of Gong Mo'er's sleeve, lowered her head, and said timidly: "Daddy!" Sister, can I come with you?"

Gong Mo'er didn't expect that Gong Jing'er, who had always existed as an invisible person, would pull her to say such a thing, thinking that Gong Jing'er was quite peaceful, she said lightly: "It's up to you." Afterwards, she continued to think about it. walk around the corner.

Seeing that Gong Mo'er agreed, Gong Jing'er was taken aback for a moment, then happily followed Gong Mo'er and walked towards the corner.

In the distance, Gong Ling'er has been paying attention to Gong Mo'er, seeing Gong Jing'er walking past with Gong Mo'er, her eyes showed a bit of surprise, but Gong Yue'er was first resentful and then ridiculed when she saw this.This made the ladies who were with them couldn't help but follow their eyes.This look unexpectedly saw a pair of faces.

"Linger, isn't that your third younger sister over there? Who is that with her? Why haven't I seen it before?" A lady who was close to Gong Linger asked curiously, and the crowd beside her The young lady straightened her ears and listened carefully.

"Hmph! Who else could it be? Isn't she a bitch who just came back from the countryside!" Before Gong Linger could reply, Gong Yueer on the side glared in Gong Moer's direction and said angrily.

"Yue'er!" Gong Ling'er saw that Gong Yue'er spoke so freely, she couldn't help reminding her, but Gong Yue'er didn't appreciate it, she gave her a glare and left, and walked elsewhere.

Gong Ling'er looked at Gong Yue'er, annoyance flashed in her eyes, but she put it away immediately, put on a smiling face, and said softly to the ladies around her: "Yue'er is still young, everyone Don't mind the big sister. That is our big sister, she just came back, so you haven't seen her before."

"Oh——so she is the young lady in your family who grew up in the countryside and just came back recently, and beat Princess Heshun a few days ago!" A lady next to her said suddenly.

"Yeah, but you don't look very good!" Gong Linger's friend said, then she seemed to realize something, and hurriedly said to Gong Linger: "Linger, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"It's okay, I..."

"The empress dowager is here! The empress is here! Even the imperial concubine is here! The concubine is here!" Gong Linger really wanted something, and a high-pitched eunuch's unique voice interrupted her.

"Greetings to the empress dowager, the empress, the noble concubine, and the virtuous concubine! The empress dowager, the empress, the noble concubine, the virtuous concubine, a thousand years and a thousand years!" Everyone in the hall immediately knelt down and said in unison.And Gong Mo'er squatted behind under the cover of the crowd and clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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