Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 86: Promising Love

Chapter 86: Promising Love (1)
After hearing Dijunyan's words, and seeing the joy from the bottom of Dijunyan's eyes, Gong Mo'er didn't know what to say for a while.She didn't expect Di Junyan to agree without the slightest hesitation, which undoubtedly made Gong Mo'er add a glimmer of hope to her decision just now, maybe she can really try the feelings that she had never touched in her previous life!
"Dijunyan, have you really made up your mind? I won't allow anyone to betray me!" Gong Mo'er looked at Dijunyan seriously, and asked for the last time.

"Mo'er, I, Dijunyan, only recognize you! The fate of the person who betrayed me is absolutely unimaginable!" Dijunyan also expressed his determination to Gong Mo'er with a serious face.

Hearing Di Junyan's words, Gong Mo'er felt relieved. Looking at Di Junyan's appearance, and thinking of the clips she saw on the Internet when she was bored in her previous life, Gong Mo'er felt teasing in her heart, and her face was serious. Said: "Dijun Yan, to be my man, just this is not enough."

"What more did Mo'er say? I will definitely satisfy all of Mo'er's conditions!" How could Di Junyan not have noticed the flash of light in Gong Mo'er's eyes? I am happy to cooperate, so I don't say anything.

"To be my man, one must obey the Three Obediences and Four Virtues!" Gong Mo'er said flatly.With this appearance, even though Di Junyan believed in his own eyesight, he doubted whether he had just seen it wrong.

Gong Mo'er, who looked at Dijunyan with a guilty conscience, cleared his throat, ignoring Dijunyan's smiling eyes, and said seriously, "Oh? Mo'er said so!" Dijunyan said with a smile, his eyes flashed Sisi doting.But I was really curious about what the "three obediences and four virtues" in Mo'er's mouth looked like.

"Cough!" I was told: "Three obediences: the wife must follow" when she goes out, "obey" when the wife orders, and "obey" blindly when the wife makes mistakes; Be willing to give up, bear with your wife's anger, and remember your wife's birthday!"

Di Junyan didn't expect that what Gong Moer said would be this, he was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing, this little woman was trying to tease him!However, these words are really good and can be implemented, so Di Junyan looked at Gong Mo'er and said seriously: "Of course I have to follow Mo'er! Mo'er can do whatever Mo'er says. Tomorrow I will ask Mu Yi to take over the Holy Palace. Give Mo'er all the house deeds, title deeds, etc. From now on, I will come to make up for Mo'er every day, and if anyone dares to make Mo'er angry, I will definitely make his life worse than death!" Well, in this way, you can see Mo'er every day!Di Junyan thought in his heart, he must hurry up and marry Mo'er back!However, Holy King, don't you realize that you are already going further and further down the road of wife and slavery?
Gong Mo'er couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard Di Junyan's words, is she asking for trouble?In fact, Gong Mo'er didn't realize that in front of Di Junyan, she no longer had the eternal indifferent appearance, but was more like a living person, a person with flesh and blood.Seeing the change in Gong Mo'er, Di Junyan was very happy. This could be regarded as Mo'er opening up her heart for herself!
"Don't make trouble for me, I don't want your belongings from the Holy King's Mansion!" Gong Mo'er looked at Di Junyan as if he was lying, for fear that tomorrow he would really ask Mu Yi to bring those things. Flame emphasized.

"It's okay, Mo'er will keep it, I'll just ask someone to help Mo'er organize those things!" Di Junyan had made up his mind to let Gong Mo'er take charge of everything in the Holy Palace.

"Are you going to stop talking now?" Gong Mo'er suddenly resumed her usual tone, and said flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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