Evil king loves heartless concubine

Chapter 87: Promising Love

Chapter 87: Promising Love (2)
Di Junyan was stunned by Gong Moer's sudden change, and for a moment didn't know what Gong Moer meant.

Seeing Di Junyan's confused look, Gong Mo'er explained: "What you said just now is what I say. I don't want you to send those belongings from the Holy Palace over tomorrow."

After Gong Mo'er just said these things, Di Junyan already understood.It's funny in my heart, who doesn't care about the entire property of the Holy King's Mansion?What's the matter with Mo'er's attitude of avoiding it?It's a good thing she didn't go back on her word, now she doesn't want it, when they get to the Holy Palace, those are still hers, it doesn't matter.However, Di Junyan didn't know how big Gong Mo'er's property was, so maybe he would understand.But who would think too much money?So I still have to say that these two people are wonderful, one insists on giving away his wealth, and the other refuses the money that comes to his door!

"Okay, since Mo'er said no, I'll keep it now. Whenever Mo'er needs it, just come and get it." After thinking clearly, Di Junyan said along.

Gong Mo'er also felt that she seemed to be a little unreasonable just now, she felt that she didn't even know her own, she felt embarrassed and secretly annoyed.But soon, she changed back to that indifferent look.

Of course Di Junyan sensed Gong Moer's emotional changes, he stretched out his hand to lift Gong Moer's chin, looked at her deeply with his eyes, and said seriously: "Moer, you don't need to hide your true emotions in front of me. I will never hurt you, so you can be the most natural self. You can laugh when you are happy in front of me, growl when you are angry, and act like a baby like other women. I like you who are so real! So, Moer, Don't feel upset, it means that you accept me in your heart, don't resist, okay?"

Gong Mo'er didn't expect Di Junyan to feel such a small fluctuation in her mood. Hearing his words, her heart suddenly brightened.That's right, since I'm ready to accept him, I don't have to resist when I have these emotions.She was not a coy person, after she figured it out, she said openly, "I know." At this time, Gong Mo'er realized that Di Junyan's hand was on her chin, and immediately twisted it. At first, dodged his hand.If it's someone else, let's not talk about life, don't even think about taking that hand!

Di Junyan withdrew his hand and asked uncertainly, "Mo'er, so now I have met the conditions?"

Gong Mo'er didn't look at Di Junyan, and asked calmly, "Do you feel that you are not satisfied?"

Di Junyan immediately said: "No, if I'm not satisfied, who else in this world is worthy of Mo'er?" While speaking, there was an aura of a superior who ruled the world.Gong Mo'er was completely speechless by Di Junyan's narcissistic look.But who let others have that capital?
Di Junyan looked at the sky outside, and suddenly said: "It's getting late, Mo'er, go to bed early! I'll go back first." Gong Mo'er heard Di Junyan's words, and turned her eyes back to him.At this time, Di Junyan suddenly appeared beside Gong Moer, lowered his head, kissed Gong Moer's red lips lightly, and disappeared quickly before Gong Moer could react.Before disappearing, a word gently reached Gong Mo'er's ears.

After Di Junyan left, Gong Mo'er lay down on the bed and was about to rest. For some reason, Di Junyan's words "Mo'er, remember to miss me!" Gong Mo'er cursed secretly, "Who would miss you?" !” Then he lay down, closed his eyes and began to rest.

Di Junyan walked out of Xianglan Courtyard with a happy face, and just returned to the gate of Lingjun Courtyard, when he saw the black shadow who heard that he was coming back.As soon as Hei Ying saw the smile on his master's face, his gossip mentality began to flood again: "Master, where did you go just now?"

"What? Do you even care about my whereabouts now?" Di Junyan said in a cool voice.

"No, no, master, I'm here to deliver a message for Mr. Yunlan. He said that if you don't want that life, just let him go." Heiying hurriedly explained his purpose.

"Have you finished talking? After you've finished speaking, go back and exercise for a while. You will clean up the toilets in the palace for a month." Di Junyan said calmly, ignoring the stunned face of the black shadow.Afterwards, he returned to Lingjun Court without looking back.

"Master..." In the end, the poor black shadow didn't know why he was punished by the master. According to his observation, it was definitely not because of his questioning just now.However, Mu Ye, the only one who knew, would not tell him the reason.Soi Ying had no choice but to resign himself to cleaning the toilet!
(End of this chapter)

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