Chapter 88
summoned by the queen
the next day.Xianglan Courtyard.

Mo Jin got up early to start practicing kung fu as before, but saw that Lu Wu came to guide him to practice so early today, because it was Lu Wu who had been pretending to be Gong Mo'er these days, so Mo Jin naturally regarded her as Lu Wu.He didn't say anything, but he thought in his heart, what's wrong with Sister Luwu today?But he didn't think too much, just focused on practicing kung fu.

Gong Mo'er knew about Mo Jin's doubts, but she didn't explain it. Seeing that Mo Jin had grown a lot this year, and his skills had improved a lot, at least now self-protection was no longer a problem, Gong Mo'er was very pleased.

At this time, Lu Wu came out of the house and saw that her young lady was wearing thin clothes and was instructing Mo Jin to practice in the yard. She went back to the house to get the thin fur, and went to Gong Mo'er to put it on for her. , and said with concern: "Miss, why don't you sleep more? You have to wear thicker clothes when you come out so early!"

It's been a year since seeing Lu Wu like this, and hearing her words, Gong Mo'er felt warm in her heart, and said with a slight smile, "It's okay, I just woke up when I couldn't sleep, I can still stand the coldness." of."

Mo Jin was practicing when he suddenly saw Lu Wu coming out of the room, and then looked at the "Lv Wu" who was instructing him to practice. Hearing what they said, how could Mo Jin not understand at this moment!He dropped the sword in his hand, threw himself into Gong Mo'er's arms, and cried, "Sister, sister, why haven't you come for so long? Jin'er thought that sister didn't want Jin'er anymore."

Gong Mo'er couldn't prevent that Mo Jin would rush over suddenly, she staggered back a bit, hugged Mo Jin and said softly: "Jin'er, don't cry, my sister just went out to run some errands, my sister said she wouldn't leave you behind , don't you trust my sister?"

"No, Jin'er...believe in my sister." Mo Jin was really frightened by Gong Moer's absence for a year. The reason why he came here was to protect his sister. He thought that Gong Moer hadn't returned for so long. Something happened when I came back.After all, she was still young, and seeing Gong Mo'er come back, she couldn't help crying.

"Well, sister is fine. Jin'er is a man, and men don't cry easily, so Jin'er can't cry." Gong Mo'er coaxed patiently.Seeing her lady's coaxing stiff movements, Lu Wu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing that both Gong Mo'er and Mo Jin were looking at her, Lu Wu said with a smile: "Young Master Mo Jin, you should stop crying, this is the first time Miss is coaxing someone!"

Mo Jin glared at Lu Wu fiercely, then calmed down, and felt embarrassed, thinking of him... Forget it, who made her my sister, it's okay to cry in front of my sister, it's okay, Mo Jin Jin comforted herself.

Seeing Mo Jin staring at her, Lu Wu smiled, and stopped teasing him, and said to Gong Mo'er: "Miss, Lu Wu is going to cook now."

Gong Mo'er never saw Hong Xiu and asked, "Where is Hong Xiu?"

Lu Wu just remembered, and replied: "Hongxiu went out after receiving the news from Feiyi, and she probably will be back soon." After speaking, seeing that her lady didn't speak, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Until Gong Mo'er and the others had breakfast, Hong Xiu didn't come back.I didn't want to wait for the red sleeve, but I waited for the queen to summon...

Outside the palace gate.

Gong Mo'er looked indifferently at the majestic palace gate in front of her. This was her second time entering the palace, but she still didn't like the atmosphere inside. Women's freedom?Forget it, as long as she doesn't mess with herself, she will cooperate with their roles!Gong Mo'er didn't think too much, and walked slowly into the palace under the guidance of her father-in-law.

(End of this chapter)

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