Defend Naruto World

Chapter 484 Decepticons, attack!

Chapter 484 Decepticons, attack!

When the reconciliation group of five just boarded the armored vehicle, a small black spot appeared in the distant sky.

"It's the second airdrop!" Xiao Nan pointed to the window, where the airdrop box was as small as a grain of rice.

"Really." Nagato, who became a little talkative, patted the shoulder of the driver in front of him.

Yahiko lowered his head, barely able to see: "The first one is this armored vehicle, what is the second one?"

Pakula, who was trying to maintain his facial muscles, somewhat despised the behavior of these three people.

Along the way, all the supplies she didn't plan to ask for were packed together by them for the matryoshka.

The center of the examination room is really fat.

Kirabi in the passenger seat nodded in favor of chasing the airdrop.

Four against one, the dark-faced Pakula could only accept this reality.

Airdropping such a good thing will of course attract a lot of people's attention.

The first one was near the center of the examination room, and most of the ninjas who were thinking about their lives didn't have much thought.

And this airdrop in the east, close to the beach, is bound to have considerable competition.

Jiu Xinna pressed the headset: "Come back quickly, we have good things here!"

Minato, who went out to search for supplies, appeared in front of her in the next second.

Scorpion, who was rubbing the scroll, was hesitating whether to take out himself, the only puppet participating in the test.

"It's a bit far to go back~" Kushina, who was full of smiles, blinked her big eyes.

Minato knew what she meant: "Sorry, I took Kunai from the beach away just now..."

"At critical times, I really can't rely on you." Kushina puffed up her face and strode towards the red smoke mark on the beach.

Xie suddenly stopped her: "Beautiful sister, I have a vehicle with me."

Under two pairs of golden eyes, he opened the scroll with the Decepticon on it.

Minato, who felt a little familiar, became highly excited after the smoke cleared: "This is, Megatron!"

"Megatron?" Jiu Xinnai, who tried hard to remember, suddenly realized after a while: "So it's the big villain of Transformers..."

"Kamian came to fight Jiu Xinnai, absolutely not..." Before she finished speaking, she was pulled into the cockpit of the nose by the water door.

"It's just three seats..." His mood was as happy as if he was satisfied: "Scorpion, hurry up~"

"Oh." The scorpion moved much faster than before, and started the engine after sitting down.

Unlike Yuyi, which uses fire attribute chakra, the power source of this Megatron is driven by wind attribute.

While reducing weight, it is also possible to freely accelerate and decelerate.

The explosive power and extreme speed are of course much worse than those of Yuyi.

But in terms of maneuverability and flexibility, Megatron is undoubtedly stronger.

"Decepticons, attack!" Minato, who looked like a child, yelled out this classic line.

"If Kamian comes to fight Kushina, he will never join forces with evil forces!"

After lift-off, Kushina smelled really good.

"Scorpion, hurry up~"

"Okay, pretty sister."

The location of the second airdrop.

Here, a big battle is going on.

"Do you think that if you get this thing, you will be able to advance successfully?" Genin, wearing a Konoha forehead protector, half-kneeled on the beach.

The Kirin who unwrapped the scroll in front of him had an extremely ecstatic expression: "Hahaha... even has this kind of weapon!"

With a total length of 1.2 meters, the threatening large-caliber sniper rifle was pressed against the forehead of this Konoha Shinobi.

The Three Hokages in the sky cursed.

Yakura shrugged his shoulders, indicating that Kirigakure's ninjas are more or less out of their minds.

The Kirito Shinobi in the screen is pulling the trigger little by little.

He seemed to enjoy the process of bringing fear to others.

Shen was uncomfortable being watched by the third Hokage: "It's okay, this contestant didn't even load the bullet."

These words reached the ears of all the audience through the live broadcast.

They were a little nervous, and they were really afraid that there would be a bloody scene.

Forget about loading the bullet, this Mist ninja must have not noticed it.

So after the "click", his expression was still very cruel.

All the viewers who followed have seen what it means to change faces.

Konoha's ninja immediately rolled over to the airdrop box, holding all the bullets inside.

With a dumbfounded expression, Kirito threw the sniper gun to the ground, and shouted loudly while charging: "You will experience despair!"

"Shua..." A handful of three-pointed kunai was inserted in front of the airdrop box.

"The Sword of Ninja Love?" After Konoha Shinobu blinked, a broad figure appeared in front of him.

"People from Konoha?" Wu Ninja grinned and gave a very cruel smile: "Only the weak will hold together!"

After Minato picked up Kunai, he shot at him.

"Ding..." Kunai, who was hit by the shuriken, rolled to the rear.

"What!" Wu Ninja, who was hit hard on the back of the head, didn't feel any abnormality until he lost consciousness.

"Are you okay?" Minato held out his hand.

Konoha Ninja, who escaped unharmed, suddenly became nervous: "Leave quickly, there are enemies over there."

"It's okay." Minato smiled and pulled him up forcefully: "They are companions."

The silver-gray Megatron was getting closer and closer to the two of them.

He didn't dare to relax his vigilance until he saw the figure with fluttering red hair when the nose was turned on.

"Perfect landing~" Kushina, who smashed a big hole in the ground, ran over with a sniper rifle in his arms while smiling.

"Here..." Shinobu Konoha, who was full of helplessness, couldn't refuse the open little hand.

After a few clicks, the clips were loaded with bullets.

"Why only five shots..." Kushina, with a dejected expression, seemed to be slandering someone in her heart.

The scorpion stuck in the air poked its head out: "Due north, there is an armored vehicle approaching quickly."

Jiu Xinnai smiled like a little devil: "Why don't we play until dark?"

With a wry smile on his face, Minato couldn't refuse the request.

It's not a question of whether you want to or not, but that you can't refuse at all.

"Beautiful sister..." Xie suddenly had a bad feeling: "This Megatron only has three seats."

"It's okay, Scorpio..." Kushina pointed to the Konoha ninja with a smile: "There is still room, there are still some crowded places."

Minato touched his head with his hand, and smiled foolishly: "There are two people crowded in the driver's seat, it's really embarrassing..."

"It's not as good as the three of us, just barely behind..."

"Is that so?" Kushina smiled even more happily: "Minato, you are really smart~"

"Ahem..." The words full of special meaning brought back the memories of Minato.

Every time Kushina smiles happier, it is to the extent that she wants to make up her mind.

It's still going up in a straight line.

"I'm going with Scorpion..."

"Okay~" Kushina with a bright smile, but her eyes were a little cold: "Let me do it, is it okay?"

Scorpion and the other person nodded obediently.

The water gate caught in the middle began his tragic journey in the air.


(End of this chapter)

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