Defend Naruto World

Chapter 485 The Shocking Showdown Between Heaven and Earth

Chapter 485 The Shocking Showdown Between Heaven and Earth

Inside the dark armored vehicle.

The five people who formed a temporary team all found the small handgun driving towards them.

Yahiko stepped on the brake hard and turned the steering wheel 180 degrees.

"Crackling..." The entire armored vehicle made an inertial U-turn.

"Yo~" Kirabi said in a freestyle: "The strongest armored vehicle in the universe, stepped on the accelerator to the end, chased the small gray machine and crashed~"

Except for his full face, the expressions of the other four were all indescribable.

Indra's pursuit of the plane is okay, but this armored vehicle looks heavy?

Nagato silently took out two rocket launchers: "Xiaonan, here."

Pakula's slender eyelashes trembled unconsciously.

These supplies were originally hers.

"Well..." Xiao Nan tilted her head back and looked at her sincerely: "It's better to use this, you can use it."

"No need." Pakula, who looked sideways out of the car window, refused very firmly.


Shen of the space carrier saw this scene, his eyelids couldn't stop jumping wildly.

"Kazekage, the old man wants to ask..." Third Hokage's heart was a little heavy: "Don't all of you Shinin who participated in the test have their own information?"

Sandai Kazekage glanced back, and Chiyo, who was staring up at the ceiling, knew that Megatron, who had been transformed into a puppet, was Scorpion's secret weapon.

"Hokage, it looks like you Konoha ninjas don't have any information about Flying Raijin~"

"Isn't this old man, for the sake of keeping secret..."

"So are we~"

Seeing this scene, Shen pressed the headset: "Generally there is no problem, do you want to come over?"

Nao at the bow of the ship can see the old face of the third Hokage through the surveillance.

"No, watching the playback is the same."


Shen, who was a little disappointed, saw the small handgun in the sky and the armored vehicle on the ground, and suddenly lost the interest to continue paying attention.

According to his understanding of Jiu Xinnai, if he said that he would play until it was dark, he would definitely play until it was dark.

"Come on, Minato..."

After cheering up the little huangmao who was pinched all over his face, he looked at the performance of the other seeded players on the big screen.

Qing has come to the center of the examination room and is picking up the leftover supplies from the third child.

It was a little far away, and after drinking a whole can of beverages, he ran away from the circle of poison at full speed.

"It doesn't look very smart..."

Shen thought of an artist who also had a blast escape, and suddenly realized that these blasters might be used to blowing up whenever they have something to do, so they don't use their brains very much.

The last threatening one is Mackey, who is sticking to the east beach and driving a small motorcycle.

"Another artifact..." He thought it was indescribably funny that the other party with a serious face was driving the car so solemnly.

Turning his head to look at Luo Sha, he felt that he could wait a few years for this picture, and show it to his nephew's friend who couldn't sleep and had severe facial paralysis.

So this scene, the picture of strategic encirclement strategy, will become a very joyful classic scene in the future.


In the high altitude of the examination room, happily slipping in the Megatron nose of the armored vehicle.

The famous scene here is no smaller than that of Markey.

Minato, who is a man on the left and right, was pinched so that his facial features were twisted together.

Suddenly, he felt dizzy.

It's as if the whole plane has spiraled several times on the side.

"Uh...why do seniors treat rocket launchers as supplies..."

A piece of ammunition that slammed through the glass window ignited the soul of Tucao hidden deep in Minato's heart.

"Wow Ka Ka Ka Ka!" Jiu Xinnai, who made a perfect tumbling movement, hurriedly looked behind him as if claiming credit: "Tell me, am I very good~"

"Si Guoyi..." X3
The three of them reluctantly responded.

At this time, if you dare to have objections...

Watergate is the best example.

"Boom..." The shells that exploded in the distance illuminated Jiu Xinnai's pretty face full of excitement.

Xiao Nan, who was empty on the ground, was not depressed.

Half of her small face exposed outside the armored vehicle was even full of dissatisfaction.

After squinting his eyes and pulling the trigger, the second cannonball with its tail flame rushed towards Megatron in the sky at a very high speed.

Kushina, who didn't panic at all, made another standard rolling action.

The water gate in the middle was even more uncomfortable.

The scorpion is so small that it is not considered the top.

The other one was about his age, and half of his body was well muscled.

It's really uncomfortable to squeeze over.

"Two shots at the same time..." Kushina pulled down the joystick forcefully: "Let you all see my true strength!"

Megatron, climbing vertically, narrowly missed being hit by one of the rounds.

Nagato and Konan below were filled with ammunition with regretful faces.

"Be economical." After Pakula finished speaking, he turned his head and continued to look at the scenery.

"Okay~" Xiao Nan responded obediently, seeing Megatron swooping back, he waited for the opportunity.

Nagato stopped trying to pull the trigger.

After all, these things belong to Pakula in principle.

If these twenty rounds go on and they don't hit, it's really hard to explain to her.


The Helicarrier is a room dedicated to live streaming.

Chuan Ren is explaining that this is a shocking duel from heaven and earth.

"Contestant Xiaonan has been aiming for a long time, she didn't panic at all..."

"Look, Nagato raised his bangs, he finally discovered this problem..."

With a somewhat excited expression, he couldn't help but quicken his tone slightly: "Contestant Jiuxinna, you have definitely undergone very strict training..."

"Do you know how difficult it is to climb vertically?"

"Anyway, I can't do it~"

The audience in front of the TV all booed and stomped.

"But I'm really curious, why did the water gate player die like this?"

Chuan Ren couldn't help but speak obscenely: "After he had this experience of being so intimate with a man, will he enter a certain state that makes..."

"Ahem..." The voice in the earpiece choked back his original words: "Being concerned about the children in front of the TV, please understand for yourself."

Shen, who covered his face and stood up, quickly walked out of the tactical meeting room.

Is it because Konoha Shinigami can't stare at people anymore, or is Chuan Ren really bloated?
It was indeed a mistake to hand over the live broadcast to this person.

"Shen?" Nao, who was in the aisle, was planning to sneak over to surprise him.

Shen, who softened his face slightly, returned a sorry look.

When he came straight to the gate of the live broadcast room, he directly activated the God of Disaster, and he penetrated in with his whole body.

"Arrogant Contestant Pakula, once again expressed his dislike for Contestant Kirabi..."

The next moment, Chuan Ren was so frightened that he slipped off the chair.

With his butt stuck to the cold metal floor, he was very fortunate that there was only sound in the live broadcast room.

"It's probably because Shayin and Yunyin were hostile before, so it's hard for young people of this generation to let go of this..."

Shen nodded in satisfaction, and walked through the door again.

Make the door disappear like a Kamui, he can still do it.

If it's just the body, it's impossible to do it.


(End of this chapter)

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