150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 12 Be aggressive and start the "motor" that never stops

Chapter 12 Be aggressive and start the "motor" that never stops (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
I don't like studying, and I don't care when I see other people's excellent grades. I only know how to play;
Indifference to criticism from parents and teachers;
Satisfied with the status quo, complacent with a little achievement;

Passive, do what others say, never do more, think more...

A person who follows the trend and is content with the status quo is unlikely to achieve anything; only a person who is not satisfied with the status quo, pursues perfection, and strives for excellence will become a winner.Therefore, young friends must be self-motivated and make being aggressive a habit.

Aggressiveness is like a bank card, you have to swipe it frequently when you have time
Schroeder was born in a poor family in Lower Saxony on April 1944, 4.Three days after his birth, his father was killed in Romania.The mother worked as a cleaner, and took their siblings with them, and the family of three depended on each other.

The hardships of life caused my mother to owe a lot of debts.One day, the creditor came to the door, and the mother cried.The young Schroeder patted his mother on the shoulder to comfort her and said: "Don't be sad, Mom, one day I will drive a Mercedes-Benz to pick you up!"

After 40 years, the day finally came.Schroeder served as the Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, and drove his mother to a big hotel in a Mercedes-Benz to celebrate the 80th birthday of the old man.

In 1950, Schroeder went to school.Unable to afford tuition fees, he became an apprentice in a retail store after graduating from junior high school.The contempt and contempt brought about by poverty made him determined to change his life: "I must get out of here." He wanted to learn.He is looking for opportunities. In 1962, he quit his job as a shop assistant to study at an evening school.While studying, he worked as a cleaner at a construction site.Not only has his income increased, but he has also fulfilled his dream of going to school.

After graduating from the four major universities, he entered the night school of the University of Göttingen to study law in 1966, realizing his dream of going to university.

After graduation, he became a lawyer. At the age of 32, he became a partner in the Hannover Hall law firm.Looking back on his own experience, he said that everyone should educate themselves through their own hard work, not through their parents' money.This is essential to personal growth.

Through the study of law, he became interested in politics.He actively attended party rallies and eventually joined the Social Democratic Party.Since then, he has gradually emerged and improved step by step. In 1969, he served as the chairman of the Göttingen region, in 1971 he was affirmed by the political circles, and in 1980 he was elected to the parliament. He was elected Prime Minister of Lower Saxony in 1990 and was re-elected twice in 1994 and 1998.Success in politics did not make him give up his ambition to be a federal statesman. In October 1998, he walked into the Chancellery of the Federal Republic of Germany.

good habit gas station
Aggressiveness is a powerful engine, its power can drive you to keep moving forward at high speed, and move the ladder of greatness to your feet.If teenagers can develop a habit of continuous self-motivation and always moving towards a higher goal, then many bad habits in the body will gradually disappear.

Enterprise can ultimately be a great self-motivation force that makes our lives more noble.Therefore, if young friends want to have a good life, it is best to treat aggressiveness as a bank card and take it out to touch it from time to time.

Best student

In the 20s, Margaret was born in an unknown town in England.She has shown extraordinary abilities since she was a child, which has something to do with her strict family education.Her father often taught her in this way: No matter what you do, you must strive to do better, strive to be first-class, and not fall behind others."Even if you take the bus, you always have to sit in the front row," her father said. Her father was very strict with her, never allowing her to say things like "I can't" or "It's too difficult."Not to mention asking children, even adults will feel that this requirement is too harsh.However, it is precisely because of his father's almost cruel education that Margaret has cultivated the determination and confidence to be positive and strive to be first-class.In fact, no matter in her future study, life or work, Margaret always kept her father's teachings in mind, always held a courageous spirit and confidence in winning, and always tried her best to overcome all difficulties , Do everything well, and ask yourself to be first-class in everything.

When Margaret was in college, the school required students to take five years of Latin courses, but Margaret, with her tenacious perseverance and fighting spirit, insisted on completing five years of Latin courses in one year. It is unbelievable that when she took the exam, her grades were actually at the top of the list.

In fact, Margaret is not only outstanding in academics, she has always been ahead in sports, music, speech and other aspects of the school, and has always been the focus of the school.The principal of her school once commented on her: "Margaret is undoubtedly the best student since our school was founded. She is always ambitious and does everything very well."

Because of this, more than 40 years later, there was a man of the hour in the political arena of Britain and even the whole of Europe, a dazzling star who was able to dominate the political arena for four consecutive years and was elected as the leader of the Conservative Party.

good habit gas station
Life is like climbing a mountain, you must have the ambition to reach the top, otherwise you will never reach the top.This kind of ambition is not born, but comes from your dissatisfaction with the reality of the situation and the satisfaction of success.Whether in the past or now, many outstanding people are full of vitality when they do things. They devote themselves to the cause they are persistently pursuing with rare passion. They strive to be the first and do their best in everything.

Always striving to be the first is a kind of aggressive thinking, its good or bad enough to affect the success or failure of life.Aggressive thinking is the springboard to success.Positive and enterprising thinking is the catalyst for success. It makes the personality warm, lively and flexible; it makes people full of enterprising spirit, drive and ambition. Even if they encounter difficulties, they can get help and everything goes smoothly.

The amazing Lu Meng

Lu Meng was a general of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, and he was brave and good at fighting.Although he was highly valued by Zhou Yu and Sun Quan, Lu Meng joined the army at the age of fifteen or six and fought in the army without any reading or knowledge.For this reason, Lu Su looked down on him very much, thinking that Lu Meng was just a reckless person, with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, and he was not enough to work with him.Lu Meng considered himself inferior to others, and he didn't like reading, and he didn't think about making progress.

Once, Sun Quan sent Lu Meng to guard an important place. Before leaving, he told him: "You are very young now, you should read more history books and military books. Only when you know more knowledge can you make continuous progress."

When Lu Meng heard this, he quickly said, "I'm so busy leading soldiers and fighting, how can I have time to study!"

After listening to the criticism, Sun Quan said: "You are wrong. I am in charge of state affairs and much busier than you, but I still find time to study and gain a lot. Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty led troops to fight, and in a tense and difficult environment, he still Why can't you study hard if you don't let go of the book?"

Lv Meng was ashamed after hearing Sun Quan's words, and from then on he began to read books angrily, taking advantage of the army's spare time, reading poems, books, histories and military strategies, like a hunger and thirst.The hard work paid off, and gradually, Lu Meng's official position continued to rise, and he became a partial general.After Zhou Yu's death, Lu Su garrisoned Lukou instead of Zhou Yu.When the army passed by Lu Meng's garrison, a counselor suggested to Lu Su: "General Lu's fame is rising day by day, you should not neglect him, you'd better go and have a look."

Lu Su also wanted to find out, so he went to visit Lu Meng.

Lu Meng hosted a banquet to entertain Lu Su warmly.During the meeting, Lu Meng asked Lu Su for advice: "The governor was entrusted by the imperial court to garrison Lukou, and he is a neighbor of Guan Yu. I don't know if there is any good plan to prevent accidents. Can you let the younger generation learn more?"

Lu Su responded casually: "We'll talk about this later..."

Lu Meng said sternly: "I'm afraid it won't work. Although Wu and Shu have already formed an alliance, Guan Yu is as dangerous as a bear and a tiger. How can he be prepared without premeditation? This junior has thought about it, and I would like to offer it as a reference for you." .”

Lu Meng then presented five strategies, with unique, subtle, comprehensive and profound insights.

After hearing this, Lu Su was surprised and delighted, and immediately got up and went to Lu Meng, patted his back, and praised: "I really didn't expect that your intelligence has improved so fast... I used to only know that you are a martial artist. Come on, your knowledge is also very extensive, far from the old 'Wu Xia Ameng'!"

Lv Meng laughed and said, "After three days away from you, you should look at him with admiration."

From then on, Lu Su cared more about Lu Meng, and the two became good friends.Through hard study and actual combat, Lu Meng eventually became a generation of famous generals and became famous all over the world.

good habit gas station
Success, sometimes is the relationship between can't and inaction.For thousands of years, the reason why the phrase "Scholar farewell for three days, you should look at it with admiration" has become an idiom shows that people generally agree with "can't and don't do", and believe that as long as you do it, you will succeed.There is an essential difference between inability and inaction, and there is no inaction in front of successful people.However, the crux of the problem is whether you can be active and stay aggressive at all times.

Teen friends, if you want to achieve success in life, start to develop a positive habit now, give yourself an incentive every day, and keep moving forward!

Ancestral will
Once upon a time, there was a wandering entertainer, although he was only in his forties, he was skinny and haggard. The doctor diagnosed him with terminal liver cancer. Before he died, he found his only 16-year-old son and exhorted: "You have to take good care of yourself." Studying, don’t be like me, who didn’t work hard when young, and didn’t achieve anything when I was old. When I was young, I was aggressive, turned day and night, smoked and drank, and got terminally ill when I was in my prime. You must keep it in your heart and don’t follow my old path. I haven't read any books, and I don't have much to teach you, but you have to remember to pass on the saying 'if you don't work hard when you're young, you won't succeed when you grow old'."

After speaking, he swallowed his last breath, but his 16-year-old son stood aside in a daze.

After his son grew up, he still made troubles in restaurants and casinos. Once he had a conflict with a customer, and he was arrested and imprisoned because he shot too hard and killed someone.After he was released from prison, everything changed. He realized that he could no longer follow the old path, but he was unable to find a proper job due to lack of skills, so he had to make up his mind to go back to the countryside and earn a living by doing some odd jobs.

Because he couldn't understand his father's last words when he was young, he delayed the important events in his life, and he didn't get married until he was nearly half a century old.Although I got older and gradually realized what my father told me before he died, it seemed too late.His physical strength was deteriorating day by day, and year after year. Facing his home that could not be supported, he felt infinite remorse and sadness in his heart.

One night, he drank some wine and called his 16-year-old son to him with the feeling of alcohol.He was taken aback for a moment, isn't this just himself back then?The scene of his father confessing his last words appeared in his mind, and he muttered to himself with some self-blame: "Why didn't I listen to that sentence."

As he spoke, tears dripped down his cheeks. The son stood in front of him, comforting him sensiblely: "Father, you are drunk, go to bed early!" Keep it in mind."

"Father! What words are so important?"

"When your grandfather was dying, he told me that I can't be young and don't work hard, and I can't achieve when I am old. I didn't listen to it, and I didn't understand it. In the end, it took me my whole life to realize the truth of this sentence, but it was too late. Night."

"Doesn't everyone know that saying?"

"Yes. However, not everyone is willing to work hard when they are young. You must learn well when you are young, or you will be as useless as I am when you are old. You must take this sentence seriously. I hope you will be a good person. In the future, all children and grandchildren will become talents, so there is no need to confess this sentence as a last word.”

good habit gas station
"Young people don't work hard, and the old people are sad." This is a familiar saying that is annoying, but although adults mention it again and again, teenagers never understand these truths, or they always think it is a kind of preaching.In fact, this sentence embodies the bitterness and expectation of many generations.If there is no lesson from the predecessors, how can there be the famous saying "the young don't work hard, the boss is sad"?
Therefore, young people must learn from the lessons of their predecessors, develop a positive habit, study hard, and make themselves better and better.

The largest plate can only hold so large a fish
(End of this chapter)

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