150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 11 Be independent, don't be a parasitic vine

Chapter 11 Be independent, don't be a parasitic vine (2)
Waking up from a beautiful dream, Little Seahorse thinks this dream is a mysterious revelation: its current wealth is seven gold coins, but one day, these seven gold coins will become seven gold mountains.

So it resolutely left his home, took the only seven gold coins, and went to look for the seven golden mountains in his dream, although he didn't know where the seven golden mountains were.

Seahorses swim upright, very slowly.It swam hard in the sea, thinking all the time: Maybe the seven golden mountains will suddenly appear in front of it.

However, Jinshan did not appear, and what appeared in front of him was an eel.The eel asked: "Brother Haima, I see you are in a hurry, what are you doing?" Haima said proudly: "I am going to find the seven golden mountains that belong to me. It's just... I swim too slowly." "Then you I'm so lucky. I happen to have a complete solution for how to increase your speed." The eel said, "If you give me four gold coins, I will give you a fin. With this fin, you can swim as fast as you can. It will be much faster." Seahorse put on the fins that he exchanged for four gold coins, and found that his swimming speed had indeed doubled.Haima swam happily, thinking to himself, maybe Jinshan will appear in front of him soon.

However, Jinshan did not appear, and what appeared in front of Haima was a jellyfish.The jellyfish asked: "Little seahorse, seeing how you are in a hurry, where do you want to go?" The seahorse said proudly: "I am going to find the seven golden mountains that belong to me. It's just... I swim too slowly."" Then you are really lucky. I have a perfect solution for how to increase your speed." The jellyfish said, "Look, this is a jet ski, you only need to give me three gold coins, and I will drive you." It's for you. It can travel fast on the sea, and you can go wherever you want." Haima bought the boat with the remaining three gold coins.It found that this magical boat increased its speed five times in one fell swoop.It thought, it won't take long, Jinshan will appear in front of you immediately.

However, Jinshan still did not appear, and what appeared in front of Haima was a big shark.The big shark said to it: "You are so lucky. I happen to have a complete solution for how to increase your speed. I am a big ship that is moving fast in the sea. If you want to take my big ship, you must It will save a lot of time." After the big shark finished speaking, he opened his mouth wide.

"That's great. Thank you, Mr. Shark!" said the little seahorse as he got into the shark's mouth and swam happily to the depths of the shark's belly...

good habit gas station
Your dreams cannot be realized by relying on others alone. You must rely on yourself, keep working hard, and work hard step by step to achieve your goals. Otherwise, relying on others alone can only end in failure.Therefore, young friends, when you have a dream, you must work hard, and you cannot imagine that others will fulfill it for you, it is unrealistic and risky.

Ordinary workers can also go to the Royal Academy
The Royal Society is going to select a scientific research assistant for the famous Professor Jones. The news made the young bookbinder Faraday very excited, and he hurried to the designated place to sign up.But the day before the selection exam, Faraday was unexpectedly informed that his qualification for the exam was disqualified because he was an ordinary worker.

Faraday was stunned, and he angrily rushed to the selection committee to argue, but the committee members laughed arrogantly: "There is no way, an ordinary bookbinder wants to come to the Royal Academy, unless you can get the consent of Professor Jones!" Faraday hesitated.If he could not meet Professor Jones, he would have no chance to take the selection test.But if an ordinary bookbinder wants to meet the famous professor of the Royal Academy, will he pay attention?
Faraday had many worries, but for his own life dream, he mustered up the courage to stand at the gate of Professor Jones.The door of the professor's house was closed, and Faraday lingered in front of the door for a long time.

Finally, the door of the professor's house was knocked by a timid heart.

There was no sound in the courtyard. When Faraday was about to knock on the door for the second time, the door opened with a "squeak".A hale and hearty old man with a ruddy complexion, white beard and hair, was watching Faraday, "The door is unlocked, please come in." The old man said to Faraday with a smile.

"Is the door of the professor's house unlocked all day?" Faraday asked suspiciously.

"Why lock it?" said the old man with a smile. "When you shut others out, you shut yourself in. I shouldn't be such a fool." The old man is Professor Jones .He took Faraday into the house and sat down. After listening to the young man's narration, he wrote a note and handed it to Faraday: "Young man, you take this note and tell the group of people in the committee that I Already agreed."

After a rigorous and fierce selection examination, Faraday, a bookbinder, unexpectedly became Professor Jones' scientific research assistant and walked into the noble and gorgeous gate of the Royal Academy.

good habit gas station
Opportunity is not a suave visitor. It doesn't come to visit you in a white tie, tailcoat, and top hat.It's just to everyone.It can come quietly to everyone.Some people have sharp eyes and quick hands, and welcome the opportunity to be guests; some people are numb and dull, making the "ducks" in their mouths escape.To meet the uninvited guest of opportunity, you need to rely on yourself, and rely on you to use your own intelligent mind.

Great achievements and achievements always belong to those who are full of fighting spirit, not those who blindly wait for opportunities.It should be kept in mind that good opportunities are entirely of your own creation.Even if you fall, you have to grab the sand of opportunity.If you think that the opportunity for personal development lies elsewhere, in other people, then you will definitely fail.Opportunity is actually contained in the personality of each person, just as the future oak is contained in the fruit of the oak.

A little more crisis awareness, a little more survival skills

Donna Rip, a business tycoon, was born in a wealthy family in New York. When he was young, he was full of fantasy. After graduating from college, he joined his father's company. With superhuman talent, he did a great job in the company. At the age of 27, he took over the company's business and began to get involved in the US real estate industry. In just a few years, he traveled all over the real estate market in the United States and knew all the operating rules and huge network of American real estate.Since then, he has cooperated with the largest builder in the United States, Burhardt, and erected the Manhattan Building, which has shocked the United States, on the Golden Avenue in New York.As a result, Donna Rip was full of ambition, and he began to set his sights further. He needed a huge and real castle to remember and engrave his legendary experience and glory.The opportunity really came.

In March 1985, when the American Gambling Control Commission lifted the Hilton Hotel's gambling license, it dawned on Donna Rip that there might be an opportunity.At that time, casinos were a monopoly industry in the United States, and almost all states in the United States implemented strict controls.The establishment and operation of casinos is generally considered by the world to be the in-depth development of the real estate industry, and it is also another development direction of the real estate industry.Downer immediately marched into Atlantic City and took over the Hilton Casino Hotel.Since then, Downer has spent 3 million US dollars to buy the casino property rights of Holiday Inn, and called it "Donald Rip Plaza".After Downer purchased the largest and most luxurious "Taj Mahal" casino, he began to be indolent and indulged in pleasure, and he simply handed over the management rights to his younger brother Robert, who knew nothing about the gambling industry.This fatal mistake sowed the seeds of its downfall.Robert often quarreled with customers over some trivial matters, which broke the hearts of many customers.

Later, with painstaking efforts by Donald, the myth of the gambling industry created by years of hard work began to be shattered.The profits of the once-brilliant "Taj Mahal" casino declined rapidly. Downer was at a loss. As a result, this behemoth made the "Donner" Square, which was still alive, decline.

good habit gas station
We all have this experience: Everyone likes to be comfortable. If you can reach something standing, you will never jump up. If you can reach something sitting down, you will never stand up. If you can reach something lying down, you will never sit up.When the mother went out on a long trip, she put a huge cake around the neck of her lazy son.Ten days later, she returned home to find her son dead.It turned out that the son only wanted to eat the piece on the side of his mouth, rather than move his hand to turn the cake behind his neck.

Everyone has inertia. Once the conditions are favorable, it is inevitable that they will feel satisfied and lower their vigilance.However, if a person wants not to be eliminated in the extremely fierce social competition, it is better to have a little survival crisis.Possess a sense of urgency and be prepared for danger in times of peace, so that you can plan ahead, take the initiative to attack, have more survival skills and wisdom, and have more opportunities and grasps for the future.

Post-Chapter Test: Are You an Independent Person?

In daily life, it is inevitable for anyone to encounter difficulties and things that cannot be solved by themselves.Some people are very dependent and will not hesitate to ask others for help in this situation, while some people are very independent and always choose to solve it by themselves.

What kind of person do you belong to?Are you an independent person?Through the following test, you will find the answer.

The test begins

When encountering difficulties, will you ask your friends for help?
A. Solve it by yourself first. If it is not necessary, I will not ask a friend for help

B. Find a friend to solve it first, if there is really no way, then find a way by yourself

C. No matter how small the difficulty is, ask a friend for help at the beginning, so as not to screw things up by yourself

D. No matter how difficult it is, I will never ask my friends for help.
Test Results
A: You are a very independent person.

You are a very independent person. When you encounter difficulties, you will come to yourself first, try to find a way, if it really doesn’t work, you will not pretend to be an expert, and you will find some rescuers to help.From the perspective of interpersonal relationships, your mentality can have a reasonable motivation to ask for help. Most people will be more willing to help you when they hear that you are really unable to do it, and after the event, your dignity and the feelings of the other party will also be affected. relatively balanced.Because, on the one hand, the other party only comes to help when you really can't do it, which can show his importance; second, the other party will also feel that you are very independent, but not withdrawn, and you are a good person to get along with. object.In this way, your interpersonal relationship has made progress again, and you will have good results in terms of breadth and depth.

B: You are a person who is very good at using friends' resources.

You are a very smart person who is good at using friends' resources, which can shorten the distance between you and your friends, and save your physical and mental energy.This trick is usually only effective for girls, but for boys, this trick will give others the impression that they are useless, or even have no masculinity at all.Otherwise, you first admit that you are a very useless man, and you really can't solve these problems, and then others will help you with a sympathetic attitude.Basically, your mentality will not make your friends very disgusted, but you must be able to choose someone. If you choose someone who is not willing to help someone, you have to solve it yourself.

C: You are very dependent.

You will rely on your friends, maybe not because of your lack of ability, but because you often hint to yourself: I can't do it!This hint of self-limitation may come from your inferiority complex, maybe you have suffered a lot of setbacks, maybe you are too good-faced and under a lot of pressure in your heart, so that you dare not easily try to solve the problem.If you can't open this kind of heart knot and rely on others desperately, it will eventually create a vicious circle. First, you will become more dependent, and second, you will force your friends away.Once you have nothing to rely on, it may take a lot of effort to get up from the ground, and if you can't get up, it will be miserable.Therefore, I advise you to be self-reliant and self-reliant as soon as possible, so as not to be afraid after a fall.

D You are a face-saving person.

You are a person who desperately wants to save face, the most important thing is that you have a sense of inferiority in your heart.You always think that asking others to help you is belittling your value, which not only hurts your self-esteem, but also damages your image and affects others' perception of you. Therefore, you would rather make yourself very embarrassed and let I can't step down by myself, and I don't want to ask for help.With your personality, in addition to not being able to get the understanding of your friends, it will also make people think that you are a very impersonal person who doesn't want to get close to you; in addition, if you want to help you, you have met a frustrated person. It will also feel that you are too alienated, and you don't treat him as a friend at all, and you will gradually alienate you.Therefore, it is not good for you to hold on. People have the motivation to help and trust each other because of their own defects. If you deny this function, you will be doomed to be alone for a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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