150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 18 Dare to dare to break through, it is a good sight to walk over

Chapter 18 Dare to dare to break through, it is a good sight to walk over (2)
As soon as Lincoln saw the teacher, he went up and held his hand tightly, and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, dear teacher, I was too rude to you yesterday. In order to make our mother's life better, we dedicate ourselves to the country, and our mother is also a strong backing. You should say goodbye to your mother for the last time."

Lincoln said as he took out a wad of dollars from his pocket: "This is 500 yuan, as your travel expenses home, and also to express my deepest condolences for your mother's unfortunate death, and at the same time, please forgive me again."

The teacher was moved to tears by Lincoln's sincerity.After returning home to finish the funeral for his mother, he immediately returned to the army, led the soldiers to fight bravely on the battlefield, and made great contributions to the victory of the war.

good habit gas station
In fact, each of us has advantages and disadvantages in our personality, but there are always many people who use their weakness as an excuse for their failure and refuse to jump out of the net they have made.We often forget that we can reshape our lives and succeed by changing our personalities.Therefore, no matter whether you are outstanding or not, you must have adventurous thinking and have the courage to overcome your own weaknesses.

If you want to change the weakness in your character, you must consciously cultivate the opposite habit, and use this new habit to overcome and change the original weakness of character.For example, if you suffer from "cold and heat disease" in your personality, and your emotions fluctuate from time to time, you should find out the root cause of your "cold and heat disease", overcome the mentality of being too fussy about trivial things, and gradually develop the habit of not being moved by small things ;If you are too competitive and often make yourself uneasy, you have to give up the attempt to be a "superman", and stop the habit of measuring your achievements by immediate success or failure, and cultivate the habit of looking at problems in the long run...

In short, where you are most likely to expose your character weaknesses, you have to "confront" first, and use the opposite habit to overcome and overcome it.This approach will help you magnify your strengths and accumulate small victories into big victories.

Columbus's successful expedition
When Columbus was still studying, he happened to read a book by Pythagoras and knew that the earth was round, so he kept it in his mind.After a long time of thinking and research, he boldly proposed that if the earth was really round, he could reach India in a very short distance.Naturally, many college professors and philosophers who thought they had common sense laughed at his opinion.They felt that he was just talking in a dream if he wanted to travel west and reach India in the east.They told him that the earth was not round, but flat, and then warned that if he sailed westward, his ship would reach the edge of the earth and fall... Isn't that tantamount to committing suicide?
However, Columbus was very confident about this problem, but it was a pity that his family was poor and had no money for him to realize this dream.He wanted to get some money from others to help him succeed, but after waiting for 17 years in a row, he was still disappointed, so he decided not to work hard on this "ideal".Because there were so many things that worried and disappointed him, his red hair turned completely white even though he was not yet 50 years old at the time.

The discouraged Columbus only wanted to enter a Spanish monastery to spend the rest of his life.At this time, the Pope urged the Spanish queen Isabel to help Columbus.The Pope first sent 65 yuan to Columbus, which was regarded as travel expenses; but he felt that his clothes were too shabby, so he used the money to buy a new suit and a donkey, and then set off to meet Isabella, so poor that he had to beg for food along the way.The empress admired his ideals, and promised him ships for this adventurous work.The embarrassment is that the sailors are afraid of death, and no one wants to follow him.So Columbus plucked up his courage and ran to the seashore, caught several sailors, first begged them, then advised them, and finally forced them to go by means of intimidation.On the other hand, he asked the queen to release the death row prisoners in prison, and promised that if they succeeded in their adventure, they would be exonerated and freed.

In August 1492, Columbus led three ships and embarked on an epoch-making voyage.Just a few days after sailing, two ships broke down, and then they fell into a dilemma in hundreds of square kilometers of seaweed.He pushed aside the seaweed himself and was able to continue sailing.After sixty or seventy days of sailing in the vast Atlantic Ocean, there was no trace of the mainland. The sailors were all disappointed. They asked to return, otherwise they would kill Columbus.Columbus used both encouragement and high pressure to finally convince the crew.

It is also a road that is boundless. While continuing to advance, Columbus suddenly saw a flock of birds flying to the southwest, and he immediately ordered the fleet to change course and follow the flock of birds.Because he knew that seabirds always fly to places where there is food and a suitable life for them, he expected that there might be land nearby.Sure enough, they soon discovered the New World of America.

When they returned to Europe to announce the good news, they encountered a severe storm for four days and four nights, and the ship was in danger of sinking.In a very critical moment, he thought of how to let the world know his new discovery, so he wrote everything he saw during the voyage on parchment, sealed it with wax cloth and put it in a barrel, ready to die when the ship wrecked. After death, make one's discoveries stay in the world.

Fortunately, Columbus and the others were finally out of danger and returned victorious.Needless to say, if Columbus did not have the enterprising spirit of not being afraid of difficulties, not afraid of sacrifices, and going forward bravely, could the "New World" be discovered as soon as possible?

Columbus's expedition was a success.

good habit gas station
Many people around us may not necessarily be more capable than you, but the important thing is that they are more adventurous than you in order to break through the difficulties of life.Imagine the anxiety and fear Columbus and his sailors felt when they left the safety of their native shores.They knew they were likely lost at the edge of the world, never to return home, but that didn't stop them from their voyage.The same fear and anxiety have lingered in the hearts of countless pioneers, but they have not given up their exploration: mountaineers will not give up climbing because of fear; oceanographers will not give up diving because of worries; aviators will not give up climbing the sky Natural scholars will not give up traveling; speleologists will not stop entering caves because of anxiety; Terrible, completely disoriented, overwhelmed by the heat and cold, blown to pieces in the air.

Those who dare to take risks will have more chances of success.Perhaps, you could have picked the fruits of success and shared the greatest joy of success, but you gave up.Instead of causing such remorse and regret, it is better to venture out and explore bravely.Instead of living a mediocre life, it is better to be a hero who dares to take risks.

Let adventure go with life all the way

There is no word "impossible" in the dictionary of successful people. In their eyes, the more impossible it is to do something successful, the more likely it is to succeed.A successful person said: "As long as there is boundless enthusiasm, there is almost nothing impossible to succeed."

In the 20s, the founders of Sony Corporation, Akio Morita and Ibuka, established a lofty goal and grand vision of building a global company and a powerful global brand.They realized that in order for Sony to grow into a truly global company and a powerful global brand, the realization of true brand globalization is a key problem that must be overcome in an all-round way.

However, for the newly established Sony, despite the rapid progress in product innovation and sales performance, Sony can only be regarded as a small upstart in Japan.So how can Sony go global?Having enough determination, enough courage and even taking risks is the first step that Sony must take in its brand globalization strategy.

In 1953, Akio Morita inspected the Royal Philips Electronics Company of the Netherlands.The real scene in front of Philips, which has established a wide reputation and good reputation in the world, is actually located in a small and old-fashioned farm, which greatly inspired Akio Morita, which doubled his confidence and made him more determined to build Sony into a global brand. The belief of a strong big brand.In his letter to Jing Shenda, he said: "If a person is in a small and remote farm, even he can build a large-scale, high-tech, global reputation company, just like Philips, it is possible, it is only possible , Sony can also do it in Japan.”

Inspired by this adventurous spirit, in 1953 Sony overcame numerous obstacles and difficulties, and realized the "myth" that a small Japanese company purchased the key technology of transistors from Bell Labs, and successfully launched it in 1995. The world's first transistor radio, and the launch of the first portable transistor radio in 1957, established Sony's leading position in the world's consumer electronics industry.

good habit gas station
Adventure and reward often go hand in hand.There are barbarians in danger, and there are benefits in danger.If you want to achieve excellence, you must dare to take risks.On the road of youth growth, if you don’t have the spirit of adventure and ability, and you are only willing to walk on a flat road, then you may only be mediocre and mediocre in your life, and you will not be able to truly enjoy it until the end of your life. Success joy and happiness.

The shortcut to success is to dare to take risks?

Two teenagers went to an old man for help, and they asked the same question: "I have many dreams and ambitions, but I am always clumsy, unable to start, and don't know how to achieve my goals." The old man gave them each a Seed, carefully explain: "This is a magical seed, whoever can keep it properly will be able to realize his ideal."

A few years later, the old man met the two teenagers and asked about the condition of the seeds.

The first boy carefully held the brocade box, slowly opened the cotton cloth inside, and said to the old man: "I store the seeds in the brocade box and keep it properly all the time. For this seed It can be preserved completely, so I built a thermostatic chamber specially for it. I believe it is still in good condition, and its value has not been compromised in any way." After hearing this, the old man nodded in disappointment.

The second boy sweated profusely and pointed to a nearby hill and said, "Look, I buried this magic seed in the soil, irrigated and fertilized it, and now the whole hill is covered with fruit trees, and every fruit tree bears fruit. Full of fruit, what was once a single seed has now become thousands. This is how I realize the value of this magical seed."

The old man said with concern: "Children, what I gave is not a magic seed, but an ordinary seed. If you just keep it, there will never be any results; only by irrigating with sweat can you have fruitful results. Let Seeds take root and germinate, although they will risk erosion from wind, frost, rain and snow, but it is precisely because of these tempers that life glows with magical power, and the value of seeds is truly realized and continued.”

good habit gas station
The oil magnate Hamer said: "Those who dare not take risks will never succeed. Fear of failure, take no risks, and live a smooth life. Although reliable and peaceful, it is just a sad and boring life. The life of a coward. The saddest thing about it is that you kill your own potential."

Therefore, instead of living a mediocre life, it is better to take risks and venture bravely, and be a hero with the ability to take risks.

Post-Chapter Test: Are You Adventurous?
To take a risk is to go off the beaten track and try a new, unknown possibility.The following test can help you check your adventurous spirit.

The test begins

1. The train is running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. Do you dare to stand on the pedal at the door of the train?
A. Dare B. Don’t dare C. Not necessarily

2. In early spring, the water in the river is still very cold and bitter. Do you dare to be the first person to swim in the water:

A. Dare B. Don’t dare C. It’s hard to say, it depends on the situation

3. Have never been trained, do you dare to drive a sailboat?

A. I can’t B. Maybe I can C. Not necessarily

4. You know that a boat will capsize if it is overloaded, and now you are in a hurry to cross the river, do you dare to jump on the oversized ferry?
A. No B. Dare C. Not necessarily

5. You go to visit an alumnus who works in a biological laboratory, and he says that the venom-secreting glands of the snake on the workbench have been removed. Do you dare to catch it with your hands?

A. Dare B. Don’t dare C. Hard to say
6. The skydiver helps you carry the parachute and tells you that when you fall to a height of 400 meters above the ground, the parachute will automatically open, which is absolutely safe.You have never experienced skydiving, do you dare to jump from a plane flying at an altitude of about 2000 meters?
A. Never have the guts B. Not sure C. You can try

7. A gangster throws a grenade at you with the safety catch off. It is emitting white smoke and will explode in 10 seconds.If you move quickly, you can throw back to the gangster within 6 seconds.Do you dare to pick it up and throw it out?

A. Dare B. Don’t dare C. Maybe

8. Not far away, there is a train roaring at high speed.If you move as fast as you can, and you can cross the railroad tracks to a safe place 10 seconds before the train arrives, do you dare to try it?

A. Not sure B. Try it C. Not sure

9. Under the leadership of experienced technicians, do you dare to visit the top of the tall chimney of the factory?

A. Terrible B. Can’t tell C. No problem

10. Would you dare to climb a 10-meter-high ladder if you were wearing a lifeline?

A. Dare B. Don’t dare C. Not sure
11. A thug is approaching you on the top of the cliff with a dagger in his hand. The outcome of the fight is unpredictable. It is also possible that you will fall off the cliff with him and die together. Do you dare to catch him?

A. Dare B. Try it, maybe there will be life C. Not necessarily

12. Standing on the top of a 10-story building, facing the open fire rescue net below, do you dare to jump off?
A. It’s suicide B. Nothing will happen if you fight C. Maybe you dare or you don’t

13. The load of the elevator is limited to 6 people. Do you dare to take the elevator with 7 other people?
A. What's wrong with this B. No way C. Not sure

14. You have listened to several lectures on helicopter flying techniques. Do you think you are confident in flying a helicopter?

A. Yes B. Can’t tell C. I’m afraid it’s dangerous

Title ABC
1 1 point 5 points 3 points

2 1 point 5 points 3 points

3 5 point 1 points 3 points

4 5 point 1 points 3 points

5 5 point 1 points 3 points

6 5 point 3 points 1 points

7 1 point 5 points 3 points

8 5 point 1 points 3 points

9 5 point 3 points 1 points

101 points 5 points 3 points

115 points 1 points 3 points

125 points 1 points 3 points

131 points 5 points 3 points

141 points 3 points 5 points


Test Results
Type A: Dare to take risks
You despise and get tired of ordinary life, and only the ups and downs of life can make you feel the value of your own existence.Therefore, you are very suitable for investment work, such as stock investment, real estate investment and other risky work.Your boldness and courage will comfort those around you at critical moments, so you are respected and trusted by people.What you have to pay attention to is to keep a clear mind and avoid gambling like a gambler.

Type B: Dare to take small risks
In some small things or things that can be mastered, you can show a little courage; but when you really consider your future and even your safety, you will not take risks bravely.In the matter of taking risks, you lack the demeanor of a general, so you are not suitable for investment work.

Type C: Risk-averse
You like to follow the rules in everything, and you don't do anything outside the routine.Therefore, you are very unsuitable for investment work.There are no storms in your life, and it is as calm as a pool of stagnant water; maybe you are proud of "lost nothing", but who can guarantee that you have not lost more important things?You have never seen many colors and many treasures in life, so you have no regrets in spending your life in a safe and safe old well like this?
(End of this chapter)

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