150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 19 Change a Perspective for a Slice of Sky—Seize Opportunities with New Thinking

Chapter 19 Changing a Perspective, Changing the Sky—Seizing Opportunities with New Thinking (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
When doing a question, I always want to read the answers in the back, and then follow the method taught in the book to do it properly, without looking for other methods;
No vision, do things without planning;
Don't grasp the opportunity well, regret after doing something, always think about why I didn't do this or that in the first place;
When a classmate is better than yourself in the exam, always say that he (she) is luckier than yourself;
No brains, no flexible thinking...

Opportunities are equal to each of us. The reason why some people seize it is because they are good at thinking and know how to grasp it. Those who don't use their brains and thinking will never get the opportunity.Therefore, young people, if they want to seize the opportunity and become an outstanding member, they must develop the habit of using their brains and being brave in developing their thinking.

Harvesting from "a brainstorm"
A young man travels by train. The train advances through a deserted wilderness, and all the passengers on the train are bored and visually weary.

There was a turning in front, the train slowed down, and a simple one-story house slowly entered people's sight.At this moment, almost all the passengers opened their eyes wide to "appreciate" this special scenery during the lonely journey.Some passengers began to whisper about the house.

The heart of the young man moved.On the way back, he got out of the car and worked tirelessly to find the house.The owner told him that the train passed by the door every day, and the noise made them unbearable. They really wanted to sell the house at a low price, but no one cared about it for many years.

Soon, the young man bought the one-story house with 3 yuan. He felt that the house was just at the corner, and the train would slow down when it passed by. The tired passengers would be refreshed when they saw the house. There is nothing better than advertising.

Young people began to find some companies to recommend the "advertising wall" of the house.A world-renowned beverage company took a fancy to the house, rented the house for 3 years to advertise, and paid the young people 6 yuan in rent every year.

good habit gas station
In life, always pay attention and use a little more brains on those routine things, and it is possible to discover valuable things from normal or even negative things.

Young people, if they can develop a good habit of liking innovation and thinking more about things, they may have unexpected gains.

One step ahead, sit firmly in the top spot
Some people say that the person who can predict the development and changes in three days is a smart person; and the person who can predict the development and changes in three years is a great person.Only if you want to be in front of others can you be in front of others.In the contemporary society full of competition, only by being "advanced" can we seize the opportunity; only by being ahead can we achieve development; only by being ahead can we be invincible.

There is a small-scale sewing machine factory in the United States, whose business was sluggish during the Second World War. The factory owner Jack saw that all industries were dying during the war, and only arms was a hot topic, but he had no chance with it.Therefore, he turned his attention to the future market, and told his son that the sewing machine factory needs to change its production and business.

His son asked him, "Changed to what?"

Jack said: "Change to produce small wheelchairs for disabled people."

The son was puzzled at the time, but he followed his father's advice.After some equipment transformation, batches of small wheelchairs came out.With the end of the war, many soldiers and civilians who were injured and disabled in the war bought small wheelchairs one after another.The Jack Factory has a lot of buyers. The product is not only popular in the country, but also comes to buy from abroad.

Jack's son saw the continuous expansion of the factory's production scale and the wealth of money. He was full of joy and couldn't help asking his father: "The war is coming to an end. If small wheelchairs continue to be produced in large quantities, the demand may not be much. In the next few decades What will the market need in this year?"

Old Jack was confident, and asked his son: "The war is over, what do people think?"

"People are disgusted with the war, and hope to live a stable and beautiful life after the war."

Jack further instructed his son: "So, what does a good life depend on? It depends on a healthy body. In the future, people will regard physical health as an important goal. Therefore, we must prepare for the production of fitness equipment."

Therefore, the mechanical assembly line for the production of small wheelchairs was transformed into the production of fitness equipment.In the first few years, sales were not so good.At this time, the old Jack had passed away, but his son firmly believed in his father's forward thinking and continued to produce fitness equipment.As a result, more than ten years after the war, fitness machines became popular, and soon became a hot item.At that time, Jack fitness equipment was the only one in the United States, leading the way.According to the market demand, the old Jack's son continuously increased the variety and output of products, expanded the scale of the enterprise, and finally made Jack's family enter the ranks of billionaires.

good habit gas station
There is an old saying in China: "Everything can be done if it is forewarned, and if it is not forewarned, it will be lost." It shows that when doing anything, preparation and foresight in advance are the key to success or failure.And to have the correct foresight, you must have advanced awareness.The so-called advanced consciousness is to use a highly intelligent vision to analyze the history and current situation of things from multiple angles and all-round, grasp the future development trend, and obtain information that ordinary people cannot know, so as to make correct decisions in advance and achieve business success. thinking activity.

Xiaolin and Xiaobai graduated from the same university and joined the same company as secretaries in the same year. At that time, it was rare to use computers for office work.In their unit, there was only one computer.Xiao Lin didn't take it seriously, thinking that as long as his handwriting was beautiful and his office documents were well written, it was enough.But Xiaobai realized that computers will definitely become the main tool for people to work in the future, and knowing computers must be mastering a skill.So, without the guidance of any teacher, I bought some computer books and started to study by myself.It took a long time to master the knowledge of using computers.

In a blink of an eye, they have worked in this company for nearly 3 years. The wind of "competition for jobs" has also blown to their companies.In order to streamline the organization, only one person can be left between Xiaolin and Xiaobai.Xiao Lin thinks that it is [-]% impossible for him to be laid off, because he has an advantage over Xiao Bai in every aspect.However, things are often beyond people's expectations, and the company keeps Xiaobai instead of Xiaolin.Unconvinced, Xiao Lin found the leader, but the leader only asked a question, and Xiao Lin was speechless.

"If you know how to use a computer, I'll let you stay!"

good habit gas station
The development of today's society is changing with each passing day. If we want to adapt ourselves to the development of the future society and seize the opportunity of success, then we must always maintain the good habit of seeking change and strive to improve and improve our ability and ideology.Only in this way can we seize the opportunity of "staying" and ensure that we will not be eliminated by society.

Restless thoughts often prosper
There was a leather dealer who liked fishing. He often went fishing on the coast of Newfoundland not far from his home. There was a world-famous Newfoundland fishing ground with abundant fish resources.One winter morning, a night of heavy snowfall did not prevent him from reaching the coast of Newfoundland.The weather is very cold, and the cool wind blows on the face like a knife.It was with great difficulty that the Tanner cut a hole in the frozen sea, and then he sat down, lit a cigarette, and fished.In the past few days, he has been thinking about one thing: once the fish is put on the ice, it will freeze hard very quickly. As long as the ice on the body of this kind of frozen fish does not melt, the taste will not change after three to five days. The taste is still as delicious as fresh fish, what is the reason?Does freezing food protect it?If you freeze the fish, will it stay fresh like live fish?If so, why don't I... Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, and a restless thought made him put away his fishing rod in a hurry, and hurried home.

The tanner begins his experiment.After many trials and errors, he found that the beef and vegetables could be kept fresh even if they were frozen.Moreover, the taste and freshness of all foods after freezing are related to the speed and method of freezing. A shrewd and thoughtful leather merchant intends to develop a machine that can freeze food quickly.

After many experiments, analyzes and summaries, he finally successfully mastered this technique.Plagued by fatigue and lack of sleep, the tanner did not hesitate to apply for a patent right for his food freezing method to the State Patent Office.Then, he announced to the outside world that he would sell the technology.Because this is a new technology with great potential and development prospects, for a while, major companies across the country came to buy patents one after another.He didn't sell it lightly, and companies were optimistic about its development prospects, and the bids were getting higher and higher, which was outrageously high.The leather dealer seized the opportunity and sold it to General Foods of the United States at a high price of 3000 million US dollars.

good habit gas station
The fact that many people succeed shows that they can often grasp the occasional events in life, generate rich associations, construct works of art or carry out scientific and technological inventions, etc., such as Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" originated from A news incident of a woman lying on a train.Wegener thinks of continental drift from seeing a world map, and Bell thinks of modifying a telephone from hearing a guitar... How amazing is the power of these associations.

From one thing to another, from one method to another, this is an indispensable way of thinking at work.It will broaden your thinking and enable you to solve problems encountered in your work more effectively.

(End of this chapter)

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