150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 21 Don't play tricks, share and cooperate for a win-win situation

Chapter 21 Don't play tricks, share and cooperate for a win-win situation (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
I am never willing to lend my own things to my classmates and friends;
When doing group activities, always stay far away from others, and don't like to mingle with classmates;
I like to do things alone, and I never want a second person to cooperate with me to complete a thing;

Like to be alone, unwilling to share their happiness and misfortune with others;

If you don't communicate with your parents and teachers, you will do your own thing...

In today's society, it is difficult to achieve great things by relying on individual ability alone. Only when the power vectors of all people are consistent, can the sharp arrows of the group move forward with invincible power and be unstoppable.Therefore, it is very important for young people to develop a good habit of unity and cooperation from an early age.

The shoulders of others achieve your height
A professor at the University of California in the United States did such an experiment: two monkeys were locked in each of three empty houses, a total of six monkeys.A certain amount of food is placed in the house, but at different heights.The food in the first house is placed on the ground; the food in the second house is hung on the roof; the food in the third house is hung on appropriate positions at different heights from easy to difficult.A few days later, I opened the room and found that the living conditions of the six monkeys were very different: the two monkeys in the first house were dead and the other injured; the two monkeys in the second house were all dead; only the monkey in the third house was dead. The monkey was unharmed.

The reason is not difficult to understand.The easy-to-get food placed on the floor of the first house aroused inflated selfish desires and caused the two monkeys to go to war, resulting in either death or injury.The unattainable food hanging from the roof in the second house made the two monkeys feel hopeless, infected each other with pessimistic emotions, and died of hunger and despair in isolation from each other.Only the monkeys in the third house thought of each other at the same time when it was difficult to jump to eat alone; so one monkey stood on the shoulders of the other monkey and took the food. In the way, the two monkeys surprisingly found a new height that only one monkey could not reach, so that they could obtain food and survive.This cooperation made them leave the room still very friendly, even the researchers were surprised.

good habit gas station
The relationship between people is also similar to that of the different monkeys in the experiment.Everyone has their own strengths and limitations. When faced with difficulties, biting and isolating each other will accelerate the disaster. When you feel that your height is not enough, lend your shoulders to others.Your lent shoulders will earn you new heights.

It's all well and good to be on our own, but sometimes we have to lean on the shoulders of others to keep ourselves from being swallowed up by adversity.Therefore, young people must develop a good habit of unity and cooperation, don't play tricks everywhere, and know how to share and cooperate.

beauty in sharing
A shrewd Dutch flower merchant imported a rare flower from faraway Africa, cultivated it in his own flower garden, and planned to sell it at a good price.The businessman took good care of this rare flower, and many relatives and friends asked him for it, but he, who was always generous, didn't even give a single seed.He plans to cultivate it for three years, and then sell and donate it after he has tens of thousands of plants.

In the spring of the first year, his flowers bloomed, and the flower garden was full of purples and reds. The rare flowers bloomed especially beautifully, like strands of bright sunshine.In the spring of the second year, he already had five or six thousand plants of this precious flower, but he and his friends found that this year's flowers were not as good as last year's, not to mention smaller flowers, and a little variegated.By the spring of the third year, tens of thousands of his precious flowers had been cultivated. To the dismay of the businessman, the flowers of those precious flowers had become smaller, their colors were much worse, and they disappeared completely. Its grace and nobility in Africa.Of course, he didn't make a lot of money from these flowers.

Have these flowers degenerated?But Africans plant this kind of flower every year, and plant it in a large area year after year, and this kind of flower has not degenerated!The businessman was puzzled, so he went to consult a botanist.

The botanist came to his flower garden with a cane and asked him, "What's next to your flower garden?"

"Next door is someone else's flower garden," he said.

The botanist asked him again: "Are they also growing this kind of flower?"

He shook his head and said, "I am the only one who has this kind of flower in the whole of Holland, and even in the whole of Europe. Their gardens are full of ordinary flowers like tulips, roses, and calendula."

The botanist pondered for a long time and said: "I know the deadly secret that your precious flower is no longer rare." The flowerbed adjacent to the flowerbed is planted with other flowers. After your precious flower was pollinated by the wind, it was pollinated by other varieties of pollen in the adjacent flowerbed. It's getting less and less elegant."

The businessman asked the botanist what to do, and the botanist said: "Who can stop the wind from pollinating? There is only one way to keep your precious flowers from losing their true colors, and that is to let your neighbor's flower garden also I will plant flowers like yours."

So the merchant distributed his flower seeds to his neighbors.

When the flowers bloomed in the next spring, the flower gardens of the merchants and neighbors almost became a sea of ​​such precious flowers—the flowers were fat and big, elegant in color, radiant and elegant.As soon as these flowers came into the market, they were sold out, and the merchant and his neighbors made a fortune.

good habit gas station
Each of us has a beautiful big garden in our hearts. If we are willing to let others plant happiness here, and at the same time let this happiness nourish ourselves, then the garden of our hearts will never be barren.

Sharing is a smart way of survival. People who know how to share often get more. Teenagers must remember this and cultivate a good habit of sharing and cooperating with others from an early age.

A good idea is often contained in a head that is not as good as your own

There was a young man who wanted to start his own business by opening a clothing store.After learning about his business plan, his mother persuaded him: "Your uncle has been in business for many years, but now he doesn't do it now. He still has experience. You might as well ask him to teach you."

The young man thought to himself that his uncle started his business a few years ago, and his old experience can be used in the Internet age, maybe it will be too long out of date.He decided to do things his own way.

The young man rented a frontage facing the street, surrounded by only a few food and department stores.He thought that if he opened a clothing store here, there would be no competitors, and the business would definitely be right.Unexpectedly, after opening, his business was very deserted, let alone buyers, there were very few people who even came in to have a look.His mother invited his uncle to help him find out the reasons for the downturn in business.The uncle took a look and said: "You can't open a clothing store in this place, and there is no clothing store around, so you don't invite customers."

The young man asked strangely: "Why?"

"Your store is small, with limited designs and colors, which is not very attractive to customers. In addition, there are no competitors and prices are not compared. How can customers be willing to come?"

The young man thought to himself: It seems that uncle's experience has not been completely outdated, and what he said still makes sense.Since this place has "bad feng shui", it has to close down.Later, under the guidance of his uncle, he opened a new clothing store in another location. This time the business did very well, and now it has expanded into a clothing supermarket.

good habit gas station
As the saying goes: "One place is less than one place and one place is lost." Many things cannot be imagined by one's own intelligence, and one must go to see them to understand the situation.But relying on your own guts to break through, there are more chances of being injured. How do you know that there are no traps and thorns, no poisonous insects and beasts in that strange place?If you ask someone who has been there, the safety factor will be greatly improved.

Many people are hesitant to ask for opinions from others, thinking that the other party's level is not as good as their own, so how can they provide good opinions?In fact, he doesn't understand that good ideas are often put in a head that is not as good as his own.Don't look at some people who sit in front of the machine tool all day long and work like a machine without thinking. Maybe there is an unexpected good idea in his head!

We often say: "The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear." Standing on the sidelines, others can often provide us with more constructive opinions.Appropriately assimilating their viewpoints can help us achieve good results with twice the result with half the effort.

God's punishment

A Jewish elder loves to play golf.

On a Sabbath, he felt itchy and wanted to swing, but Judaism stipulates that believers must rest on the Sabbath and cannot do anything.

The elder couldn't bear it anymore and decided to go to the golf course secretly, thinking that he would just play nine holes.

Since no Sabbath Jews would go out and no one was on the field, the elder felt that no one would know he was breaking the rules.

However, when the elder was playing the second hole, he was discovered by an angel.Angrily, the angel complained to God, saying that Elder So-and-so did not abide by the teachings and went out to play golf on the Sabbath.

After hearing this, God told the angel that he would punish the elder well.

From the third hole, the elders played super perfect results, almost all of which were holes in one.

The elder was inexplicably excited.When the seventh hole was drilled, the angel ran to God again: "God, don't you want to punish the elder? Why is there no punishment yet?"

God said, "I'm already punishing him."

Until the ninth hole was played, the elder made a hole in one.Because he played so skillfully, the elder decided to play nine more holes.

The angel went to God again: "Where is the punishment?"

God just laughed and didn't answer.

After playing [-] holes, his score was better than any world-class golfer, which made the elder very happy.

The angel asked God angrily, "Is this your punishment for the elder?"

God said: "Exactly. Think about it, he has such amazing results and excitement, but he can't tell anyone. Isn't this the best punishment?"

good habit gas station
We often have this experience: when we are happy or miserable because of something, we can't wait to tell our relatives or friends, let them share the happiness or seek comfort from them.In fact, people have a fragile and lonely side in their hearts, and it is difficult to bear great joy and sorrow alone.Without sharing, pleasure ceases to be pleasure and pain becomes more painful.Share happiness, double the happiness, share pain, and halve the pain.


Stephen is an actor who is just starting to make his mark on television.He's handsome, talented, and a good actor, starting out in small supporting roles and now a major character actor.From a professional point of view, he needs someone to package and publicize for him to expand his reputation.Therefore, he needs a public relations company to publish his photos and articles about him in various newspapers and magazines to increase his popularity.

However, to establish such a company, Stephen couldn't afford that much money.By chance, he met Rose. Rose has worked in a large public relations company for many years. She is not only familiar with the business, but also has a good relationship with people.She started a public relations firm of her own a few months ago and hopes to eventually break into public entertainment.So far, some famous actors, singers, and nightclub performers are reluctant to cooperate with her, and her business mainly depends on some small businesses and retail stores.When Stephen told Rose his idea, Rose hit it off with him and worked together with him.

Stephen became Rose's agent, and Rose provided Stephen with the funds needed to make his debut.Their collaboration was at its best, Stephen was a handsome actor and was appearing in current TV shows, and Rose had some of the more influential newspapers and magazines focusing on him.In this way she became famous herself, and soon provided the social entertainment of famous people, who paid her well.Not only did Stephen not have to spend a lot of money for his popularity, but also put himself in a more favorable position in business activities as his reputation grew.

good habit gas station
Today, under the premise of increasingly fierce social competition, the era of going it alone has passed, and cooperation has become more and more important.For example, among the Nobel Prize-winning projects, more than two-thirds were awarded due to collaboration.In the first 2 years of the establishment of the Nobel Prize, cooperation awards accounted for 3%, but now it has jumped to 25%.Numerous facts also illustrate.It is difficult to achieve great things by relying on individual ability alone. Only when the power vectors of all people are consistent, the sharp arrows of the group will move forward with invincible power and be unstoppable.

Those who are good at cooperating with others can make up for their own lack of ability and achieve their own goals that they could not achieve.On our journey to success, there will be many companions, you need to cooperate with them, and they also need your help.

with all available strength
A little boy plays in his toy sandbox.Inside the sandbox are some of his toy cars, a pickup truck, plastic buckets and a shiny plastic shovel.When he was building roads and tunnels on the soft sand, he found a huge stone in the middle of the sandbox.

The little guy started digging in the sand around the stone, trying to get it out of the silt.He was a very small boy, but the stone was very large.Using both hands and feet, it seemed that without much effort, he pushed and rolled the stone to the edge of the sandbox.That's when he realized, though, that he couldn't roll the stone up and over the side wall of the sandbox.

The little boy made up his mind, pushed his hands, squeezed his shoulders, swayed left and right, and hit the stone again and again.But just when he felt like he was making some progress, the stone slipped off and fell back into the sandbox.

(End of this chapter)

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