150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 22 Don't play tricks, share and cooperate for a win-win situation

Chapter 22 Don't play tricks, share and cooperate for a win-win situation (2)
The little boy could only grunt and scream, push and squeeze with all his strength.But all he got in return was the rock rolling back again, hurting his finger.At last, he wept bitterly.The whole process, the boy's father watched clearly from the living room window.As tears rolled down the child's face, the father came to him.The father's words were gentle but firm: "Son, why don't you use all your strength?"

The dejected little boy sobbed, "I've done my best, Daddy, I've done my best! I've given all my strength!" "No, son!" the father kindly corrected, "You didn't. All your strength. You didn't ask for my help." The father bent down and lifted the stone out of the sandbox.

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As the saying goes: A single palm cannot sing, and a single tree cannot make a forest.A person involved in social life must seek help from others,
Use the power of others to facilitate yourself.A man of little ability must do so.A capable man must do the same.Even if we are all steel, we can't hit a few rivets.What's more, most of us are muddy and don't have much real material.

Utilization is not an ugly thing, but a result of taking what one needs.A person, no matter in work, career, love or leisure, cannot do without this kind of mutual utilization between people.That's what friends are.Because each person's abilities, limitations, and interpersonal relationships are different, they must use each other.Borrowing the power of a friend is exactly where a person is clever.In nature, too, animals use each other for hunting, heating and reproduction.Beastmasters even take advantage of the relationship between each other, as well as the order and habits established on the basis of this relationship, to enjoy the greatest advantages: they can eat the most and the best, and they can occupy the most beautiful and youngest females. wait.Most of the animals that play alone are eliminated, no matter how fierce and powerful they are.Such as tiger, lion, lone wolf, etc.Animals that live in groups (using each other's strengths and strengths, even if they are extremely weak), are easy to reproduce and survive, such as ants, bees, and chickens.

As far as the social and natural conditions are concerned, a lonely person cannot win against a clique.In society, if a person has no friends and no help from others, his or her situation will be very bad.This is true for ordinary people, and it is even more true for a person who has achieved a great cause.If you lose the help of others and can't use the power of others, you can't talk about any career.

If you don’t know how to win-win, it’s hard to become a master

Creatures in nature know how to live in harmony and mutual benefit.The legumes transport nutrients to nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which provide nitrogen to the plant.They survive each other, condition each other, maintain harmony, and remain invincible in the competition for survival in nature.This is a win-win wisdom.

In the subtropical zone, the main food of poisonous snakes is frogs, but frogs eat poisonous centipedes. Centipedes, which are weak in front of frogs, can kill poisonous snakes much larger than themselves. Ordinary poisonous snakes are helpless against centipedes.Interestingly, in the winter, the snake catcher found three friends in the same cave living together in a room peacefully and peacefully.After generations of natural selection, they not only formed the ability to prey on the weak, but also learned to use their nemesis to protect themselves: if the poisonous snake eats the frog, they will be killed by the centipede; Eaten by frogs; frogs eat centipedes, and become food for poisonous snakes.In this way, in order to survive, the frog does not eat the centipede, so that the centipede can help itself resist the poisonous snake; the poisonous snake does not eat the frog, so that the frog can help itself resist the centipede;The three are mutually restraining and mutually reinforcing. What a beautiful balance this is.

Knowing how to win-win can often solve life-and-death problems better.When Cao Cao led an army of 80 to attack Wu in the south, Zhuge Liang judged the situation and made a win-win decision to join forces with Soochow to fight against Cao Cao.This move not only supplemented Wu's troops against Cao Cao, but also provided a good strategy, but also to protect and develop itself in the future.He has mastered the overall situation in politics, especially such a win-win move, which is indeed praised by future generations.Zhuge Liang's success lies in his good use of his own and external forces, not only to provide help to other countries, but also to benefit himself, and he has gained huge gains from both sides with just one trick.

Nowadays, international competition is becoming increasingly fierce. In the face of the surging economic tide, major companies have adopted cooperation methods to survive and develop, and join hands with each other to exchange materials and information. In the surging tide, they interact with each other, seek common development, and maintain Don't fall, grow yourself up.This is also a win-win wisdom.

Win-win wisdom relies on the ability to take the overall situation into account and can benefit both parties. It is what we really need to learn and apply.

good habit gas station
Win-win wisdom is everywhere, and both nature and human society need win-win wisdom.People use win-win wisdom to create a harmonious and perfect nature and society.

The Collaboration between Lian Po and Lin Xiangru

Both Lian Po and Lin Xiangru were ministers of Zhao during the Warring States period.Lian Po was brave and good at fighting. He once led the army to attack Qi State, made great military exploits, and was worshiped as a general.Lin Xiangru was originally a retainer in the home of a eunuch leader in Zhao State.Once, King Qin Zhao took the letter of credence and asked King Zhao for the priceless "Heshibi".Lin Xiangru was ordered to enter Qin, and he argued hard in front of the King of Qin, and finally preserved Heshibi and returned it to Zhao State.In 279 BC, he accompanied King Zhao to Mianchi to meet King Qin, safeguarding the dignity of Zhao State and preventing Qin State from making a profit.Because of his great wisdom and courage in front of the mighty state of Qin, the king of Zhao appointed him as prime minister, a position above Lian Po.The change of Lin Xiangru's status made Lian Po indignant.Lian Po believed that he had the merits of siege and field battle, but Lin Xiangru could only talk, so he threatened: "I don't want to be an official with Lin Xiangru. One day when I see him, I have to show him some color!" Lian Po He deliberately humiliated Lin Xiangru in public, so as to show off his old qualifications.Lin Xiangru tolerated the old general again and again and refused to care about him.

One day, Lin Xiangru went out with his entourage. Unexpectedly, the enemy's road was narrow. From afar, he saw Lian Po riding a war horse majestically approaching him. Lin Xiangru hurriedly retreated to the alley to avoid it.As a result, people who worked under Lin Xiangru felt ashamed and thought he was cowardly, and asked to leave him one after another.Lin Xiangru kept everyone, and said to them calmly: "Compared with General Lian and King Qin, which one is more powerful?" Everyone said, "Of course it is King Qin." But dare to reprimand him face to face in the Qin court and humiliate his ministers. Although I am incompetent, I am not afraid of General Lian! But I think the reason why the tyrannical Qin State dare not use force against Zhao State is because they know Zhao Guowen There is Lin Xiangru for me, and General Lianpo for Wu. If there is a disagreement between us, if two tigers fight each other, one of them will be injured. At this time, Qin will take advantage of the situation, causing the pain of relatives and the happiness of enemies. Therefore, to be patient with General Lian again and again is to put the country's danger at the top of the list, regardless of personal grievances!"

When these words reached Lian Po, Lian Po was very moved and ashamed.He immediately took off his coat, carried the thorns on his back, and asked Lin Xiangru to punish him.When Lin Xiangru saw the old general pleading guilty, he hurriedly helped him up.So the two reconciled and worked together to defend Zhao.For a full ten years after the Mianchi meeting, Qin State has never dared to launch a major offensive against Zhao State.

good habit gas station
Communication between people is to unite and cooperate on the basis of mutual understanding.A person's strength is limited, and only by cooperating with everyone can we achieve great things.In the process of growing up, you have to participate in many team activities and cooperate with others, which is a manifestation of communication skills.This kind of activity creates a kind of shared win-win experience.

Treasure hunt
A company needs to develop another executive.Senior management researched and decided that this supervisor should be selected from the junior staff.This made the employees extremely excited.

The topic given by the board of directors is treasure hunting: everyone has to go through various obstacles to reach the destination, and find out the treasure hidden inside in advance - a gold ring.Whoever can find out the gold ring will belong to him, and he (she) can be promoted.

The people who participated in the election started to take action, but the road set in advance was too difficult to walk, and the ground was covered with watermelon peels. Everyone slipped and fell every few steps, and they couldn't reach the destination at all.

They walked with difficulty.

One of the company's cleaners came last in their treasure hunt.

He didn't seem to care about the treasure hunt, he just pulled the garbage truck over, loaded it with watermelon rinds one by one, and then pulled it to the garbage station.

A few hours passed, and the watermelon rind was almost finished.

Everyone jumped over the watermelon rind and rushed to the destination. They searched everywhere, but found nothing.

Only the cleaner found the gold ring hidden underneath when cleaning the last cart of watermelon rinds.

The company held a general meeting to formally promote the cleaner.

The chairman asked everyone: "Do you know why the company promoted him?"

"Because he found the gold ring." Several people answered with their hands raised.

The chairman shook his head. "Because he can do his job well." Several people raised their hands to speak.

The chairman waved his hand: "That's not all. The most valuable thing about him is that he is full of team spirit. When you are scrambling to find treasures, he is silently clearing obstacles for you. Team spirit, this is one person, one The most precious treasure of the company!" the chairman concluded.

good habit gas station
In modern society, it is difficult for those who only care about themselves to achieve great development; but those who always think about others often get unexpected gains.

Helping others is sometimes clearing the way for your own progress.Teenagers need to develop the cooperative habit of providing convenience to others. The result of cooperating with others often benefits you a lot.

Post-chapter test: Do you know how to cooperate with others?

1. You bought a new car and just rode it for two days. One of your classmates wants to borrow it from you for a ride. Will you:
A. Lend him (her), what's the matter.

B. Said to him (her): "I'll lend you a loan if you need something urgent, but I can't go for a ride."

C. Afraid of being spoiled by him (she), she flatly refused.

2. On the way to school, you see your neighbor coming home with a lot of things on his back, he greets you out of breath, and the class time is coming soon, you:

A. Help him (her) carry it for a while, and then say: "I'm in a hurry to go to school, so I can't help you anymore, I'm sorry."

B. He (she) sent things home and went to school to explain the reason for being late to the teacher.

C. Say hello and go their separate ways.

3. The money in your bag can only buy a piece of chocolate, but when you want to eat, but there are three or four people staying with you, you will:

A. Tell others to donate a little money and buy a few more dollars for everyone to eat.

B. Buy a piece, but break it apart and share it with everyone. Although it’s not enough for yourself, it’s better than nothing.

C. Buy a piece to eat by yourself, at most be polite to him (her).

4. You have just been elected as a life committee member. The head teacher asked you to arrange a general cleaning to check your work ability. How would you assign work?
A. Distribute according to each person's ability, and those with strong ability will do more.

B. Distribute as evenly as possible.

C. Let the students with good relationship do the easy work, while others do the hard work.

5. What do you usually think after you help others:
A. I am very happy, because you always help others.

B. No special feelings, because you always feel that you happened to help others.

C. thought to himself, next time he (she) will not refuse the other party when he (she) has something to do.

6. A few of your good friends used part-time jobs during the summer vacation, and after school started, you found that their income was less than yours. What would you think:
A. I sincerely hope that he (she) will earn more money next time.

B. I think my luck is better than his (her) ones.

C. Have a sense of superiority, and privately think that they are better than him or her.

7. The neighbor’s aunt has a dog, but she hates rainy days, so every time it rains, she asks you to help her take the dog out for a walk, what should you do:
A. Willing to help, and take the initiative to lead.

B. I'm sorry not to pull, but every time I dawdle, I don't want to.

C. Make an excuse that you can't help if you have something to do.

8. A friend of your father’s is the same age as him and is a classmate, but both position and salary are much higher than your father’s. Do you feel:
A. I admire him (her) very much, and feel that the honest and dull father is really inferior to him (her), and hope that in the future, I can be like him (her) and not like my father.

B. Just because of his (her) luck, Dad missed several opportunities for promotion.

C. He (she) must be familiar with the set of entertaining guests and giving gifts to curry favor with the boss, what's so great about it.

9. Your deskmate often asks you for pens and water. Even though it is worthless, every time he (she) says he or she forgot to buy it, you will:

A. I don't mind, I will lend it to him (her) every time.

B. Buy a bottle and put it on his (her) desk, even if he (she) gives you money.

C. got angry and simply refused to lend him (her).

Since we are testing ourselves, you must be realistic and don't pick the best ones.Ok, now we calculate the score, each question A is worth 0 points, B is worth 1 point, and C is worth 2 points.Please compare your total score with the following experts' comments, and you will know how your cooperative spirit is.

Test Results
Score below 11: You are withdrawn and have no spirit of cooperation. Not only do you not want to cooperate with others, you even refuse help from others. You think that "helping others" is a foolish thing to do.Having this kind of personality is extremely dangerous. It will not only make you lose a lot of joy in life, but even greatly affect your future.

The score is 12-20 points: You have a cooperative spirit and good interpersonal relationship, but you don’t suffer from anything. Even if you help others, you always hope to get something in return. In other words, you will cooperate with others, but there are conditions.

Score of 21 or more: You are very cooperative and can work with many people at the same time, and the results are very good.You are rich in leadership skills and can become the darling of your career.This kind of good character makes you have many friends at the same time. When you need help, there are always many warm hands. Congratulations! (Note: The first choice for each question is the best.)
(End of this chapter)

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