150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 27 Control your emotions well and fill your heart with the taste of sunshine

Chapter 27 Control your emotions well and fill your heart with the taste of sunshine (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
always inexplicably lose their temper;

Love vanity, always like to compare with classmates;
Likes to complain, and frowns when encountering things;
Bad temper, often quarreling with classmates and parents...

Difficulties and setbacks are unavoidable. When facing problems and setbacks, whether to adjust your mentality to face them head-on, or to avoid and blame others is the watershed between excellence and mediocrity.A good person is always good at controlling their emotions, and then make adjustments quickly, because they know that complaining and escaping can't solve any problems, bravely meet the challenges of life, and try their best to do everything well, this is the best s Choice!Young friends, learn to control your emotions, let your heart be full of sunshine every day, and only by forming such a habit can you quickly complete the road to excellence.

Bad cards can win
Eisenhower, the 34th president of the United States, came from a poor background.But the difficult environment did not make him succumb, but let him learn how to adapt to the external environment and prepare for his own success.

Eisenhower enjoyed playing card games with his family when he was young.After dinner one day, he played cards with his family as usual.This time, his luck was particularly bad, and every time he caught a bad card.At the beginning, he just complained a little, but later, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he lost his temper.

The mother on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and said sternly: "Since you want to play cards, you must continue to play with the cards in your hand, no matter whether the cards are good or bad. It is impossible for you to encounter good luck!"

Eisenhower couldn't listen and was still aggrieved.The mother then said: "Life is like playing cards. God deals the cards. No matter whether the cards in your name are good or bad, you must hold them and face them. All you can do is let the impetuous calm down, and then take it seriously, play your cards well, and strive to achieve the best results. Playing cards in this way and treating life in this way are meaningful!"

After hearing these words from his mother, Eisenhower suppressed his anger. Since then, he has kept his mother's words in mind and motivated himself to be aggressive.In this way, he moved forward step by step. After encountering difficulties in life, he was no longer discouraged, but faced the difficulties bravely.In the end, he ascended to the position of President of the United States.

good habit gas station
There are always good cards and bad cards dealt by God. Complaining blindly is useless and cannot change the status quo.Former Indian President Jawaharlal Nehru also once said this sentence: "Life is like playing poker. The hand you are dealt is fixed, but how you play depends on your own will."

The same is true around us, you will find that some students from poor family backgrounds have achieved many enviable achievements.Could it be that they have not encountered difficulties in life, and are their conditions better than those students from better families?of course not!It's just that they didn't get discouraged when faced with a bad deck of cards, but played with their hearts.So, in the end they will win as well.

The large society and family environment in which a person lives may be changed by the individual alone.But how we adapt to this environment is completely within our control.It is inevitable that a person will encounter many problems and setbacks in his life. When faced with problems and setbacks, blaming others cannot solve any problems.Actively adjust your attitude towards life, bravely meet the challenges of life, and do your best to do everything well, this is the best choice!

Lock your emotions

On a scorching summer day, the old monk was explaining Buddhist principles to the young monk.

The old monk said that it is often your own heart that is burned by the fire in your heart, so you must control your anger.

"It's natural to be cool when the mind is calm!" said the old monk.

As soon as the old monk finished explaining the Buddhist principles, the young monk asked the old monk devoutly: "Master, what did you say in the last sentence just now?"

"It's natural to be cool when the mind is calm." The old monk said.

"What's after the peace of mind?"

"Naturally cool."

"What is naturally cool?"

"Calm down."

"Oh, it's cool to be calm." The little monk said in a low voice, and then asked again:

"Master, what is in front of Ziran?"

"It's peace of mind."

"What's in front of peace of mind?"

"There is no more peace of mind," said the old monk.

"Oh, what's behind the peace of mind?"

"Naturally cool."

"Natural coolness? Then what is in front of natural coolness?" the little monk kept asking.

"Bastard! You are not asking for advice, you are clearly messing around!" The old monk was furious, his forehead was covered with sweat.

good habit gas station
Everyone inevitably has times when it is difficult to control their emotions, but some people successfully lock their emotions, and some people become slaves to their emotions, so they are moody.

Emotion is a kind of thought and emotion deep in a person's heart. Everyone is the master of their own emotions, but sometimes they are affected by various factors, and emotions often become uncontrollable. If you can control your emotions, your life will be It must be much more exciting than others.

learn self-restraint
A young candidate who is just starting out in his own party is referred to a senior political figure for lessons in political success and getting votes.The dignitaries made him a condition that every time the young man interrupted him, he would have to pay $5.

The candidate said, "Okay, no problem."

"When does that start?" the politician asked.

"Now, you can start right away."

"Very well. Number one is, never get angry at what you hear about yourself or what you say about yourself. Keep that in mind at all times." "Oh, I can do that. No matter what people say about me, I I won't be offended. I don't care what other people say." "Very well, this is the first of my experience. But, frankly, I don't want an immoral rogue like you to be elected..."

"Sir, how could you..."

"Pay $5, please."

"Oh! Ah! It's just a lesson, isn't it?"

"Oh yes, that's a lesson. But, actually, it's my opinion too..." said the senior politician dismissively.

"How can you say that..." The young man seemed about to get angry.

"Pay $5, please."

"Oh! Ah!" he said angrily. "That's another lesson. Your ten dollars are too easy to make."

"That's right, $10. Are you going to pay it off and we'll move on? Because, everybody knows, you've got a 'reputation' for being bad faith and bad debts..."

"You wretched fellow!" the young man exasperated.

"Pay $5, please."

"Ah! Another lesson. Oh, I'd better try to control my temper."

"Okay, take that back. Of course, that's not what I mean. I think you are a respectable figure, because considering your humble family background and such a notorious father..."

"You are a notorious villain!"

"Pay $5, please."



The conversation taught the young man self-restraint because of the high tuition he paid.

Then the politicians tell the young people: "Now, it's not about $5. You have to remember that every time you lose your temper or get angry at an insult you've received, you lose at least one vote." Much more important than money."

good habit gas station
When people hear untrue, especially negative and untrue evaluations about themselves, people's first reaction is to deny and fight back.But if you have very important things to do, the anger that comes with denial and counterattack is bound to disturb your inner peace, affect your image, and even disrupt your plans.Develop a good habit of restraining your emotions, and laugh at those meaningless rumors, and you will not be the one who gets hurt.

self-help in desperation
A miner was rescued after spending eight days underground in a collapsed mine.None of the five companions who were trapped with him were as difficult as he was, but none survived.

In fact, the surviving miner did not know how long he had been in the mine.He later recalled that when he discovered the landslide, he was very flustered and desperate, but he quickly controlled his emotions and comforted himself, saying: "It doesn't matter, the people above the well will definitely come down to help us." Sleep on a plank.After waking up, he walked back and forth in the tunnel, listening carefully for any sounds coming from outside.

I don't know how long it has been like this, except for the sound of water droplets, the tunnel is surprisingly quiet.There was nothing he could do, so he sang to himself, and then applauded himself.Then he laughed, thinking it was very funny.Tired of singing, he lay down on the plank to sleep again, dreaming about the woman he liked and the food he liked, hoping to see these in his dreams.

When he woke up again, he pricked up his ears to listen again. Gradually, some sounds he was looking forward to appeared, and he ran happily to the place where the sound came from, shouting loudly, hoping to attract attention.But there was something strange about the voices; if he missed a sound, it would soon be there again.It turned out to be an echo.Sometimes fear, sometimes calm, sometimes despair, sometimes gratification...

He's been battling with himself.In order to control his emotions, he tried every means. In addition to singing, telling stories, and fantasizing about delicious food, he also insisted on playing shooting games in the tunnel-inserting a piece of wood on the wall and throwing coals at it in the dark. When you hear a "snap", you've hit it.He made a rule for himself: he was only allowed to sleep if he hit a hundred times.

He didn't know how long he hadn't eaten, and there was a fist-sized mochi in his pocket that was his sustenance.He eats it every time by counting the rice grains, and he has eaten 367 grains so far.He recalled: "There is water in the tunnel, there are mochi in my pocket, more importantly, I firmly believe that people will come to save me, I must not be afraid, must not go crazy, must not commit suicide, I must control myself ..."

He had heard the noise in his dream, and then he saw a blinding light shoot into the hole.He tightly covered his eyes, but still felt the light was so strong.When he was convinced that he was saved, he softened all of a sudden...

good habit gas station
On the road of life, difficulties and setbacks are inevitable, and the ups and downs of life are unpredictable, but we must keep in mind one thing: never despair.When we encounter adversity, don't be depressed. No matter what happens, no matter how painful you are, don't indulge in it all day long, don't let the pain occupy your heart, try to get rid of the predicament, and let happiness last forever with you.

the power of autosuggestion

A middle-aged man named Ralph had a sudden heart attack at work. He was unconscious when he was sent to the emergency department of the hospital. His family members had no choice but to stay in the corridor with different expressions. Worrying, some praying.

In the dimly lit ward, two nurses were working nervously and anxiously.They each grasped one of Ralph's wrists, trying to feel for a pulse.For 6 hours, he has been in a coma.The doctor had done his best and left the room for rounds with other patients.

Ralph couldn't move or talk, but he could hear the nurses.During some lulls in his stupor, he was able to think quite clearly.He heard a nurse say excitedly: "He seems to have stopped breathing, can you still feel the pulse?"

"No!" replied the other.

He heard the question and answer repeatedly: "Can you feel the pulse now?"


"I'm fine," he thought, "but I must tell them. I will tell them anyway."

He was amused again by the nurses' silly concerns.He kept thinking, "I'm in good health and I'm not going to die anytime soon. But how do I tell them that?"

He remembered the self-motivation adage he had learned: If you believe you can do it, you can do it.He tried unsuccessfully to open his eyes, his eyelids would not obey orders.In fact he felt nothing at all.Even so, he struggled to open his eyes until he heard a nurse say, "I saw one eye move, and he's still alive."

Ralph said afterwards: "I wasn't scared, I still thought it was funny. One of the nurses kept saying, 'Mr. Ralph, are you there?' I had to wink my eyelids to answer the question." Answer and tell them I'm fine and I'm still alive." This went on for a while until, through constant effort, he finally opened one eye and then the other.Blinking constantly, Ralph survived until the doctor returned.He was brought back to life under the doctor's treatment.

good habit gas station
If you always live with "emotional baggage", then when bad luck strikes, you have no choice but to fall down.Ralph was able to keep his own life because he let go of his burden and gave himself positive self-suggestion.

Developing the good habit of bright thinking will make you persist longer than others when encountering difficulties, and it will be easier to overcome difficulties.

Wisdom of the Mage

A 16-year-old vagrant was taken in in the monastery. This vagrant has a very flexible mind and gives people a feeling of being quick-footed and quick-talking.After the disheveled waif was shaved and bathed in the temple, he became a neat little novice monk.

While taking care of his daily life, the mage taught him some basic common sense of being a monk and a human being in a painstaking manner and making the most of the situation.Seeing that he accepts and comprehends the problem relatively quickly, he began to guide him to practice calligraphy, read books, and recite scriptures.It was at this time that the mage discovered the fatal weakness of the little novice—impetuous, flamboyant, and complacent.For example, as soon as he learned a few characters, he filled the yard with a brush to write and paint; another example, once he realized a certain Zen principle, he showed it off to the mage and other monks over and over again; what is even more ridiculous is that when a mage In order to encourage him, he just praised him a few words, and he immediately showed off in front of the monks, and he didn't even pay attention to other people, which was very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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