150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 34 Broadcast love, listen to the warm voice in the world

Chapter 34 Broadcast love, listen to the warm voice in the world (2)
After the awards ceremony, Mother Teresa learned that there would be a grand banquet for all the guests that night, which would cost more than $100 in total.Always self-denying, she couldn't help feeling sad, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and made a sincere request to the Nobel Committee with deep unease: to cancel the traditional awards feast and use the saved money to help the poor.Because this is a great waste, the feast can only be enjoyed by more than 100 guests. If the money is given to charity, it can feed [-] poor people for a day.

The Nobel Committee quickly agreed to this request and donated all 19 US dollars to the Order of Charity she led.Her request did not offend any of the guests, but moved them deeply.At the same time, there was a wave of donations to the Order of Charity across Sweden.Since then, her cause of helping the poor has received more and more support from people all over the world.After winning the award, Mother Teresa kept her promise of "accepting the award for the poor, the sick and the lonely", and donated the $2000 prize money, together with the $[-], to a charity for the prevention and treatment of leprosy. The established foundation did not leave any money for itself.The most awe-inspiring thing is that she also sold the Nobel Peace Prize medal and donated the proceeds to the poor.

good habit gas station
Great love can move the world, and a feast is no longer grand in the face of selfless love.

Selfless love can not only bring warmth and help to the loved one to get them out of trouble, but also infect others to give their love together.Mother Teresa moved the Nobel Committee with her great love and sincerity, and the cancellation of the feast that will be held as usual is the best example.

We don't necessarily have to do a great cause like Mother Teresa, but at least we can form the habit: when we are doing well, think about those who are still in trouble, do our best, and reach out. A helping hand, let this world be more beautiful because of your love.

What erodes life is resentment, what warms life is bosom
Former South African President Nelson Mandela was imprisoned by the white rulers on Robben Island in the Atlantic Ocean for 27 years because he led the black South Africans to resist the apartheid policy of the whites.

Robben Island is located 7 miles northwest of Cape Town.The island is rocky, full of seals and snakes and other animals.Mandela was locked in a "zinc house" in the general concentration camp. He lined up to the quarry every morning, and then he was unshackled and went down to a large limestone field to dig limestone with picks and shovels.The kelp is sometimes fished from the icy waters.Because Mandela was a major criminal, there were three guards dedicated to guarding him.When Mandela was elected president after he was released from prison in 1991, his behavior at the presidential inauguration shocked the world.

The presidential inauguration ceremony began, and Mandela rose to welcome his guests.After introducing dignitaries from all over the world, he said that what made him most happy was that the three former prison officials who guarded him were also present.He invited them to stand so he could introduce them.Mandela's broad mind and magnanimous spirit made those white people in South Africa who brutally abused him for 3 years feel ashamed, and also made all the people present stand in awe.Watching the aged Mandela stand up slowly and respectfully pay tribute to the three guards who had imprisoned him, all the guests present and even the whole world fell silent.

Mandela later explained to friends that he was short-tempered and short-tempered when he was young, and it was in prison that he learned to control his emotions to survive.His prison years gave him the time and inspiration to learn how to deal with the pain of his own suffering.Gratitude and tolerance, he said, are often born of pain and suffering and must be trained with great perseverance.Mandela talked about his feelings when he was released from prison: "When I walked out of the cell and stepped through the prison gate leading to freedom, I knew that if I couldn't leave my grief and resentment behind, then I was still in prison. middle."

This extraordinary tolerance moved the three guards and even the whole world.

good habit gas station
Life is like a fertile field, it grows hope and success as well as hatred.But remember, it is best not to sow this kind of hatred in your life.Life experience tells us that regardless of our understanding, holding a grudge is never worth it.Indignities that linger inside us, wounds that never heal, can destroy many lovely things in our lives.

We are locked in our own abyss of distress, unable to even enjoy the happiness of others.Resentment is like a toxin that poisons our blood and cells, affecting and eroding our lives.

Therefore, we should learn to be tolerant, and let tolerance relieve those hatreds, so that we can live comfortably.

Be grateful for life and achieve a happy life

The boy Green's parents are divorced.Changes in his family made him depressed. Not only did his academic performance decline, but he also lost his temper with his classmates at every turn.Perhaps in order to balance his inner chaos, he walked around the playground alone after dinner every day, lap after lap.

Everyone knows his pain, but no one can comfort him.At this time, Jack, an inconspicuous classmate in the class, appeared beside him.Therefore, two figures walking side by side can often be seen on the school playground.In this way, after another period of time, Green completely walked out of the shadow of his parents' divorce and integrated into the warm family again.I met Jack at a class reunion not long ago. When the classmates mentioned the past, Jack smiled and said to everyone: "Actually, there is nothing mysterious. You don't know that my parents divorced when I was in middle school." Yes. During those painful days, I studied hard and was admitted to university. Looking back on that period of life, I found that I was mature, independent and strong. I just told him about my experience That's all."

Such an answer surprised everyone, because for four years, no one in the class knew Jack's life experience, and he still lived so happily and open-minded all the time.

When everyone asked him why he did this, Jack said: "Do we need to be grateful for life? In life, many people will ask this question consciously or unconsciously, especially when we face all kinds of unsatisfactory things in life. time. I think we are all grateful for life when good luck strikes us; however, most of us complain about life when it doesn’t go our way. However, life is often not made better by our complaints , Sometimes, it will become worse because of our complaints. After experiencing unsatisfactory experiences, I have learned to be grateful for life. Because it was that family change that made me who I am today.”

good habit gas station
This story tells people that people who have a grateful heart for life can survive no matter how big a disaster they encounter.For those who are grateful, misfortunes can turn into blessings; and those who often complain about life, even if they encounter blessings, blessings will turn into disasters.A person who lives with a grateful heart must be a happy person.

In life, we should learn to be grateful, grateful to our parents for giving us life, grateful to the country for giving us peace, grateful to passers-by for giving us help, grateful... There are many facts in life that we need to be grateful for.Only with a grateful heart in life can we appreciate the happiness of life.

two narrow believers

Once upon a time, there were two very pious and good believers who decided to go on a pilgrimage to a distant holy mountain together.The two put their bags on their backs and set off on the road, vowing never to return home until they reached the holy mountain.

The two believers walked and walked for more than two weeks. After walking for more than two weeks, they met an elderly saint with white hair. The saint was very moved when he saw that these two devout believers were going to make a pilgrimage to the holy mountain. They: "There are still ten days' journey from here to the holy mountain, but unfortunately, I will part with you at this crossroads. And before we part, I want to give you a gift! What gift? It is One of you makes a wish first, and his wish will definitely come true immediately; and the second person, you can get twice that wish!"

At this time, one of the believers thought to himself: "This is great, I already know what I want to make a wish, but I don't want to say it first, because if I make a wish first, I will suffer, and he can have double income." Gifts! No way!" Another believer thought to himself, "How can I tell my friends first and get double the gifts?"

So, the two believers became polite, "Speak first!" "You are older, so make a wish first!"

"No, you should make a wish first!" The two believers pushed each other back and forth, and after a "polite" refusal, they gradually became impatient, and the atmosphere changed: "What are you doing! You talk first! "Why should I talk about it first? I don't want it!"

The two pushed to the end, and one of them got angry and said loudly: "Hey, you are really an ignorant person, if you don't make a wish again, I will break your dog legs and strangle you to death!"

When the other person heard this, he didn't expect his friend to change his face and come to threaten him!So I thought, if you are so ruthless and careless, I don't have to be too affectionate and righteous to you!You can't get what I can't get!Therefore, this believer simply broke his heart and said cruelly: "Okay, I will make a wish first! I hope that one of my eyes will be blind!"

Soon, the believer lost one eye, and his good friend who was walking with him also lost both eyes immediately!
good habit gas station
With love, there will be success and wealth.Many times, people who only think about themselves cannot get what they want.On the contrary, if you can think more about others and share with them what you have, the result will be very different.

Make it a habit to love others, and you will be rewarded in unexpected ways.Because love can always bring more pleasure than love itself.

It's obviously a treasure, but it can't be a grass
There was a kind man who went to heaven after death and became an angel.After becoming an angel, he still often goes to the mortal world to help people, hoping to feel the taste of happiness.

One day, the angel met a farmer, who looked very distressed.The farmer said to the angel: "My buffalo just died. How can I plow the field without it?"

So the angel gave him a strong buffalo. The farmer was very happy, and the angel felt the taste of happiness in him.

Another day, the angel met a homeless man, and the homeless man told the angel in frustration: "I have been cheated out of all my money, and I have nothing to go back to my hometown."

So the angel gave him silver as travel expenses, and the wanderer was very happy, and the angel felt the taste of happiness in him.

Another day, the angel met a writer who was young, handsome, talented and rich, and his wife was beautiful and gentle, but he was not happy.

The angel asked him, "Aren't you happy? Can I help you?"

The writer said to the angel: "I have everything, I only owe one thing, can you give it to me?"

The angel replied, "Yes. I can give you anything you want."

The writer looked straight at the angel: "What I want is happiness."

This stumped the angel. The angel thought for a while and said, "I understand."

The angel took everything the writer had, took his talent, ruined his face, took his property and his wife's life.After the angel finished these things, he left.

A month later, the angel returned to the writer's side.

The writer was half starved to death, lying on the ground struggling in ragged clothes.

So the angel gave him back everything he had.Then, he left again.

Half a month later, the angel went to visit the writer again.

This time, the writer put his arms around his wife and kept thanking the angel.

Because he got happiness.

good habit gas station
People are very strange, they don't know how to cherish until they lose it.It is obviously a treasure, but it is treated as a grass.In fact, happiness is right in front of you.When you are hungry, it is happiness to have a bowl of hot ramen in front of you; when you are half-tired, it is happiness to lie on a soft bed; It is happiness; there is no absolute definition of happiness, and ordinary small things can often shake your heart. Whether you are happy or not depends only on how you look at it.

Knowing how to cherish is a kind of gratitude to life!If you don't want to leave many gaps in life, the only way is to cherish what you once had and pursue what you don't have.Don't always envy other people's lives, you have to cherish and grasp everything in your own life, because only you are your real master.

Post-Chapter Test: How Tolerant Are You?

1. Do you feel angry when you think about how your friends hurt you long ago?

A. Often B. Sometimes C. Rarely
2. Do you like to belittle and ridicule people who disagree with you?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Rarely
3. Do you care a lot about whether others are for you or against you?

A. Not B. Sometimes C. Very concerned

4. When you go to bed at night, can you always recall the scene of disputes with other people during the day?

A. Often B. Sometimes C. Rarely
5. Do your friends or classmates often accuse you of being too sensitive?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Rarely
6. Do you always wish to take revenge on those who have hurt you?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Rarely
7. Can you always forgive someone who treats you very badly?
A. Never B. Sometimes C. Often
8. Do you often feel that your efforts are not rewarded?
A. Often B. Sometimes C. Rarely
If you answered A, you get 3 points; if you answered B, you got 2 points; and if you answered C, you got 1 point.

Test Results
If your score is between 8 and 12, you are a generous person who rarely bothers you when you get hurt.It is precisely because of your magnanimous personality that you have many friends, and many people hope to get along with you.

If your score is between 13 and 17 points, it means that you are very average, neither a magnanimous person nor a grudger. When you find yourself having bad emotions, you can usually overcome them before they happen. It enables you to maintain a good attitude.

If your score is between 18 and 24 points, it means that you are probably a person who is easy to hold grudges, so you are often in trouble.Know that your attitude toward other people is the source of your troubles. To regain happiness, you must first learn to forgive others, otherwise, your physical and mental health will be damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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