150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 35 Use more thought to make the details wonderful

Chapter 35 Use more thought to make the details wonderful (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
Do things so-so, forget things;

Carelessly, don't take anything to heart;

Observing things is not careful, making small mistakes constantly;

Talking without brain, don't know how to consider other people's feelings;
Promised things, often forget to do...

details make a difference!Sometimes subtleties can turn things around, and some small details and faults that are easily overlooked may lead to catastrophe and affect the overall situation.Therefore, young people must develop the habit of paying attention to details, and not take every detail lightly, so that they can improve faster and better.

failed interview

Every year in golden autumn, October is the peak period for job-hopping, and the top 10 foreign-funded companies take the opportunity to lock their eyes on the elites from all walks of life.However, not every elite can get his wish.Mr. Zhang, who has successively launched several "shocks" against the top 500 foreign-funded companies, sighed: "From June to the eve of the National Day, I have participated in interviews with 500 companies, of which only the top 6 companies include TNT, Toshiba, Samsung, UPS, Mary Kay, etc., but none of them passed the test. Oh! Why do I keep losing big companies?"

A few years ago, Mr. Zhang graduated from Xi'an Jiaotong University, majoring in transportation, and found a job in a large state-owned group in Northeast China. Two years later, he came to Shanghai.Soon he joined a joint venture logistics company and worked as a warehouse dispatcher in the warehouse department.

The contract expired in May 2004, and Mr. Zhang, who had been promoted to warehouse supervisor, left the company.Full of ambition, he set his sights on the top 5 foreign-funded companies.The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is ruthless. After hitting the wall repeatedly, his self-confidence began to shake...

The big company that Mr. Zhang interviewed for the first time was a subsidiary of TNT in the Netherlands, one of the world's top 500 express companies and one of the world's four largest express delivery companies - an auto logistics company specializing in auto parts.

At 2004:5 pm on a certain day in early May 1, he went for an interview.He first filled out the application form in Chinese. When filling in the specific positions, he hesitated a bit, so he wrote two positions in the blanks: transportation supervisor and storage supervisor.

The interviewers were two Chinese - a human resources manager and a logistics manager.After introducing himself, the manager of the logistics department first asked: "Why did you fill in two positions, and which position did you apply for?" Mr. Zhang said: "I majored in transportation and worked in transportation management in the Northeast; After Shanghai, I worked in warehouse management for another year, and I can do both positions.”

The manager of the logistics department said in a distrustful tone: "We require 5 years of relevant work experience, and you have only worked for 1 year, so you don't have enough experience! You used to make fast moving consumer goods, and we made auto parts. Your professional experience No!" Although he tried his best to defend, the two interviewers remained unmoved.This interview was so miscarriage.

Mr. Zhang felt that although the main reason for the failure of the interview was the lack of professional experience, the fault of filling in the details of the two job openings was also to blame.

In late August 2004, Mr. Zhang accidentally received a phone call from a branch of Toshiba asking him to go to the interview at 8 am the next day. Coincidentally, Samsung also informed him to attend the interview at 10:2 pm. , one day to apply for two Fortune 30 companies, he was really busy and a little dizzy.In addition, he was a little worried, what if they interviewed in Japanese or Korean?He never learned these things.

While waiting for the interview, Mr. Zhang found that all the employees of the company spoke Shanghai dialect. At this time, he felt a little more relaxed, after all, he could understand Shanghai dialect.

But as soon as he walked into the small conference room, Mr. Zhang immediately realized that there was a trace of disappointment in the manager's eyes—he was dressed too casually, only wearing an old casual T-shirt, and the sweat on his head had not been wiped off.

After introducing herself, she asked: "How is your database programming level?" Mr. Zhang was very surprised: "I am doing logistics or warehousing work, and it is enough to know how to operate. Why do you need to know database programming?" So Mr. Zhang answered truthfully: "I don't know much about database programming." During the interview, she asked a lot of unpleasant questions, with distrust everywhere in her words, as if she was interrogating a prisoner.This made Mr. Zhang very angry, so Mr. Zhang offered to end the interview before she finished speaking.

Naturally, the interview failed again.Mr. Zhang reflected: "The reason may be that the first impression was not good. Although I am responsible, I am still angry; you took the initiative to find me, and you were so harsh and asked some embarrassing questions! "

With a bit of anger, he rushed to the Samsung branch in South Korea 10 minutes early in the afternoon.The lady at the front desk led him politely into a conference room.He thought there should be some drama this time.There were three people sitting in the conference room: the HR manager, the operations manager, and a man who could speak Chinese but with an obvious accent, probably a Korean.All three seemed friendly and kind.

He smiled at them and introduced himself in fluent English.His statement quickly won their approval.Then, the Korean asked some questions in Chinese: "How many years have you been in Shanghai?" "How is your work?" He answered them seriously.

It may be because he kept submitting resumes and participating in interviews during this period, and his preparations in advance were a little slack.After receiving the interview notice from Samsung, he couldn't remember which position he applied for.Of course, he couldn't ask the interviewer, so he asked politely: "What are the specific requirements for the position I am applying for?" Unexpectedly, these veterans quickly understood Mr. Zhang's thoughts.The manager of the operation department immediately asked: "Don't you even know the requirements of this position?" Mr. Zhang hurriedly argued: "No, I want to understand clearly so that I can carry out work quickly in the future." He smiled: "That's it, that's it!" Then, he asked questions about customs declaration.Because Mr. Zhang's professional experience is not very suitable, his answer is not ideal.He actually gestured while answering.It may be that the action was a little too big, and they suddenly laughed out loud.Mr. Zhang looked at them in embarrassment, and the interview ended with their laughter and Mr. Zhang's embarrassment.

Depressed, Mr. Zhang returned home listlessly and turned on the computer to check information.I don’t know if I don’t check, but I was shocked when I checked: It turned out that he applied for Samsung’s job as a logistics specialist yesterday!At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.It turned out that the reason for the failure of this interview was that I rushed to the battle, I didn't understand the position I was applying for, and I didn't prepare some professional questions in advance.

good habit gas station
Use more thought than others, spend some thought on subtle things, and you can make the details wonderful.There is a garment factory in Germany that produces many gloves every year and sells them in nearby cities, and the sales volume has been stable.one year,
They learned that a new small factory specializing in the production of gloves had been built not far away. Since the business volume of this small glove factory was not large, it did not pose any blow to them, so they didn't pay much attention.However, a year later, they were surprised to find that the gloves they produced were not so popular in the market, while the gloves produced by that small factory almost occupied more than 80% of the market share...

After researching for a long time, the garment factory learned from consumers that the gloves produced by that small factory, even if they are the same pair, are of different sizes.why is it like this?It turned out that the designers of the small factory paid attention to a small detail: because most people are right-handed, the right hand is usually 1/25 larger than the left hand, so gloves of different sizes feel more suitable to wear.Consumers will naturally be more willing to choose this kind of gloves.The left hand and the right hand should be the same size in most people's consciousness, but the designers of the small factory discovered the subtle difference between the two and made extraordinary achievements.

Teenagers should develop the habit of carefully observing the subtleties of things, so that they can see farther than others when dealing with things.

Behind the success of young people

It was a cloudy afternoon, and the heavy rain poured down instantly, and pedestrians fled to the nearby shops to hide from the rain.At this time, a dripping old woman staggered into the Philadelphia department store.Seeing her embarrassed appearance and simple dresses, all the salespeople ignored her.

At this time, a young man said to her sincerely: "Madam, can I do something for you?" The old woman smiled: "

No need, I'll hide from the rain here for a while, and I'll leave right away. Immediately, the old woman became restless again. Instead of buying other people's things, she borrowed the eaves of other people's eaves to hide from the rain. It was too unreasonable. So she started to wander around the department store, even if she wanted to buy a small hair accessory. Also find an aboveboard reason for hiding from the rain.

Just when her eyes were dazed, the young man came over again and said, "Ma'am, don't make it difficult. I moved a chair for you and put it at the door. You just sit and rest." Two hours later, the rain stopped Fine, the old woman thanked the young man,

And casually asked him for a business card, and walked out tremblingly.

A few months later, James, the general manager of the Philadelphia department store, received a letter requesting that the young man be sent to Scotland to receive an order to decorate an entire castle, and to be in charge of several big houses belonging to his family. The company's procurement tasks for office supplies in the next quarter.James was shocked, and after a hasty calculation, the benefits brought by this letter alone were equivalent to the sum of their company's profits for two years.

When he got in touch with the letter writer as quickly as possible, he realized that the letter was written by an old woman, and she was the mother of American billionaire "Steel King" Carnegie.

James immediately recommended this young man named Phil to the company's board of directors.There is no doubt that by the time Fili packed his bags for Scotland, he had risen to the rank of partner of the department store.That year, Philly was 22 years old.

In the following years, with his consistent steadiness and sincerity, Philip became the right-hand man of the "Steel King" Carnegie. figure.When Philip was 29 years old, he had donated 800 million US dollars of books to nearly [-] libraries in the United States. He hoped to help more young people to succeed with knowledge and love.

good habit gas station
There is an old Chinese proverb called "a dike of a thousand miles collapses in an ant's nest, and a towering tree rises in a tiny hair." It seems to be a very small thing in daily life.This is how it mercilessly affects the development of the whole situation. Maybe it is just one of the countless bricks, but it leads to the collapse of the whole building; maybe it is just a chess piece, but it affects the winning or losing of the whole chess game... What is What is not simple is to do every simple thing well; what is extraordinary is to do every ordinary thing well. Only those who pay attention to details and pay attention to details can build an ideal building and move towards the palace of success.

Subtleties can turn things around, and some small details and faults that are easily overlooked may lead to catastrophe and affect the overall situation.Therefore, we must pay attention to the flexibility of details, and do not take it lightly in every detail.

One coin, two lives
There are two young people, one is Japanese and the other is Russian.They met by chance on the road. When talking about work, both of them were full of hope for the future. After they came to New York, they began to constantly look for opportunities.

One day, when the two were walking together, there was a coin lying on the ground. The Japanese raised his head and passed by without looking at it, but the Russian picked up the coin without hesitation.Seeing the Russians, the Japanese couldn't help showing disdainful expressions, and thought: "I'm so worthless, I want to pick up even a coin. I don't look like a person who is engaged in a big business!"

But the Russians thought: "How can you make a career when you see money slipping away in vain?"

The two walked into a small company at the same time.The work was very tiring and the wages were low. The Japanese left dismissively, but the Russians stayed happily and worked hard.

The Japanese changed one company after another, and he was constantly working hard to find opportunities.

One day two years later, the two met on the street.The Russians have built a career and become their own bosses because of their hard work, while the Japanese still don't have a regular job.

The Japanese asked very puzzled: "You are a person who can even pick up coins. How can you make a career if you are so worthless?"

Russians say: "People like you are doomed not to succeed, because you don't even want a coin, just blindly stare at the big money, and the big money is always tomorrow! How can you catch the big money if you can't catch the small money?" ?”

One coin, two lives.From the attitude towards small money, we can see a person's view of money and even values.People with good conduct often know how to cherish every penny in their hands.

good habit gas station
details make a difference.Those who don't pay attention to details end up being themselves.Teenagers should keep in mind at all times in life and study: there are no small people or things that can be dismissed and fooled at will. If you ignore these details at will, you will definitely not be able to achieve your goals and requirements.

a lesson for princesses
As the saying goes: "The house of the gods in the sky, the house of the emperor on earth." The emperor is the lord of a country, and he can enjoy gold, silver and treasures at will. It should be said that he is the richest man in the world.The emperor's daughter is a princess, so she must be able to dress up like a fairy.However, Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty, was different. He not only lived a frugal life and opposed extravagance, but also strictly educated his children to be frugal in life.Once, his daughter, Princess Wei Guochang, went to see him wearing a gorgeous short jacket embroidered with feathers.Song Taizu was very unhappy when he saw it.He ordered his daughter to take it off immediately after returning home, and never wear such expensive clothes again.

Princess Wei Guochang didn't understand very much, she pouted and said, "There are a lot of emerald feathers in the palace. I'm a princess, and I only used a little for a short jacket. What's the big deal?"

Song Taizu said sternly: "Because you are a princess, you can't enjoy it. Think about it, as a princess, if you wear such gorgeous clothes and show off everywhere, others will follow suit. Cuiyu is precious, so the whole country will waste it." How much money! According to your current status, life is already superior enough, you don’t want to be in the midst of blessings and not know your blessings, you have to cherish them very much, how can you take the lead in extravagance and waste?”

The princess had no choice but to take off the beautiful emerald green feather jacket, but she still couldn't figure it out.She thought, since you are the emperor and my father, you are so strict with me, how about your requirements for yourself?So, she asked Song Taizu tentatively: "Father, you have been emperor for a long time, and the old sedan chair you always sit in and out should be decorated with gold!"

Song Taizu said to his daughter calmly: "I am the lord of a country, and I am in control of the country's political power and economy. I can also decorate the entire palace, not to mention just a sedan chair! The ancients said well, 'Let one person rule the world. , can’t let the people in the world enshrine only one person.’ I shouldn’t do this. If I take the lead in extravagance, more people will follow my example. At that time, the people in the world will hate me and oppose me. You say I Can you take this head?"

(End of this chapter)

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