150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 37 Let yourself rest and recharge regularly

Chapter 37 Let yourself rest and recharge regularly (1)
Inventory of Bad Habits
Don't like studying, never read extracurricular books;
Satisfied with my current situation, I think it is enough for me to learn what the teacher taught me in class;
Dead reading, not good at combining with practice;
Don't know how to rest, combine work and rest...

The development of modern society is changing with each passing day. Only by recharging yourself regularly and constantly learning new survival skills can you be invincible in the competition for survival.Therefore, it is recommended that young people develop a good habit of reading, recharge themselves frequently, and pay attention to the balance between work and rest, so that they can survive better in the future.

The difference between "10" and "9"
10 years later, the university classmates reunite.

The students who listened to the lectures in each class back then are very different now: some have become division chiefs or bureau chiefs, some have become doctors, professors, writers, or company bosses, and some have been laid off and transferred to private small bosses. Part-time jobs, and some lose money and owe debts.Some people are not convinced, lamenting that the world is too unfair.So, a few people went to ask the teacher of the year.

The teacher just smiled, and then asked a question: What is 10 minus 9?
Seeing the stunned students, the teacher asked, can you play bowling?The rule of bowling is that there are 10 balls in each game, and each ball scores from 0 to 10.The difference between 10 points and 9 points is not just 1 point.Because if you hit the full score, you need to add the score of the next ball. If the next ball is also 10 points, the addition becomes 20 points. What is the difference between 20 and 9?If every ball is played with full marks, a round is 300 points.Of course, 300 is too difficult, but it is common for masters to play 270 and 280.If you miss every ball, you will get 9 points, and you can only score 90 points at most in one round.What is the difference between 270, 280 and 90?

The teacher continued to play: When you graduated, the gap was 10 points and 9 points.However, after this, some people continue to work very hard without letting go. After 10 years, what achievements will he have to achieve!If you still do ninety-eighths, or even four-fifths, how far will you have to fall in 10 years?

Several students suddenly realized that they were ashamed.

good habit gas station
Many things in the world seem to have little difference, but after years of changes, it is enough to distance many people.At all times, we have to keep running to maintain the lead, because if we stand still, others will be overtaken.

Solve questions while studying
Everyone knows the great Franklin, but no one would think that he didn't like studying when he was a child.Sometimes he picks up the book and wants to read it, but as soon as a friend outside asks him to play or something happens on the street, he will throw the book away and run out to read it quickly.

Although his family's economic conditions are not very good, the parents still bought a lot of interesting books for their children and put them in a conspicuous place.

One day, little Franklin ran in and said to his mother, "Mom, can you tell me what happened to the Egyptian pyramids? One of my friends is testing me."

His mother explained to him: "This Egyptian pyramid is actually the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh, but its appearance is very strange..."

His mother told him all kinds of knowledge about the pyramid carefully.

Little Franklin was fascinated by this, and thought to himself: "Wow, there are such interesting things in the world! Why didn't I know that before?"

He said to his mother: "Mom, you are so amazing, how do you know everything? I hope to become as smart as you in the future, with so much profound knowledge."

"Son, mom doesn't know everything. Mom also reads all these things from books. In fact, the knowledge in books is very rich, and many of them are very interesting. As long as you read and discover, you can become a kind and happy person." Mother knows as much, even more than mother.”

"Really? Mom." Little Franklin was even more puzzled.

"Of course, my mother has never been to Egypt, so she didn't know about it at all. Books gave me knowledge, son, just now you said that you want to be like me, so you have to read a lot from now on. Take the essence of it, make it your own, and you will be better than your mother." His mother continued to guide him.

"Okay, Mom, I got it. I must study hard in the future and learn all this knowledge into my mind." Little Franklin replied happily.

From then on, little Franklin became interested in books, and he often used them to read them, learning the contents with relish.

His mother was relieved to see this, but little Franklin was still a little lacking in self-control and was sometimes distracted by other things.

So his mother often said to him when he was reading: "Son, you are reading now and don't worry about other things. You can play with your friends after you finish reading, okay?"

"Okay, Mom. I like to read." Little Franklin responded loudly.

Then the mother will put his toys in another room, and at the same time close the windows of the room, trying not to let other things affect the child's study.

In this way, little by little Franklin was able to control himself well.He will no longer be affected by the outside world, so he has the later glory.

good habit gas station
People's life is inseparable from learning, and it is becoming more and more important to cultivate good study habits.Because only those who are good at learning can keep moving forward.

Now, we have entered the era of knowledge economy marked by informatization.The informatization of production makes labor also have a distinct
intelligent features. "The knowledge economy is an economy based on learning, and the society that adapts to it is a learning society." Facing the era of information explosion and the rapid development of science and technology, young friends can use their ever-changing labor only by persistently learning. tools; and only by constantly learning new survival skills can we remain invincible in the competition for survival.

Lobster and Hermit Crab
The lobster and the hermit crab are both residents of the sea. One day, they met in the sea. It was the time when the lobster was moulting. The hermit crab saw the lobster take off its hard shell, revealing its tender meat.The hermit crab was very surprised, and couldn't even understand: "Lobster, why did you take off the shell? This is a life-saving tool! Aren't you afraid that the big fish will eat you in one bite? And, and, even if there are no big fish , your tender body, if a torrent rushes you to the rocks, you may even turn into shrimp paste!"

The lobster laughed and replied: "You! It's really unfounded. Let me tell you, the growth law of our lobster is a bit similar to that of snakes. They need to shed their skins, and we need to change their shells. Every time we grow up, we must take off the old shells. We can grow a new shell, a stronger shell, and we will have more capital in the face of danger in the future! To survive in this ocean, it will be difficult to survive without improving our skills!"

What the lobster said made the hermit crab think carefully about how different he is from the lobster!All I wanted was to find a place where I could settle down, but never thought about how to make myself grow stronger. If one day I couldn't find a shell to live in, I'm afraid that what awaited me would only be death.The current self is living under the protection of others. Although this kind of life is comfortable, it will not last long.If you don't develop yourself, you will sooner or later become someone else's food in this ocean, and you can't live like this anymore. You should think about how to improve your own strength in the future, and be like a lobster!
good habit gas station
Many people think this way: the things they have learned will not disappear, as long as they keep them, they will not worry about not being able to eat.But in a progressive society, if you don't study for three days, you will be left behind and devalued.There is an old saying that "humility makes people progress". Modesty is a kind of politeness, a kind of etiquette mentality, and humility is an empty cup mentality, which is to return to zero to learn.

enjoy reading

Marquez, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature for "One Hundred Years of Solitude", lived with his maternal grandmother and grandfather when he was a child. The two old people are very good at telling stories. They often tell Marquez beautiful myths and simple folk tales , the history, geographical customs, and dialects of the local Indians flowed into Marquez's young mind through their vivid descriptions.So he started reading at the age of 7, and he has read "The Arabian Nights" and other famous works, all of which enriched his literary accomplishment and accumulation, and expanded his imagination.

Fortunately, when he was 12 years old, he got a scholarship to study in Hippakira, the capital of Hippakila.In Marquez's memory, the feeling of this city (when he first arrived) was not so wonderful.Márquez remembers that he was on the train at 06:30 in the afternoon. The train stopped in this "stiff and gray" city, and what Márquez saw was thousands of cloaked people coming and going.Can't hear the sound of nature, can't see the beautiful scenery of hometown, only trams passing by, walking on the street are young beautiful, well-dressed guys in black dresses, holding umbrellas in their hands, head He wears a bowler hat and has a moustache.These were unfamiliar to Márquez, and without the familiarity of home, he felt thrown on an island.The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became, and he couldn't help crying for several hours until the school supervisor came to pick him up.

Seeing Marquez crying so hard, the supervisor patted him on the shoulder and said, "Young man, don't cry, coming here shows your progress, from now on you should study hard, not every day Everyone has such an opportunity, wipe away your tears quickly, a new life is about to begin, don’t walk into a new life with tears.” In the kind words of the school supervisor, Marquez Jr. gradually calmed down, followed the school supervisor into the own dormitory.

At school, Marquez didn't go out to play whenever he had time like other children, he always arranged his time full.Reading in the dormitory, in the classroom, and in the library, Marquez, who likes literature, has almost read all the literary masterpieces he can find.A lot of reading has enriched Marquez's inner world and expanded his knowledge. At the same time, Marquez learned the method of getting rid of sadness in the book.

Later, Marquez said to others: "Without these readings, without the poetic influence of 'Stone and Sky', I dare not say that I would become a writer."

good habit gas station
Books can lead us into a magical and wonderful world, making our lives more colorful and fun, and at the same time, they can also enable us to gain life experience from books.Because life is short, it is impossible to experience everything in person. The indirect experience in the book will effectively supplement one's lack of experience and add to the feeling of life.

If we want to read more, we must first cultivate the habit of liking reading.Second, read with questions.In the process of reading, we should first take time to look at the books we want to read, ask some questions and write them on paper, read them carefully, and then answer the questions, so as to avoid swallowing jujubes, so that we can slowly benefit from the books.

The overwhelmed Nian Gengyao

(End of this chapter)

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