150 Wisdom Stories to Build Good Habits

Chapter 38 Let yourself rest and recharge regularly

Chapter 38 Let yourself rest and recharge regularly (2)
Nian Gengyao was a famous general in the Qing Dynasty.When he was a teenager, he was arrogant and arrogant, he didn't like reading, and he beat the teacher every time.The family hired three teachers for him, but he drove them away.As a result, no one dared to teach at his home.

Nian Gengyao's father was very worried and had to post a list to recruit.A few months passed in a flash, and still no one came to apply for the job.When his father was worrying about this, an old man over sixty years old came to apply for the job.Nian Gengyao's father said: "Thank you sir for your kindness, it's just that my unworthy son's bad habits are hard to change!" The old gentleman replied nonchalantly: "I've heard about it a long time ago. It doesn't matter, let me try it!" Nian Gengyao Gengyao's father was overjoyed to see the old man's resolute attitude, and immediately let him stay at the mansion, and told his son to listen to the teacher's words carefully and not to make trouble for no reason.

The new teacher took office just like that.After two or three days, Nian Gengyao started playing truant, the old man pretended not to know and ignored him.After three months like this, one day, the old gentleman closed the door to play the huqin. Suddenly, Nian Gengyao pushed the door open and said, "Sir, I would like to learn this." After learning for a while, he refused to learn again.One day, the teacher played Hu Jia, Nian Gengyao was the same as last time,
After studying for a while, I quickly lost interest.

After many days, the old man practiced boxing sticks in the yard.At this time, Nian Gengyao became interested, and he seemed reluctant to leave.The old gentleman said: "I heard that you are strong and good at fighting. How about finding some people to compare with?" Nian Gengyao agreed, and then called 16 strong servants to compete with him.As a result, he swung his stick and made wind, knocking down all the servants.The teacher smiled and said, "Do you dare to compete with me?" Nian Gengyao hesitated for a while, and then he really fought the teacher.Unexpectedly, in less than a round, the teacher disappeared.It turned out that the teacher had arrived behind Nian Gengyao at some point, he turned around, knelt down to the teacher with a "plop", and repeatedly begged the teacher to teach him the boxing stick.The teacher took out a book and handed it to him, saying: "You should read this book carefully first!" Nian Gengyao asked in bewilderment: "I learned fighting, so what's the use of reading?" The old man replied Said: "Learning to fight is just to defeat one or two people, but reading this book can defeat tens of thousands of people!"

Nian Gengyao pondered for a moment and felt reasonable.From then on, he gradually developed the habit of reading.

good habit gas station
Nian Gengyao in the story was young and ignorant, thinking that he knew a lot of skills, he was inevitably a little proud and disrespected his teacher.But when he saw the skills of the new teacher, he finally felt guilty secretly, and while admiring him, he also realized his own shortcomings.From then on, I got rid of my relationship with arrogance, and learned with an open mind, and because of this, I embarked on the road to success.

Therefore, young friends, when you have achieved some achievements in studies or other aspects, you must not be complacent and complacent, and be complacent.Because, there is a sky beyond the sky, others may know more than you.You should make persistent efforts, keep working hard, and learn from others humbly.

If you don't study for three days, the times may "abandon" you

July is always the moment of parting.On the last day of graduation exams for a prestigious university, the graduates are looking forward to the future with great ambition, their faces are full of confidence, this is the last test before they attend the graduation ceremony and work.

Some are talking about the jobs they have now, others about the jobs they will get.With the confidence gained after 4 years of university study, they feel ready and capable of conquering the world.

They all thought that this was just a very simple quiz and it would be over soon, because the professor had said that they could bring any books or notes they wanted with only one requirement, that they could not whisper during the quiz.

They rushed into the classroom with confidence.The professor distributed the test papers.Confident smiles came to the students' faces when they noticed that there were only five comment-type questions.

Three hours passed, and the professor began to collect the test papers.The students looked less confident, with a look of fear on their faces.There was silence in the classroom, and the professor held the test paper in his hand, facing all the graduates who took the test.

He looked down at the anxious faces in front of him, and then asked, "How many people have completed the five questions?"

Not a single hand was raised.

"How many of the 4 questions have been completed?"

Still no hands raised.

"3 questions? 2 questions?"

Many students buried their heads deeply, and they answered the professor's questions in silence.

"What about 1 question? Of course someone will complete 1 question."

But the entire classroom was still silent. In this silent atmosphere, there was a deep sense of depression and frustration.The professor put down the test paper, "This is exactly the result I expected to get." He said.

"I just want to impress you that even though you have completed 4 years of engineering studies, there is still a lot about the subject that you don't know. The questions you can't answer are very different from everyday life practice.” Then he added with a smile: “You will all pass this course, but remember—even if you are now college graduates, your education is still just beginning.”

good habit gas station
It is difficult to fill a glass that is already full of water, and so is the human heart.

People are born to stand on the same starting line, but why do they reach different heights?Some are successful, others are nothing?The main reason is that the former always "leave some empty glasses" and accept it humbly, while the latter is self-satisfied and self-righteous, and finally complacent and eliminated himself.

Traveling in life is the process of absorbing various nutrients and nourishing life.If we take too much complacency on the road, just like the glass full of water, no more water can enter, this will be the greatest tragedy in life.In the journey of life, everyone must keep in mind that no matter when, they must leave some "empty glasses" for themselves and ask for advice with an open mind.There is no end to learning, and only when the heart is free can we hold things.

Exploring Survival Skills in Learning

The children of the poor have long been in charge of the family. When Xiao Wang Mian was seven or eight years old, he was already able to help the family.His parents arranged for him to take the cows out to graze every day.

One day, little Wang Mian went out to herd cattle as usual.But when the sun went down, the food my mother made was cold, and Wang Mian didn't come home.After a while, the cow came back from the outside alone, walked around the yard by himself, and then slowly got into the cow pen, but Wang Mian, who herded the cow, did not come back together.

His parents were very worried and wanted to go out to look for it. At this moment, Wang Mian ran back from the outside panting. He first went to the cattle pen to have a look and found that the cattle had returned, so he breathed a sigh of relief.His father called him to him and asked him why he came back late. Wang Mian lowered his head and explained guiltily, "I forgot the time while listening to the book."

It turned out that when Wang Mian passed by the school in the village when herding cattle, he heard the sound of reading books coming from inside, and he was immediately attracted and envious. I sneaked into the school, listened to the students reading, listened to a sentence, and memorized a sentence. I was so fascinated that before I knew it, the sun had already set.

When he ran to the grassland to look for the cow, he found that the cow had broken the rope and gone somewhere.Fortunately, the road was familiar, and the cow returned to the pen by itself.Although Niu returned home safely, Wang Mian was inevitably beaten.

His father beat him hard and taught him not to listen to books while herding cattle.However, this stick did not destroy his thirst for knowledge.Two days later, the same thing happened again.When the father was about to beat him with a stick again, the mother persuaded him: "The child is so infatuated, and beating is of no use. Just don't let him let the cow go." Since then, the father never let him herd the cow. up.

At that time, it happened that the Buddhist temple on the mountain next to the village had to hire people to do rough work, so Wang Mian went to live in the temple.He does some chores during the day and eats two meals in exchange for two meals. At night, he sleeps in the Buddhist hall. With the help of the faint light of the ever-burning lamp on the table, he concentrates on reading a book, and does not go to bed until midnight every night.

Because of Wang Mian's studiousness, a local scholar named Han Xing accepted him as an apprentice and studied with him.

With such good conditions, Wang Mian cherished them all the more and studied hard every day.In order to allow himself to master more skills, he became obsessed with writing poems and paintings while working and studying. After diligent study and practice, he finally made outstanding achievements in poetry and painting.

good habit gas station
Such a harsh environment did not stop Wang Mian's eagerness to learn. Learning gave him the wings of dreams and changed the living environment ever since.Facing the era of information explosion and the rapid development of science and technology, young people can remain invincible in social competition only by mastering survival skills through persistent learning.

Post-Chapter Test: Do You Have a Good Study Method?

There are 28 questions in this test. Please answer "Yes" to the questions that you think are suitable for your situation, otherwise, answer "No".Please read each question carefully and answer truthfully.

The test begins

1. Do you prepare for school in advance every day?
2. Are you often late?

3. Is the daily study time fixed?
4. Do you often feel sleep deprivation?

5. Can you study at the specified place and time?
6. Do you have irregular wake-up and bedtimes?
7. Do you have a practical study plan?
8. Does play time often occupy study time?

9. Can I quickly enter the learning state while sitting at the desk?
10. When you are studying, your classmates invite you to play, do you readily agree?
11. In addition to using formulas and theorems, do you also deeply explore how they are derived?
12. Have you never doubted or criticized the views and content in the book?
13. Do you often go to the library and reading room?

14. Is learning in addition to books or books?
15. Do you have the habit of consulting dictionaries and reference books when you encounter something unclear?
16. Do you study while watching TV or listening to the radio?
17. Do you take good care of textbooks and reference books?

18. Is there a bad habit of studying while holding a snack or drink?

19. Can you concentrate in class or self-study, and rarely go off?
20. Are you unwilling to learn weak subjects and subjects you are not interested in?
21. Can you learn and help each other with your classmates?
22. Are you unwilling to study at home, but often go to your classmates' home to study?
23. Can you use every bit of time to learn?

24. Do you always worry about a poor test result?

25. Did you answer the questions carefully and neatly during the exam?

26. Do you ignore the test paper after listening to the teacher's comments after the test?
27. After being praised by the teacher, do you like school life more and become more interested in the teacher's class?

28. Once criticized, do you feel brooding and frowning?
scoring method
If you choose "Yes" for odd-numbered questions, you will get 1 point, if you choose "No", you will get 0 points; if you choose "Yes" for even-numbered questions, you will get 0 points, and if you choose "No", you will get 1 point.Add the scores for each item to get the total score.

Test Results
If the total score is above 50, it means that your learning method is excellent; if the score is 40-49, the learning method is good;

(End of this chapter)

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