Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 107 The Pink Thing

Chapter 107 The Pink Thing

The girl was lying sprawled on the sofa, her two slender and straight legs were standing upside down on the wall, her long, smooth hair was messily scattered on the sofa, as casual as she wanted.

There is no image of a girl at all.

That's fine.

When Ling Xiyu took a closer look, he found that this guy was actually asleep?
actually fell asleep?
Her eyes were tightly closed, her delicate eyebrows were wrinkled, and her eyelashes were trembling slightly, as if she was not sleeping peacefully.

However, it is really a miracle that such a strange posture can still fall asleep.

Lingxiyu's world view was refreshed by Lan Qiduo again.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

But this guy, doesn't he know that he can't catch a cold during this time?How dare you just hang it on the wall and sleep?
He was quite calculating at school, why did he become an idiot when he got home?

Ling Xiyu leaned over helplessly, and was about to hug her horizontally.

As a result, he unexpectedly bumped into a pink thing in his sight.

After reacting, he was almost so angry with her that he vomited blood.

I didn't pay attention when I entered the door, thinking that she was wearing a short-sleeved top and shorts, but in fact...

This guy was actually only wearing a short skirt!
The so-called shorts he saw were not the shorts she wore outside in summer at all, but the leggings that were exposed after her short skirt was lifted up!
And the touch of pink he just saw was actually...

A few seconds later, Ling Xiyu's indifferent face showed signs of cracking.

He abruptly moved his eyes away from her, and his handsome face was unknowingly stained with obvious blush.

This guy is already in junior high school, why is he so informal?
Don't you have any sense of defense between men and women?
It's too cold to kill her.

After a long while, Ling Xiyu, who stared at the scenery outside the window for a long time, saw that the sleeping person hadn't woken up yet, so she couldn't help lowering her head and taking a look.

Seeing that her eyes were still tightly closed, she didn't dare to look casually, so she immediately looked away.

A trace of helplessness flashed across his eyes, he turned around and walked towards the bed, picked up a sheet, and walked back to Lan Qiduo.

He kept his gaze tightly locked out of the window, wrapped the quilt around Lan Qiduo's body indiscriminately with his hands, and then dared to turn his head to look at her.

Seeing that she was well wrapped, only her small head was exposed, and the other parts were hidden under the sheets, Ling Xiyu dared to bend down, hugged her and walked towards the bed.

Lan Qiduo fell into a drowsy sleep, feeling as if she was wrapped in a quilt again.

She twisted her body slightly, feeling very uncomfortable, and twisting again, she felt as if she was being strangled, and the familiar breath of mint was still lingering around her body...


Lingxi Island? ! !
Lan Qiduo suddenly opened her eyes.

What came into view was indeed Ling Xiyu's extremely handsome face.

Frightened by such a shock, Lan Qiduo woke up completely.

She moved her body, only to find that she was hugged by Ling Xiyu and wrapped in a pink quilt, and suddenly she wanted to die.

"You you you..." Lan Qiduo was so startled that she became incoherent.

"What about me?" Ling Xiyu threw her on the bed directly, her movements were done in one go, so gentle.

The bed was soft, and it didn't hurt to fall on it, but Lan Qiduo was treated so rudely by him, so she forgot what she wanted to apologize before, and immediately settled the blame in front of her.

Staring at him angrily: "Who wants you to strangle me like this?"

The corners of Ling Xiyu's lips curled up into an evil curve, and she pinched her chin with two fingers, forcing her to look up at him.

He whispered in her ear: "No, don't you want me to see that pink one again..."

(End of this chapter)

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