Chapter 108
Lan Qiduo kicked it a few times, finally kicked off the quilt, followed her and kicked Ling Xiyu again, and said in a fierce tone, "What is the pink one?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lan Qiduo regretted it.

She is wearing a white dress today, her leggings are also white, and she has no shoes on her feet. The only pink she can think of, except for the sheet that was kicked away by her just now, is only...

Thinking of this, Lan Qiduo's little face instantly flushed red.

She quickly got up and tugged at the short skirt on her body, trying to stretch it longer and longer, as if this could cover up the fact that she had accidentally disappeared just now.

The little head was hanging down all the time, and I didn't even have the courage to look up.

What happened today is nothing but a mess!
Why did she change her skirt just now, why did she stand upside down and think about life, why did she fall asleep while thinking about it?
It's fine if you're asleep, why does Ling Xiyu still come in?

If you don't die, you won't die, ahhh!

Seeing her annoyed reaction, Ling Xiyu chuckled, "Remember?"

"Hmm..." Lan Qiduo continued to lower her head, her voice was like a mosquito.

Not only remembered, but also wanted to die.

Ling Xiyu sat down beside her bed calmly, plucked her soft long hair and played with it in her hand, and said slowly: "Then my bed sheet, quilt..."

Time to do the math.

Lan Qiduo's stiff body froze immediately, as nervous as a primary school student whose teacher found out that he didn't do his homework.

The blushing face was full of guilt, and his eyes were dodged, not daring to look at him.

Xiao Xiao said: "I was wrong..."

As she spoke, she cautiously reached out to hold his hand, as if he would be happy in this way.

The voice was also soft: "Don't be angry, okay..."

Her sweet voice, as well as her intentionally pleasing little gestures, made Ling Xiyu startled, and her gaze softened.

This guy is still kind of stupid.

If he was really angry, he wouldn't sit here and mess around with her.

However, he couldn't let her go so easily.

Otherwise, she would be so presumptuous that she might go to heaven in the future.

It took Ling Xiyu a long time before he said coldly: "Not good."

As he said that, he ruthlessly brushed away the small white hand that was holding him tightly, how indifferent he was.

"Hey..." Lan Qiduo, the weirdo, is online again.

"I was really wrong..."

"I'll never do this again."

While acting coquettishly, Lan Qiduo entangled her again, no matter how much Ling Xiyu tried to shake her, she still couldn't get rid of her.

Ling Xiyu had been tempered by her for a long time, she had no choice but to pull a quilt to cover her body, and looked at her displeasedly:
"If you wear so little, you deserve to die from the cold."

Lan Qiduo heard the sound, her eyes lit up, and she clinged to him even closer, with a crooked smile:
"It's not cold, it's not cold with you."

He shook his hand slightly, "Are you not angry?"

Ling Xiyu snorted coldly, leaned lazily on the bedside table, and ordered nonchalantly: "Don't wear such short skirts in the future."

Lan Qiduo suffocated with a smile, "Why!!"

At the end, she suddenly remembered that she was still apologizing, so she couldn't be so fierce.

This is not right.

To be fierce, Ling Xiyu had to wait for Ling Xiyu to forgive her before continuing to scold her.

So, she switched back to that sweet and greasy voice in an instant:

"Why? The little skirt is obviously very pretty..."

Ling Xiyu glanced at her small face, and said lazily:

(End of this chapter)

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