Chapter 318

Immediately afterwards, he began to curse:


"You want to recognize my parents, but my parents don't want you yet!"

Ling Xiyu noticed that she deliberately walked away because she was angry, trying to keep a distance from herself, so she couldn't help but chuckled.

He strode over with long legs, pulled her messy strands of hair back to help her pin it back, with a smile on his lips, and said in a low voice: "I... consider getting married."

Lan Qiduo: "..."

Come here, where is her knife?

Who the hell doesn't care that he married?
Why are there always people being so stinky and shameless these days?

Such a dog man, she wouldn't even give her away!

Amidst Lan Qiduo's cursing, they had already walked out of the school gate, and many parents were already standing at the gate, it would not be an exaggeration to say that there was a sea of ​​people.

They walked to the place where they usually waited for the driver, and found that their parents had indeed finished their visit.


Lan Qiduo was speechless watching them wearing suits and evening gowns, and felt a flock of crows flying overhead again.

Lin Yu was short-tempered, and was the first to greet her with a smile, "Xiaoduo, did you do well in the exam?"

Lan Qiduo stared at Lin Yu's sparkling crescent-shaped diamond necklace, replied "It's okay", and then didn't know what to say for a while.

If she remembers correctly, Aunt Lin Yu doesn't usually wear this necklace, she only wears it on very formal and solemn occasions, right?

Lin Yu naturally took Lan Qiduo's arm, took her into the red sports car he drove over, and said with a smile, "We'll take you to eat delicious food tonight!"

Lan Qiduo unconsciously turned her head and glanced at Ling Xiyu, then gently broke away from Lin Yu's hand, "Aunt Lin Yu, I'd better take Dad's car."

She didn't want to ride in the same car with Ling Xiyu just after arguing with Ling Xiyu.

How much it affects your mood!
Lin Yu followed her gaze and saw Ling Xiyu, who was drooping her eyes, with a calm expression and a somewhat innocent look, and couldn't help but snorted coldly in her heart.

Brat, pretending here again.

It's probably because Xiaoduo got angry again, and people don't want to talk to him anymore.

He just pretended to be harmless.

Lin Yu took Lan Qiduo's little hand again, gave Ling Xiyu a cold warning look, and then turned to look at Lan Qiduo, her attitude changed immediately, and even her eyes became more gentle.

He said with a smile: "Today we won't bring these stinky men with us, the three of us have a car, and the three of them have a car!"

Lan Mo and Ling Xiyu's father looked at each other silently, with a confused look on their faces.

Why do those who have wives want to be with Ling Xiyu, a single dog?
Lan Moze: What's going on?

Ling Xiyu's father: It seems that my brat is causing trouble again?
Lan Mo was originally dissatisfied with Ling Xiyu because he was suspected of abducting his daughter.

It's all right now, my daughter has finished the exam, and it's hard to celebrate, and he has to separate from his wife and children?

Lin Yu was humming in a happy mood, and happily waved the car key in her hand, and took her best friend and Xiao Duo into her car.

It wasn't until Lin Yu's red sports car sped away that only the dust was visible from the rear of the car, and the remaining three men were still in place.

Two of them stared at Ling Xiyu in a very unhappy mood.

Ling Xiyu was used to being calm, as if she didn't see their dissatisfaction, she calmly opened the rear door of the car, and sat in with her long legs.

(End of this chapter)

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