Chapter 319

Seeing that they were still staring at each other, Ling Xiyu rolled down the car window helplessly, and said calmly: "If you don't leave, you won't even have a chance to catch up."

Ling Xiyu's father glared at him displeasedly, and he had the nerve to say, it's not your fault?
After they drove out of the school section, they found that Lan Qiduo and the others had really left, even the shadow of the car was gone, let alone catch up.

Ling Xiyu's father was driving, and Lan Mo had been staring at the quiet phone with a resentful expression ever since he sent a message to his wife and daughter asking where they were going first.

No news.

No news.

Still no news...

The three of them felt like abandoned men.

Poor, pathetic, and not cute.

Fortunately, they guessed that they would buy a dress for Lan Qiduo first, and Ling Xiyu knew which department store Lan Qiduo liked to go to most.

So when they stumbled across the department store from the first floor to the third floor and were planning to go up to the fourth floor, they finally found the three familiar figures.

They obviously haven't been here for long, and they are still wandering around in the store, occasionally picking up one or two items to look at, frowning, and putting them down again.

When they went in, they were still discussing what style to buy, completely oblivious to their existence.

Ling Xiyu's father glanced at Lan Moze, and Ling Xiyu gave Lan Moze a nonchalant glance.

Lan Moze, who caught their gaze, stared back: What are you doing?
Ling Xiyu's father mouthed something to him: "Your wife has the best temper..."

After all, it's not that he doesn't know that his wife and Xiaoduo belong to the type who start beating people without saying a word when they don't agree with each other.

The point is, his wife has recently become obsessed with making him kneel down on durian.

So no matter what he said, he wouldn't do this gun-headed bird today.

Before, when Lan Mo heard someone praise her wife, he would definitely raise his head with pride, and then triumphantly turn on the wife-showing mode.

But today...

he can not!
Who doesn't know that when a woman is shopping for clothes, if she is disturbed by someone, she will feel bad.

Especially when they were discussing in full swing, interrupting their thoughts was to send them to their deaths.

Lan Mo was timid.

He gouged out Ling Xiyu's eyes directly, and threw the blame at him: You're the one who caused the trouble, you're the one to blame!
Let you make my girl angry!

Let you make your mother angry!
As a result, even my wife and children were abducted by your mother.

Ling Xiyu withdrew her gaze expressionlessly, and her eyes fell on the girl not far away who was smiling happily with crooked eyebrows, she turned around suddenly, and walked to the other side with her long legs.

Lan Moze and Ling Xiyu's father: "..."

Brat, come back quickly!

Originally, the two were hoping to hide behind Ling Xiyu and not be discovered by them, but they didn't expect Ling Xiyu to turn around and leave suddenly.

The moment he turned around, Lan Qiduo happened to look over, saw the two of them, put down the skirt in his hand, and greeted with a smile, "Uncle, Dad, you are here."

Lan Mo and Ling Xiyu's father let out a "hehe" and squeezed out a difficult and unattractive smile, "Go on, go on!"

It is impossible to continue like just now.

When Lin Yu found out that they were coming, she nodded politely to her future in-law, Lan Mo, and immediately extended her hand to her husband, "Here."

Ling Xiyu's father tried his best to maintain a smile on his face, and took out a card from his wallet very sensiblely.

(End of this chapter)

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