Routine Tsundere Bamboo Horse Raiders

Chapter 321 Super super good-looking

Chapter 321 Super super good-looking
The design of the skirt is very simple and easy to wear, so it didn't take long for Lan Qiduo to come out after entering.

The moment the door opened, Ling Xiyu heard the movement, and subconsciously looked up.

With just one glance, he was stunned.

There seems to be a flash of light in the eyes.

The girl in front of her was wearing a pure white dress with slanted shoulders. The material of the skirt was so white that it seemed to be transparent, like angel wings, with a fairy air.

Her long hair was pulled up loosely at some point, and two strands of hair hanging down swayed in a charming arc.

That delicate little face and slightly raised red lips seemed to be blooming with a silent invitation, making people unable to take their eyes off...

Lan Qiduo walked towards Lingxiyu, every step she took, the thin folds at the hem of the long skirt fluctuated gently with the footsteps of the visitor, her slender waist seemed to be unable to withstand a grip, her winking eyes were lightly slanted, very like Those seductive goblins.

"Ling Xiyu, is it okay?" Lan Qiduo walked around in front of him with a smile on her face.

She took a look in the locker room just now and thought it was quite appropriate.

After all, a dog man's eyes are so picky, and what he likes is usually not too bad.

It was only then that Ling Xiyu discovered that the material of her skirt was made of extremely smooth silk, following her movements in circles, her perfect curves were affixed...

His expression darkened.

A pair of phoenix eyes were so dark that no one could see his emotions clearly.

After a while, he who had been silent for a long time, inadvertently met the girl's expectant eyes.

Oddly enough, he gave a faint "hmm".

Lan Qiduo frowned, dissatisfied, he just gave a perfunctory "Yeah", and was about to teach him a lesson, when Lin Yu and Lu Yi might have noticed the movement here, and walked towards them.

The moment they saw Lan Qiduo, a flash of surprise flashed across their eyes.

Lin Yu was the first to be unable to contain her excitement, and walked over first, walked around Lan Qiduo, looked back and forth, and felt that it was too beautiful.

It is even more beautiful than some celebrities walking the red carpet.

Lin Yu lifted Lan Qiduo's long skirt and praised her figure with a "tsk tsk" in her heart.

Tsk tsk, thin where it should be, and where it should be, she really deserves to be her daughter-in-law!
Lin Yu couldn't hold back for a moment, rushed up and touched Lan Qiduo's slender waist.

Then he clicked his tongue in admiration: "Xiaoduo, you are super super super beautiful!"

Lan Qiduo would tell Lin Yu whatever she had to say, and there was no scruples between the two of them.

But being disturbed by Lin Yu's enthusiastic attitude, looking at and touching her, she was still a little embarrassed, and stepped back unconsciously.

Ling Xiyu stared at Lin Yu's hands that were still rubbing against Lan Qiduo's waist from time to time, her phoenix eyes narrowed.

His eyes immediately turned cold.

With a cold snort in my heart, a woman is a woman.

Don't you know it's indecent to hug and hug in public?
After all, Lu Yi is still a mother, and she is more careful than Lin Yu. When she noticed that the skirt was a little tight, she frowned, "Xiaoduo, do you want to change the size?"

As soon as Lu Yi finished speaking, Lin Yu and Ling Xiyu raised their eyes at the same time and looked at Lan Qiduo.

Lan Qiduo wore the skirt on her body, so she naturally knew where it was tight.

She usually wears loose clothes, so no one can see her figure.

But for so many years, she has been controlled by the evil capitalist Ling Xiyu.

In addition, he seems to have some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder about nutritional balance, and he can specify how much she eats every day, so she is indeed not lacking in nutrition.

(End of this chapter)

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