Chapter 322
And it has grown to where it should be...

Seeing that the eyes of the three people were all focused on him, and he didn't know where they were looking, Lan Qiduo's face suddenly turned red, and she stretched out her hand to block the front:
"Don't look at it!"

Knowing that she was shy, Lu Yi hooked her lips, without saying anything, turned around and took her back to the locker room, asking her to wait inside, and she went to help her change the size and count it out.

Seeing this, Lin Yu raised her eyebrows, and looked at Ling Xiyu playfully with her slender eyes, "Are you satisfied with your wife's figure?"

Ling Xiyu saw that she was gossiping, and knew that she was talking about more than just what happened.

He thought of what he had just seen, his Adam's apple rolled, and he didn't speak.

There seemed to be an undercurrent surging in my heart.

The sense of crisis in my heart became stronger.

This guy is no longer a child.

It's obviously an inadvertent move, but it seems to want to hook people's souls away...

Seeing that he was silent, Lin Yu raised the corners of her lips triumphantly:

"If you want me to tell you, we Xiaoduo should have three thousand face heads in the harem, and change one of them every day to be worthy of her beauty!"

When Ling Xiyu heard this, her face darkened.

Three thousand faces?

one per day?
Lan Qiduo thought about it, and mentioned it to him without fear of death.

But if she dared to find one, he dared to tear one up.

When the time comes, we'll see whether she finds it faster or he tears it up faster.

When Lin Yu saw that his eyes were so cold and he looked apprehensive, her mood immediately improved.

Hmph, brat, I made you proud back then.

If you treat him better earlier, won't you be able to catch up with him?

I have already told him "Tsundere momentary pleasure, chasing his wife to the crematorium", but I still haven't listened to her.

Boys don't pay that much attention to their clothes, especially Ling Xiyu, who is so good-looking that a bunch of girls can praise him for any suit and sack.

So while Lan Qiduo was changing clothes, Ling Xiyu picked out a tuxedo casually, and after making some adjustments, she could wear it right away.

When Lan Qiduo changed into her evening dress again and came out, the moment she saw Ling Xiyu's formal tuxedo, her eyes couldn't stop being surprised.

His cool demeanor did not go against this serious-looking tuxedo.

On the contrary, the coldness seemed to give him a bit of the elegance and dignity of a noble prince.

Every gesture is full of temperament.

Lan Qiduo stared straight at the handsome man in front of her.

No matter how much Ling Xiyu usually teases her, now that he is stared at by her undisguised and straightforward eyes, the roots of his ears still feel slightly hot.

Fortunately, in the end, Lan Qiduo was pulled by Lin Yu to put on makeup, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Yu was good at makeup, so she didn't plan to find any makeup artist, so she directly dragged her into the car and opened her well-equipped cosmetic bag.

Lan Qiduo has a good foundation, and Lin Yu quickly put on a simple light makeup for her.

The light makeup gave her a clean and refined temperament.

But upon closer inspection, I felt something was missing.

Lu Yi raised Lan Qiduo's small face and looked at it carefully. She felt that the light makeup was very beautiful, and her pretty face was very beautiful.

But she also seemed to feel unsatisfied, and frowned.

Not long after looking at it, Lu Yi suddenly picked up the eyeliner next to her, asked Lan Qiduo to close her eyes, and then drew an upward arc at the end of her eyebrows, then swipe with black eye shadow to draw a rising curve. Alluring fox eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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